Thanks for that response, Jon. After tweaking my draft a bit and inserting a 
link to a list of the sources you mentioned, I’ve now put up the whole chapter 
which includes the section on EGs (Turning Signs 13: Meaning Spaces 
( <>  and taken down the 

I found your introduction both concise and readable, but then I’m familiar with 
the material you’ve posted to the list on the subject, so maybe mine is not an 
“innocent eye.” It’s good to see that it will be part of a “Handbook of 
Cognitive Mathematics” (a field I hadn’t heard of before). It gives a more 
complete sketch of EGs than mine does, but then mine is embedded in a book that 
deals more with the positive cognitive sciences (as Peirce would call 
them)(philosophy, semiotic/logic, biology, psychology, linguistics etc.) than 
with mathematics, so it’s adapted to that purpose.

Gary f.


From: <> On 
Behalf Of Jon Alan Schmidt
Sent: 19-May-21 12:24

Gary F., List:

Thanks for the link to your current draft, which I think is an excellent 
overview. My only suggestion, besides the obvious one of finishing and posting 
it, is to add links at the very end to the 1973 book by Roberts 
 that you reference, as well as his 1992 paper that provides a nice summary 
( and perhaps also Zeman's 1964 
dissertation that remains the most comprehensive treatment of Gamma with broken 
cuts for modal logic (

Personally, I have found it challenging to present Peirce's ideas in a way that 
is digestible for the novice, because I have to overcome the "curse of 
knowledge" that results in assuming too much of the reader; i.e., taking more 
for granted than is warranted. With that in mind, what follows is my own 
attempt at a brief introduction to EG, which also happens to touch on the 
previous thread topic. It will appear in a chapter, "Peirce on Abduction and 
Diagrams in Mathematical Reasoning," on which Gary R. and I recently 
collaborated with mathematical historian and Peirce scholar Joseph Dauben for 
the forthcoming Springer book, Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics. As always, I 
would likewise welcome any feedback.


Peirce ultimately considered his most important contribution to logic to be the 
development of a "diagrammatic syntax" for propositions and a set of 
transformation rules for carrying out deductive inferences from them, a system 
that he dubbed "Existential Graphs." He had three objectives in mind for it: 
"to afford a method (1) as simple as possible (that is to say, with as small a 
number of arbitrary conventions as possible), for representing propositions (2) 
as iconically, or diagrammatically and (3) as analytically as possible" (CP 
4.561n, 1908).


A blank sheet stands for the continuum of all true propositions, any of which 
may be explicitly "scribed" on it as a graph-instance consisting of a single 
letter in the "Alpha" version for propositional logic, or of names denoting 
abstract general concepts and heavy lines denoting concrete indefinite 
individuals ("something") in the "Beta" version for first-order predicate 
logic. Each name has one, two, or three "pegs" where a heavy line may be 
attached, signifying the attribution of the concept to that individual. The 
number of pegs associated with the name corresponds to the "valency" of the 
concept as monadic ("redness"), dyadic ("killing"), or triadic ("giving").


Existential graphs for "some apple is red," "Cain killed Abel," and "Bob gives 
a ball to Larry":


There is no limitation on the number of graph-instances that may be scribed on 
the sheet, which signifies the primitive relation of coexistence such that 
juxtaposing multiple graph-instances expresses the conjunction of the 
propositions that they represent. There is also no limitation on the number of 
branches that may be added to a heavy line, which corresponds to the primitive 
relation of identity such that each branch attached to a name attributes 
another concept to the same individual. Coexistence and identity are thus 
continuous relations, and they are also symmetrical: "A and B" is logically 
equivalent to "B and A," while "some S is P" is logically equivalent to "some P 
is S."


A third primitive relation is required, and for Peirce it is the most 
fundamental of all: "The first relation of logic, that of antecedent and 
consequent, is unsymmetrical. Now an unsymmetrical relation cannot result from 
any combination of symmetrical relations alone" (NEM 3:821, 1905). This is what 
he usually called "consequence," now typically referred to as "implication." It 
is represented in Existential Graphs by a "scroll," which is "a curved line 
without contrary flexure and returning into itself after once crossing itself, 
and thus forming an outer and an inner 'close.' … In the outer I scribed the 
Antecedent [A], in the inner the Consequent [C]" (CP 4.564, 1906).


Existential graph for "if A then C":


The continuity of the scroll itself thus reflects the continuity of the 
inference from the antecedent to the consequent, and disjunction is derived 
from it by simply adding more loops with inner closes. Any graph-instance, 
including the blank, is always interchangeable with a scroll that has an empty 
outer close and that same graph-instance in its inner close.

On the other hand, the scroll also serves as a discontinuity or topical 
singularity that interrupts the sheet. With that in mind, Peirce eventually 
realized that shading oddly enclosed areas is the best way to distinguish them 
from unenclosed and evenly enclosed areas, which are unshaded: simpler than 
counting lines, more iconic for conveying that they are different surfaces, and 
more analytical because shaded areas correspond to a universe of possibility 
rather than actuality (CP 4.576-581, 1906). The permissible transformations of 
graph-instances, which correspond to rules of inference, are then summarized as 


1. Erasure - In an unshaded area, any graph-instance or portion of a line may 
be deleted.

2. Insertion - In a shaded area, any graph-instance may be added and any lines 
may be joined.

3. Iteration - Any graph-instance already scribed may be reproduced identically 
in the same area or in a more enclosed area, and any unattached end of a line 
may be extended into a more enclosed area.

4. Deiteration - Any graph-instance that could have resulted from iteration may 
be deleted.


For classical logic, a continuous scroll is logically equivalent to nested 
"cuts," which are simple oval lines or shaded/unshaded areas that represent 
negation. Peirce derived this from a scroll whose consequent is "a proposition 
implying that every proposition is true," resulting in "a black spot entirely 
filling the close in which it is," which "may be drawn invisibly small" (CP 
4.454-456, 1906). However, at one point he retracted this last provision and 
instead advocated retaining a small blackened inner close attached to the cut 
as a reminder of its theoretical basis (CP 4.564n, c. 1906). Moreover, he 
called it an "error" and an "inaccuracy" to analyze "if A then C" as no 
different from "not both A and not-C."

Existential graph for "not both A and not-C":


CSP: For in reasoning, at least, when we first affirm, or affirmatively judge, 
the conjugate of premisses, the judgment of the conclusion has not yet been 
performed. There then follows a real movement of thought in the mind, in which 
that judgment of the conclusion comes to pass. Now surely, speaking of the same 
A and B as above, it were absurd to say that a real change of A into a sequent 
B consists in a state of things that should consist in there not being an A 
without a B. For in such a state of things there would be no change at all. (R 
300:49[48], 1908)

It is interesting to note that in intuitionistic logic, negation is likewise 
defined as the implication of a contradiction, and although "if A then C" 
implies "not both A and not-C," the inference in the other direction is 
invalid. In fact, simply by explicitly distinguishing a scroll for implication 
from nested cuts for double negation, Existential Graphs can be employed in 
accordance with intuitionistic logic rather than classical logic (Oostra 2010; 
Oostra 2011). Either way, implementing a series of diagrammatic transformations 
to draw a deductive conclusion from a set of premisses serves as "a 
moving-picture of Thought" (CP 4.11, 1906). For a more detailed exposition of 
Existential Graphs, see (Roberts 1992).



Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA

Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian <>  
- <> 


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