Re: [peirce-l] What Peirce Preserves

2012-05-07 Thread Irving H. Anellis

Jon Awbrey wrote: "I would tend to sort Frege more in a class with
Boole, De Morgan, Peirce, and Schröder, since I have the sense when I
read them that they are all talking like mathematicians, not like
people who are alien to mathematics."

I would thoroughly concur.

Although Peirce had, perforce, deliberately identified himself as a
"logician" in _Who's Who_, and part 2 of his 1885 AJM paper, after
being accepted by Sylvester, was refused publication by Simon Newcomb
(who succeeded Sylvester as AJM editor) because Peirce insisted that
the paper was "logic" rather than "mathematics", each of these people
worked in mathematics as mathematicians (Boole, De Morgan Peirce,
Schröder primarily in algebra, but also contributing to differential
and integral calculus and function theory; Frege primarily in function
theory, but also working in algebra; and all to some extent in geometry
as well).

My points were -- to put them as simplistically and succinctly as
possible -- that:

(a) _Studies in Logic_ did not get laid aside because of the diffusion
of its contents (Epicurean logic; probability, along with algebraic
logic) but because

(i) philosophers either mathophobic or innumerate were unprepared or
unable to tackle the algebraic logic; while

(ii) the mathematician who were capable of handling it did not ignore
_Studies..._ in the "pre-Principia" day (witness Dodgson's being
inspired to devise falsifiability trees by Ladd-Franklin's treatment of
the antilogism and Marquand's contribution on logic machines; witness
the praise for _Studies..._ by Venn, Schröder, and even Bertrand
Russell's recommendation to Couturat that he read _Studies..._);

(b) once the "Fregean revolution" began taking effect, in the
"post-Principia" era, not only _Studies in Logic_ slid off the radar
even for those capable of handling the mathematics, but so did most of
the work in algebraic logic from Boole and De Morgan through Peirce and
Schröder to even the "pre-Principia" Whitehead, in favor of logistic,
that is in favor of the function-theoretic approach rather than the
older algebraic approach to logic, and THAT was why, in 1941, Tarski
expressed surprise and chagrin that the work of Peirce and Schröder
hadn't been followed through and that, in 1941, algebraic logic
languished in the same state in which it had existed forty-five years
earlier. Incidentally, Gilbert Ryle attributed the interest of
philosophers in logistic preeminently to the advertisements in favor of
it by Bertrand Russell, convincing philosophers that the "new"
mathematical logic could help them resolve or eliminate philosophical
puzzles regarding language and epistemology (at the same time, we might
add, that Carnap was arguing for the use of he logical analysis of
language in eliminating metaphysics).

(I do not believe that in my previous posts I said anything to the
contrary or said anything that could be construed to the contrary.)

- Message from -
   Date: Mon, 07 May 2012 09:25:22 -0400
   From: Jon Awbrey 
Reply-To: Jon Awbrey 
Subject: Re: What Peirce Preserves
 To: Jack Rooney 

Re: Irving H. Anellis, et al.


Looking back from this moment, I think I see things a little differently.
The critical question is whether our theoretical description of inquiry
gives us a picture that is true to life, preserving the life of inquiry
and serving to guide it on its way, or whether it "murders to dissect",
leaving us with nothing but a Humpty Dumpty hodge-podge of false idols
and torn and twisted bits of maps that mislead the quest at every turn.

There is a natural semantics that informs mathematical inquiry.
It permeates the actual practice even of those who declare for
some variety of nominal faith in their idle off-hours.  Peirce
is unique in his ability to articulate the full dimensionality
of mathematical meaning, but echoes of his soundings keep this
core sense reverberating, however muted, throughout pragmatism.

If I sift the traditions of theoretical reflection on mathematics
according to how well their theoretical images manage to preserve
this natural stance on mathematical meaning, I would tend to sort
Frege more in a class with Boole, De Morgan, Peirce, and Schröder,
since I have the sense when I read them that they are all talking
like mathematicians, not like people who are alien to mathematics.




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Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research

Re: [peirce-l] Poles RE: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce

2012-05-06 Thread Irving H. Anellis
It is also of course worth mentioning, especially in connection with 
algebraic logic in Poland, Henry Hiz's article "Peirce's Influence on 
Logic in Poland" in Houser, Roberts, & Van Evra's collection _Studies 
in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce_.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce

