Sung, Lists, 
I think, in medieval time it was integrated, because it all was but abduction (they even burnt witches because of abductive inferment). Disintegration took place because science invented/explored wishful complete induction, and deduction. Now, as abduction is firstness, induction secondness, and deduction thirdness, and Peirce said, that secondness consists of firstness and secondness of secondness, and thirdness consists of first-, second-, and thirdness of thirdness, maybe this is the path to reintegration: Eg. Heisenbergean uncertainty (firstness of thirdness?). Philosophy still is firstness (guessing) somehow, but has taken a lot of advantage from science and logic- so, as a reflective science (reflexion-time- reversely)., I would say, there is secondness and thirdness of firstness- well, virtually (reflected)-time- reversely. I mean, isnt that so, isnt the reflecting mirror a spatial 3D- "axis" of reflexion turning around the time flow direction between reality and (mind-) virtuality? So it is all three modes going to and fro, a happy family, physics, biology, philosophy reunited. 

 "Sungchul Ji" <> wrote:
Physics, biology, and philosophy are well established disciplines that cover a major portion of all human knowledge.  The natural question that arises is 
"Are physics, biology, and philosophy related ?  If so, how ?"                                                                            (062615-1)
My tentative answer to this question is Yes, because I now begin to see how this challenging task might be accomplished -- along the lines indicated in the scheme I recently formulated (see attached).  The title of the scheme is
"An argument-symbolic-legisign that integrates physics, biology, and yin-yang philosophy."                            (062615-2)
The scheme is not yet complete and may contain some illogical elements which need be identified and corrected.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.
All the best.
Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855
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