“From manuscripts R 703–4 it is clear that Peirce worked extensively on the 
third Illustrations article, “The Doctrine of Chances,” that same month.” That 
month was August 1910, according to Cornelis de Waal’s edition of Illustrations 
of the Logic of Science, from which the above quote is taken. (Open Court. 
Kindle Edition).


Gary f.

Coming from the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg


From: peirce-l-requ...@list.iupui.edu <peirce-l-requ...@list.iupui.edu> On 
Behalf Of James Rizzo
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 6:29 PM
To: peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Date of CP 2.661


Dear All,


Would anyone know how to find out when specifically in 1910 (i.e., month) 
Peirce wrote his additional notes on "The Doctrine of Chances"? The editorial 
note at CP 2.661, where these additional notes appear, just gives the year 
1910, as does Justus Buchler.  


Thanks in advance for your help,


James Rizzo

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
https://cspeirce.com  and, just as well, at 
https://www.cspeirce.com .  It'll take a while to repair / update all the links!
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