2012-05-05 Thread Irving H. Anellis

I trust that it is understood that I neither explicitly asserted, nor
even implied, that Tarski was the only Polish logician, or the only
Pole to write about logic. I merely mentioned Tarski's as one of a
given genre of textbooks of the early "post-Principia". My chief point
regarding Tarski was that he was among the few in the post-Principia
era who advocated on behalf of a continuation of the
Boole-Peirce-Schroder algebraic style of logic, and that for four
decades he was what we might call the fountainhead of a school of
specialists in the subfield of algebraic logic emanating out of U
Cal-Berkeley. I did refer to his teacher Lukasiewicz, in particular as
being one of the Warsaw logicians who interested Tarski in the work of
Peirce and Schroder. Neither was my reference to Tarski's textbook
intended to suggest that it was the only textbook in Polish of the
early "post-Principia" era that treated "mathematical" or "symbolic
logic", any more than that Carnap's _Abriss_  or _Einfuhrung_ were the
sole such books in German, only that it was an example of such books
that began appearing in the early "post-Principia" era that did not shy
away from a mathematical outlook. I suppose I should also have
mentioned Lukasiewicz's _Elementy logiki matematicznej_ (1929), which
belonged to that slightly earlier genre of textbooks in mathematical
logic of the "post-Principia" era that, like Cooley's, were based upon
lecture notes, in the case of Lukasiewicz's, prepared by Mojiesz
Presburger as the editor.

Incidentally, Jan Sleszynski, known in Russian as Ivan Sleshinskii,
produced a Russian translation of Louis Coututrat's _L'algèbra de la
logique_ (in and respectively), and Stanislaw Piatkowski (1849-?) was,
apparently, the first to write in Polish about algebraic logic, in his
doctoral thesis Algebra w logice (1888), but was critical of it., He
nevertheless established a reputation as a "pioneer" of mathematical
logic in Poland, as Tadeusz Batog called him, and Batog and Roman
Murawski account him as central to the beginnings of mathematical logic
in Poland.

None of this, so far as I am aware, alters or otherwise affects the
main point of my previous post, which was in response to a specific
question, first and foremost regarding the status of the relevance of
_Studies in Logic_ vis-à-vis (a) the difusion of topics in _Studies..._
and (b) the rise of logistic as supplanting the older
Boole-Peirce-Schröder tradition.

- Message from -
   Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 15:42:07 -0400
   From: Jack Rooney 
Reply-To: Jack Rooney 
Subject: RE: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce
 To: "Irving H. Anellis" , peirce-l@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU

An addendum: Many Poles besides Tarski wrote about logic. A book or
three have been written on the subject of Polish studies of logic
between the WW.

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Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce

2012-05-05 Thread Irving H. Anellis
My response to that part
of the issue would be that, in the post-Principia era, logicians who
had mathematical background gradually gravitated towards the
Frege-Russell approach, towards logistic, or function-theoeric, as
opposed to the algebraic Boole-Peirce-Schröder approach. That, too, is
one of the principal issues that "From Algebraic Logic to Logistic..."
attempts to explain.

It is worth noting:

(1) that _Studies..._ was well appreciated by logicians with strong
mathematical qualifications during Peirce's lifetime; here, we may
point to De Morgan, Venn, Schröder, MacColl, and Charles Lutwidge
Dodgson (a.k.a Lewis Carroll). Thus, for example, as Francine Abeles
demonstrated, it was reading Marquand's contributions to _Studies_ on
logic achines together with Ladd-Franklin's contribution, focusing on
the antilogism, that led Dodgson, in the unpublished-in-his-lifetime to
combine these to develop his version of the falsifiability tree method
for polysyllogisms. Beyond that, even while Bertrand Russell was
pointedly denying that he was familiar with any of Peirce's work in
logic, he was privately writing to Louis Couturat in 1899 recommending
that Couturat read _Studies..._.

(2) As usual, accuracy, exactitude, precision -- "picky, picky, picky"
-- is more complicated than we would sometimes wish. "Und in dem 'Wie',
da liegt der Unterschied." No one would, so far as I am aware, not even
I, claim that algebraic logic vanished altogether from the scene with
the arrival of logistic. It became, along with model theory, recursion
theory, proof theory, set theory, one of the specialized branches of
mathematical logic, beyond general logic (which, incidentally, also
encompasses, in the AMS subject classification scheme, besides prop
calc, FOL, higher-order calculi, non-classical logics, probability
logic -- thus continuing in some repects to justify the "mix" of topics
in intro logic texts for philosophers), and that primarily thanks to
Jan Lukasiewicz, who referred to Peirce's work in his claases at Warsaw
and especially his foremost student, Alfred Tarski. But listen to
Tarski decrying, in 1941, in "The Calculus of Relations" (p. 47) the
lack of attention to algebraic logic during the early post-Principia
period, noting that, "given the wealth of unsolved problems and
suggestions for further research to be found in Schröder’s _Algebra der
Logik_ [1890-1895]", it is "amazing that Peirce and Schröder did not
have many followers." Tarski’s analysis of this situation and the
reasons for it appear to rest on the assumption that the absorption of
algebraic logic into Whitehead and Russell’s logical system was at the
cost of ignoring the mathematical content of the algebraic theory.
Tarski then wrote [1941, 74] that: "It is true that A.N. Whitehead and
B. Russell, in _Principia mathematica_, included the theory of
relations in the whole of logic, made this theory a central part of
their logical system, and introduced many new and important concepts
connected with the concept of relation. Most of these concepts do not
belong, however, to the theory of relations proper but rather establish
relations between this theory and other parts of logic: _Principia
mathematica_ contributed but slightly to the intrinsic development of
the theory of relations as an independent deductive discipline. In
general, it must be said that -- though the significance of the theory
of relations is universally recognized today -- this theory, especially
the calculus of relations, is now in practically the same stage of
development as that in which it was forty-five years ago."

