Helmut, John, Robert, list,

Yes, Helmut, there is a metaphysical aspect to Peirce’s 1867 “New List” essay; 
there is even a psychological aspect, even though Peirce insisted that logic 
has nothing to learn from psychology. But for Peirce, even at this early date, 
metaphysics is dependent on logic, not the other way round. Many years later he 
asserted the dependence of logic on ethics, and the dependence of both on 
phenomenology. In 1867 he wasn’t even discriminating between logic and 
phenomenology. And it’s not clear in what sense (if any) metaphysics is “behind 
nature.” But we’ll get to metaphysics soon in the slow read. To the other 
questions in your post I have no ready answers.

John, I fail to see any “debate” between Robert and me about the relations 
between mathematics and the positive sciences (including semiotics). I think 
the Peirce quotes we both shared are pretty clear on that subject. If you think 
the internal divisions of mathematics are relevant to the relations between 
mathematics and phaneroscopy, you can explain that when we get to that question 
later on in the slow read, and we will see how consistent that theory is with 
Peirce’s explicit statements about the involvement of mathematics in 

Robert, I don’t see that your assertion about “the elimination of mathematics 
in the secondary literature on Peirce” is relevant to the subject of 
phaneroscopy, and so far you have avoided saying anything about its status as a 
positive science or its relationship to other positive sciences. So I think 
it’s time we proceeded to the next series of slides in the slow read, which 
provide definitions of the three phaneroscopic categories or “elements of the 
phaneron.” After that we’ll get to the classification of sciences and where 
phaneroscopy fits in that schema.

Gary f.  


From: peirce-l-requ...@list.iupui.edu <peirce-l-requ...@list.iupui.edu> On 
Behalf Of Helmut Raulien
Sent: 6-Jul-21 12:22


Gary F., List


To me it had seemed, that in the "New List of Categories" the poles "Being" and 
"Substance", and the category-steps between them, would sound quite 
metaphysical (about what is behind nature).

Is it a rational progress to at last combine human ratio with nature, or is it 
rather a fallacy to first having supposed a classifying, opposing distinction 
between both? Are humans not animals, or are they animals plus something else? 
Like "animals 2.0."? Is "artificial" the contradiction to "natural", or natural 





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