The survival of algebraic logic as a specialized subfield may be due
preeminently, if not exclusively, as much as any factor, to the work of
Tarski and the generations to logicians that he taught and promoted at
U Cal Berkeley from the 1940s to his death.

(3) Since Mr. Rooney spoke of logic at the University of Illinois in
the 1950s, perhaps it would be worth remarking that in the mid-1930s,
one had to take logic, as did my father and Paul Halmos, in the
philosophy department with Oskar ("Oscar") Kubitz, who used the
then-brand-new Cohen & Nagel as the textbook for the course. Kubitz was
a Millian, and the author of the _Development of John Stuart Mill's
System of Logic_ (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois, 1932). My father was a
chem major, and enjoyed Kubitz's logic course (I inherited his copy of
Cohen & Nagel); Halmos was double majoring in philosophy and
mathematics, and his disaffection with that logic course and the drills
in syllogistic was one of the factors in deciding him to become a

(4) For those unafraid of mathematics, between 1910 and 1930, there
were few options in the immediate post-Principia era for studying the
"new" symbolic logic other than to do as Quine did, and that was to
find a profe

Re: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce

2012-05-03 Thread Irving H. Anellis


I suggest -- assuming I have not missed the import of your question --
that it would be far more accurate to propose that "Studies in Logic",
like most of the work of the algebraic tradition of the
"post-Principia" era was a victim rather of the so-called "Fregean
revolution" which, when not ignoring algebraic logic, rejected it
altogether as "inferior" to the modern logistic. If, for example, on
examines introductory logic textbooks from the mid-20th century, in
particular those aimed at philosophy students, one continues to find
inductive logic and scientific method ensconced in the same
introductory textbooks as deductive logic, although then the deductive
logic includes propositional calculus (and, depending upon the level of
the textbook, first-order predicate calculus), along with syllogistic
logic. One of the earliest, popular, post-Principia intro texts aimed
at philosophy students was Cohen & Nagel's "Introduction to Logic and
Scientific Method", which first appeared in 1934 and still had a strong
following until well into the 1960s at least. If differed from newer
intro logic textbooks aimed at philosophy students such as Copi's
"Introduction to Logic", appearing twenty years later and still going
strong, only in preferring the axiomatic approach to prop calc and FOL
rather than Copi-style natural deduction. They differ from an older
"pre-Principia" textbook such as -- to pull one off the shelf here,
Boyd Henry Bode's 1910 "An Outline of Logic" only in that deductive
logic meant syllogisms. Even in Peirce's day, few philosophers would
touch algebraic logic, taking the tack of Jevons in wanting to get rid
of the "mathematical dress" of classical algebraic logic.

On a related matter: The fact is, that the classical Boole-Schröder
calculus was simply too technically difficult, both in its day and
since, to fair well at appealing to any but those with mathematical
training. Examine the American Mathematical Society's and Zentralblatt
für Mathematik's Mathematical Subject Classification (any edition will
do): what you will find is that algebraic logic is listed as a
specialty, on a par with model theory, recursion theory, proof theory,
set theory, rather than as belonging to general logic that includes
propositional calculus, FOL, and the sorts of topics you might expect
to find in introductory textbooks.

Sorry if this doesn't speak more explicitly to the question you had in mind.

- Message from -
   Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 14:41:18 -0500
   From: Jim Willgoose 
Reply-To: Jim Willgoose 
Subject: RE: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce

Irving and Jon; I wonder if the "Studies in Logic" did not suffer, in
part, from a retrospective lack of unity. In other words, from the
vantage point of 1950, the various topics (quantification, induction,
Epicurus etc.) did not fit the 20th century development of a more
narrow-grained classification into history of philosophy of science
or formal deductive logic, or philosophy of language and meaning.
Another conjecture might be that the first two decades of the 20th
century dealt with the formalization and sytematizing of deductive
logic for textbook presentation. Only after sufficient time had
passed could the book be retrieved for historical and philosophical
interest. Of course, there is always the nefarious possibility of an
'institutional apriori" authority having its way. Jim W
> Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 11:48:14 -0400

Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce


I couldn't have said it better myself!

Kneale & Kneale, to which Jack referred, was originally written in the
late 1950s and published in 1962, and in terms of respective
significance pays more attention to Kant even than to Frege, and is
best, thanks to Martha Kneale's expertise, on the medievals. Trouble
was, in those days, and pretty much even today, it is about all there
is in English.

My joint paper with Nathan Houser, "The Nineteenth Century Roots of
Universal Algebra and Algebraic Logic", in Hajnal Andreka, James Donald
Monk, Istvan Nemeti (eds.), Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos
Bolyai 54. Algebraic Logic, Budapest (Hungary), 1988
(Amsterdam/London/New York: North-Holland, 1991), 1-36, includes a
brief analysis of what's WRONG with Kneale & Kneale and its ilk.

When Mendelson's translation of Styazhkin's History of Mathematical
Logic came out in 1969, it should really have come to serve as a decent
supplement to Kneale & Kneale for K & K's grossly inadequate treatment
of Boole, Peirce, Schröder, Jevons, Venn, and Peano to help fill in the
serious gaps in Kneale & Kneale.

Even if one looks at the hugh multi-volume 

Re: [peirce-l] Not Preserving Peirce

2012-05-02 Thread Irving H. Anellis


I couldn't have said it better myself!

Kneale & Kneale, to which Jack referred, was originally written in the
late 1950s and published in 1962, and in terms of respective
significance pays more attention to Kant even than to Frege, and is
best, thanks to Martha Kneale's expertise, on the medievals. Trouble
was, in those days, and pretty much even today, it is about all there
is in English.

My joint paper with Nathan Houser, "The Nineteenth Century Roots of
Universal Algebra and Algebraic Logic", in Hajnal Andreka, James Donald
Monk, Istvan Nemeti (eds.), Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos
Bolyai 54. Algebraic Logic, Budapest (Hungary), 1988
(Amsterdam/London/New York: North-Holland, 1991), 1-36, includes a
brief analysis of what's WRONG with Kneale & Kneale and its ilk.

When Mendelson's translation of Styazhkin's History of Mathematical
Logic came out in 1969, it should really have come to serve as a decent
supplement to Kneale & Kneale for K & K's grossly inadequate treatment
of Boole, Peirce, Schröder, Jevons, Venn, and Peano to help fill in the
serious gaps in Kneale & Kneale.

Even if one looks at the hugh multi-volume Handbook of the History of
Logic under the editorship of Dov Gabbay and John Woods that is still
coming out, it's a mixed bag in terms of the quality of the essays,
some of which are historical surveys, others of which are attempts at
reconstruction based on philosophical speculation.


- Message from -
   Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 11:15:05 -0400
   From: Jon Awbrey 
Reply-To: Jon Awbrey 
Subject: Re: Not Preserving Peirce
 To: Jack Rooney 


All histories of logic written that I've read so far are very weak on Peirce,
and I think it's fair to say that even the few that make an attempt to cover
his work have fallen into the assimilationist vein.



Jack Rooney wrote:

Despite all this there are several books on the history of logic eg
Kneale & Kneale[?].


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Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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2012-05-01 Thread Irving H. Anellis
As an addendum to Nathan Houser's "The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the 
Peirce Papers", it might be well to pass along parts of an email 
exchange I had over the last few days with Ignacio Angelelli.

Ignacio wrote on 29 April, in connection with our discussion of lack of 
interest in history of logic in some quarters that:

"Peirce's personal copy  of Studies
in Logic is a good example. I.C. Lieb had received it as a gift from P
Weiss around 1950 (how did P Weiss get it... oh well...) . Upon his
death Lieb gave it to our Phil Dept in Austin. It was stored in the
open stacks of the departmental library... can you imagine!  It took
lots of paper work to have it transferred to the Humanities Research
Library (where at least in theory my Hist of Log Collection continued
to exist). It was finally catalogued as the little book deserves. But
my point is that none of my logician colleagues was interested in such
a beautiful volume, with so many handwritten remarks."

In reply, I summarized the main points of Nathan's depressing article 
on the abuse of such historically valuable material, and then reported 
my recollection that Henry Aiken, whose T.A. I was in the early 1970s, 
was among those who has alleged to have gleefully composed his own 
lecture notes on the verso of original Peirce manuscripts that he 
acquired when the Harvard philosophy department gave away some of 
Peirce's papers as souvenirs. I personally can neither confirm nor 
disconfirm these claims; I saw Aiken referring in his class lectures to 
notes on clearly yellowing paper with writing on both sides, but never 
got close enough to get a good look at those pages.

In his latest communication in this discussion, Ignacio wrote (in part) 
on 1 May regarding these "interesting comments on the Peirce library" 

"When back in Austin I should look again into those
items left to the Phil Dept little library by Chet Lieb, because I
seem to remember there was another Peirce volume, a geometry or math
book, of course no recollection of who was the author.  Alas, things
and people change. I somehow forced the librarian to accept the
Studies in Logic, as well as a set of papers left by Lieb."

...To be continued...?

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York Street
Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5157

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[peirce-l] a pragmatic approach to quantum theory

2012-03-21 Thread Irving
Since quantum theory has come up in a number of recent posts, I thought 
it apropos to mention that I just came across this notice in the 
British Journal of Philosophy of Science: for:

Richard Healey
Quantum Theory: A Pragmatist Approach
Brit J Philos Sci 2012 : axr054v1-axr054

Irving H. Anellis, Ph.D.
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-03-14 Thread Irving
infinitesimal calculus, Lübsen (see 5th (1874) ed. [1855, p. 228])
therefore writes that
"In dieser wahrhaft schöpferischen Leibniz'schen Method liegt der
eigentliche Zauber der
Infinitesimalrechnung." Theodor Ziehen defined logicism in his Lehrbuch
der Logik auf
postivischer Grundlage mit Berücksichtigung der Geschichte der Logik
[1920, p. 173] to
mean that there is an objective realm of ideal entities, studied by logic and
mathematics, and he numbered on that account Lotze, Windelband,
Husserl, and Rickert
among those adhering to logicism.

Having said that: as I wrote in the FOM back in May 2011,

I recall that, many years ago (probably some time in the early or
mid-1980s), Reuben
Hersh gave a colloquium talk in the mathematics  department at the
University of Iowa. I
don't recall the specifics of  that talk, but in its general tenor it
went along the
lines that, in  their workaday world. most mathematicians are
Platonists, working as
though the mathematical structures with which they are working and
which are the subject of theorems exist, whereas, on weekends, they
deny the real existence of mathematical entities.

In the description for Reuben Hersh's What Is Mathematics Really?
(Oxford U. Press,
1997), Hersh's position is described (in part) as  follows:

"Platonism is the most pervasive philosophy of mathematics. Indeed, it
can be argued
that an inarticulate, half-conscious Platonism is nearly  universal
among mathematicians.
The basic idea is that mathematical entities exist outside space and
time, outside
thought and matter, in an abstract realm. ...In What is Mathematics,
Really?, renowned
mathematician Reuben Hersh takes these eloquent words and this
pervasive philosophy to
task, in a subversive attack on traditional  philosophies of
mathematics, most notably,
Platonism and formalism.  Virtually all philosophers of mathematics
treat it as isolated,
timeless, ahistorical, inhuman. Hersh argues the contrary, that
mathematics must be understood as a human activity, a social
phenomenon, part of human
culture, historically evolved, and
intelligible only in a social context. Mathematical objects are created
by humans, not arbitrarily, but from activity with existing
mathematical objects, and from the needs of science and daily life.
Hersh pulls the screen back to reveal mathematics as seen by
professionals, debunking many mathematical myths, and demonstrating how
the "humanist" idea of the nature of mathematics more closely resembles
how mathematicians actually work. At the heart of the book is a
fascinating historical account of the mainstream of philosophy--ranging
from Pythagoras, Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, and Kant, to Bertrand
Russell, David Hilbert, Rudolph Carnap, and Willard V.O.
Quine--followed by the mavericks who saw mathematics as a human
artifact, including Aristotle, Locke, Hume, Mill, Peirce, Dewey, and
Lakatos. ..."
- Message from -
   Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 17:09:42 -0400
   From: Eugene Halton 
Reply-To: Eugene Halton 
Subject: RE: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of
Moore's Peirce edition

Dear Irving,
A digression, from the perspective of art. You quote probability
theorist William
Taylor and set theorist Martin Dowd as saying:

"The chief difference between scientists and mathematicians is that
mathematicians have a much more direct connection to reality."

This does not entitle philosophers to characterize mathematical reality
as  fictional.

Yes, I can see that.

But how about a variant:

The chief difference between scientists, mathematicians, and artists is that
artists have a much more direct connection to reality.

This does not prevent scientists and mathematicians to characterize
artistic reality
as fictional, because it is, and yet, nevertheless, real.

This is because scientist's and mathematician's map is not the
territory, yet the artist's art is both.

Gene Halton

-Original Message-
From: C S Peirce discussion list [mailto:PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU]
On Behalf Of Irving
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of
Moore's Peirce edition

Ben, Gary, Malgosia, list

It would appear from the various responses that. whereas there is a
consensus that Peirce's theorematic/corollarial distinction has
relatively little, if anything, to do with my theoretical/computational
distinction or Pratt's "creator" and "consumer" distinction.

As you might recall, in my initial discussion, I indicated that I found
Pratt's distinction to be somewhat preferable to the
theoretical/computational, since, as we have seen in the responses,
"computational" has several connotations, only one of which I initially
had specifically in mind, of hack gri

Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-03-13 Thread Irving
 distinction between analytic and synthetic 
propositions is one of those things that either run out in a triviality 
or are false."

- Message from -
   Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 13:47:10 -0400
   From: Benjamin Udell 
Reply-To: Benjamin Udell 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of 
Moore's Peirce edition


Malgosia, Irving, Gary, list,

I should add that this whole line of discussion began because I put
the cart in front of the horse. The adjectives bothered me.
"Theoretical math" vs. "computational math" - the latter sounds like
of math about computation. And "creative math" vs. what -
"consumptive math"? "consumptorial math"?  Then I thought of
theorematic vs. corollarial, thought it was an interesting idea and
gave it a try. The comparison is interesting and there is some
likeness between the distinctions.  However I now think that trying
to align it to Irving's and Pratt's distinctions just stretches it
too far.  And it's occurred to me that I'd be happy with the
adjective "computative" - hence, theoretical math versus computative

However, I don't think that we've thoroughly replaced the terms
"pure" and "applied" as affirmed of math areas until we find some way
to justly distinguish between so-called 'pure' maths as opposed to
so-called 'applied' yet often (if not absolutely always)
mathematically nontrivial areas such as maths of optimization (linear
and nonlinear programming), probability theory, the maths of
information (with laws of information corresponding to
group-theoretical principles), etc.

Best, Ben

- Original Message -
From: Benjamin Udell
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of
Moore's Peirce edition

Malgosia, list,

Responses interleaved.

- Original Message -
From: malgosia askanas
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of
Moore's Peirce edition

[BU] Yes, the theorematic-vs.-corollarial distinction does not
appear in the Peirce quote to depend on whether the premisses - _up
until some lemma_ - already warrant presumption.
BUT, but, but, the theorematic deduction does involve the
introdution of that lemma, and the lemma needs to be proven (in
terms of some postulate system), or at least include a definition
(in remarkable cases supported by a "proper postulate") in order to
stand as a premiss, and that is what Irving is referring to.

[MA] OK, but how does this connect to the corollarial/theorematic
distinction?  On the basis purely of the quote from Peirce that
Irving was discussing, the theorem, again, could follow from the
lemma either corollarially (by virtue purely of "logical form") or
theorematically (requiring additional work with the actual
mathematical objects of which the theorem speaks).

[BU] So far, so good.

[MA] And the lemma, too, could have been obtained either
corollarially (a rather needless lemma, in that case)

[BU] Only if it comes from another area of math, otherwise it is
corollarially drawn from what's already on the table and isn't a

[MA] or theorematically.   Doesn't this particular distinction, in
either case, refer to the nature of the _deduction_ that is required
in order to pass from the premisses to the conclusion, rather than
referring to the warrant (or lack of it) of presuming the premisses?

[BU] It's both, to the extent that the nature of that deduction
depends on whether the premisses require a lemma, a lemma that either
gets something from elsewhere (i.e., the lemma must refer to where
its content is established elsewhere), or needs to be proven on the
spot. But - in some cases there's no lemma but merely a definition
that is uncontemplated in the thesis, and is not demanded by the
premisses or postulates but is still consistent with them, and so
Irving and I, as it seems to me now, are wrong to say that it's
_always_ a matter of whether some premiss requires special proof. Not
always, then, but merely often. In some cases said definition needs
to be supported by a new postulate, so there the proof-need revives
but is solved by recognizing the need and "conceding" a new postulate
to its account.

[MA] If the premisses are presumed without warrant, that - it seems
to me - does not make the deduction more corollarial or more
theorematic; it just makes it uncompleted, and perhaps uncompletable.

[BU] That sounds right.

Best, Ben

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Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-03-11 Thread Irving

Ben Udell asked:

Do you think that your "theoretical - computational" distinction and
likewise Pratt's "creator - consumer" distinction between kinds of
mathematics could be expressed in terms of Peirce's "theorematic -
corollarial" distinction?

Given that Peirce wrote at MS L75:35-39 that:

"Deduction is only of value in tracing out the consequences of
hypotheses, which it regards as pure, or unfounded, hypotheses.
Deduction is divisible into sub-classes in various ways, of which the
most important is into corollarial and theorematic. Corollarial
deduction is where it is only necessary to imagine any case in which
the premisses are true in order to perceive immediately that the
conclusion holds in that case. Ordinary syllogisms and some deductions
in the logic of relatives belong to this class. Theorematic deduction
is deduction in which it is necessary to experiment in the imagination
upon the image of the premiss in order from the result of such
experiment to make corollarial deductions to the truth of the
conclusion. The subdivisions of theorematic deduction are of very high
theoretical importance. But I cannot go into them in this statement."

the answer to the question would appear to be: no.

Whereas Peirce's characterization of theorematic and corrolarial
deduction would seem, on the basis of this quote, to have to do with
whether the presumption that the premises of a deductive argument or
proof are true versus whether they require to be established to be
true, and seems more akin, at least peripherally, to the
categorical/hypothetical status of the premises, the distinctions
"theoretical - computational" which I suggested and likewise Pratt's
"creator - consumer" are not at all about the deriving theorems or the
what is assumed about the truth of the premises. Rather the distinction
between creator-theoretician vs. consumer-practitioner is a distinction
in which the former is concerned (in the main) to develop new
mathematics on the basis of the mathematics that has already been
established, whereas the consumer practitioner borrows and utilizes
already established mathematics for purposes other than establishing
new mathematical results. The example which I cited, of Riemann and
Minkowski vs. Einstein is applicable here. Riemann expanded known
mathematical results regarding three-dimensional geometries to
n-dimensional geometries (Riemann manifolds) and contributed to the
development of non-Euclidean geometries, and Minkowski starting from
non-Euclidean geometries, in particular parabolic and hyperbolic,
arrived at his "saddle-shaped" space, and Minkowski taught Einstein the
mathematics of Riemannin and Minkowski geometry, who used it to work
out the details of relativity, but, unlike Riemann or Minkowski, did
not create any new mathematics, just utilized the already given
mathematics of Riemann and Minkowski to mathematically solve a
particular problem in physics. I think most would agree with the
proposition that Einstein was a physicist, rather than a mathematician,
albeit unassailably a mathematical physicist, who employed already
established mathematics and mathematical equations to advance physics,
and along those same lines, I think most would likewise agree with the
proposition that Einstein was not a mathematician. This does not, of
course, take away from his status as a physicist.

By the same token, Newton can be credited as both a mathematician, for
his fluxional caculus as well as a physicist, although his invention --
and I would not want to get into the Newton-Leibniz battle here -- of
the calculus was developed in large measure for the purpose of doing
physics. But the fact that Newton (although he used geometry rather
than the calculus in the mathematics of the Principia) obtained the
fluxional calculus in part to advance mathematics (a major advance over
Cavalieri's ponderous method of indivisibles, and in part to work out
and express mathematically the laws of gravity and of terrestrial and
celestial mechanics, illustrates that a theoretical/ applied
distinction is somewhat artificial as compared with the "theoretical -
computational" distinction and "creator - consumer" distinction.

- Message from -
   Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 14:41:08 -0500
   From: Benjamin Udell 
Reply-To: Benjamin Udell 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of
Moore's Peirce edition


Do you think that your "theoretical - computational" distinction and
likewise Pratt's "creator - consumer" distinction between kinds of
mathematics could be expressed in terms of Peirce's "theorematic -
corollarial" distinction? That identification seems not without
issues but still pretty appealing to me, but maybe I've missed
something. (For readers unfam

Re: [peirce-l] Mathematical terminology, was, review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-03-07 Thread Irving
examples of mathematicians who were also physicists, e.g. Laplace, even
Euler, I think it would be beneficial to adopt Pratt's "creator" and
"consumer" distinction. A notable example of the latter would be
Einstein, who, with the help of Minkowski, applied the Riemannian
geometry to classical mechanics to provide the mathematical tools that
allowed formulation of the theory of relativity as requiring a
four-dimensional, curved space.

You mention the two "conflicting definitions" of mathematics and offer
an extraordinarily helpful passage of Hans Hahn's to the effect that
mathematicians generally concern themselves with "how a proof goes"
while the logician sets himself the task of examining "why it goes this
way". Besides arguing that "we should do well to understand necessary
reasoning as mathematics" (EP2:318), Peirce also states that theoretical
mathematics is a "science of hypotheses" (EP2:51), "not how things
actually are, but how they might be supposed to be, if not in our
universe, then in some other" (EP2:144).

I would now say that "conflicting" was far too strong and too negative
a characterization of Hahn's remark. But I would continue to argue that
mathematicians who are not logicians and mathematical logicians who are
mathematicians still vary in their conception of what constitutes a
proof in mathematics, if not of what mathematics is; namely, that the
"'working' mathematician" is concerned primarily with cranking out
theorems, whereas the logician is primarily concerned with the inner
workings of the procedures used in deriving or deducing theorems. It is
most unlikely, however, that the person who attempts to prove theorems
without some essential understanding of “why they [the proofs] go this
way, rather than that way or that other way” will develop into an
original mathematician, but will remain a consumer, capable of carrying
out computations, but most unlikely capable of creating any new
mathematics. (One is reminded here of all those miserable school
teachers who, teaching -- or, more accurately, attempting to teach --
mathematics, could not explain to their students what they were doing
or why they were doing it, but probably relied on rote memory … and the
teacher’s manual.)

This is another reason for preferring to distinguish, if distinguish we
must, between theoretical and computational over the older,
Aristotelian, distinction of pure and applied mathematics.

I believe that your discussion of Peirce's remarks (which Fiske
commented on) add this hypothetical dimension to theoretical
mathematics. You wrote that there is "a three-fold distinction, of the
creative activity of arriving at a piece of mathematics, the mathematics
itself, and the elaboration of logical arguments whereby that bit of
mathematics is established as valid." For the moment I am seeing these
three as forming a genuine tricategorical relationship, which I'd diagram
in my trikonic way, thus:

Theoretical mathematics:

(1ns) mathematical hypothesis formation (creative abduction--that "piece
of mathematics")
|> (3ns) argumentative proof (of the validity of the mathematics)
(2ns) the mathematics itself

Does this categorial division make any sense to you? I'm working on a
trichotomic (tricategorial) analysis of science as Peirce classified it,
but I'm challenged in the areas of mathematics as well as certain parts
of what Peirce calls "critical logic", or, "logic as logic" (the second
division of logic as semeiotic, sandwiched between semeiotic grammar and
rhetoric/methodeutic, all problematic terms for contemporary logic, I'm
assuming). I certainly don't want to create tricategorial relations
which don't exist, so would appreciate your thoughts in this matter.

Sounds okay to me, but that is question perhaps better dealt with by
someone more familiar with Peirce's understanding of category theory
and his tri-categorical conceptions. Incidentally, I remember ages ago
reading Emil Fackenheim's _The Religious Dimension in Hegel's Thought_,
which, as I recall, presented the thesis that Hegel's triadism was an
abstractification (or "philosophization") and secularization of the
religious idea of the Trinity. Does anyone propound the view that
Peirce's triadism is something similar?

- Message from -
   Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 19:17:55 -0500
   From: Gary Richmond 
Reply-To: Gary Richmond 
Subject: Mathematical terminology, was, review of Moore's Peirce edition


Although I am neither a mathematician nor a logician, I learn a great
deal from your posts about both of these disciplines and their
connections, for example, in this most recent message of yours which
takes up s

Re: [peirce-l] review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-02-18 Thread Irving
"rigor" of chemistry than mathematics, and, along the way, a discussion
of what Eugene Wigner famously called the "unreasonable effectiveness
of mathematics in the natural sciences" in dealing with physical
reality. Is it the claim that a piece of mathematics is valid only if
it is experimental(ly confirmed) rather than formal? Is it the claim
that a logic system, or a proof within that system, is valid only if it
is experimentally tested and demonstrated?

So…: Expliqué, s'il vous plait.

- Message from -
   Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2012 21:30:44 -0500
   From: Jerry LR Chandler 
Reply-To: Jerry LR Chandler 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] review of Moore's Peirce edition

Irving, List:

A belated reply to Irving's note on "Wissenschaften" and chemistry
and a few speculations about the origins of "logical rigor".

On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Irving wrote:

Jerry, Kirsti, list,

That being said, I for one suspect it is very much possible to
discuss logic and mathematics without bringing chemistry into the
discussion. For those interested in the axiomatization of
chemistry, or in employing group theory to study cristaline
structures, that of course is a different story altogether. But, as
a mathematician, I have no need to consider chemistry. My interest
in chemistry, as historian of mathematics extends only so far as
Cayley, Kempe, and Peirce were inspired by chemical diagrams to
treat logical relations graphically. ... But this is just my own
logico-mathematical orientation at play.

I certainly agree that nearly all mathematicians can do mathematics,
logicians can do logic and mathematical logicians can study the
history of logic without addressing the atomic numbers and the
particular graphic icons constructed by chemists to symbolize, index
and "icononize" material reality.  Relative to the ancient history of
 mathematics, the atomic number are not yet 100 years old and, of
course, the mathematics of molecular biology, now incubating in the
pregnant minds of biochemists, is yet to be fully born, although
biosemioticians are preparing to serve as midwives.

Further, I believe that academics have an inviolate obligation to
seek to answer the questions of interest to them (within the legal
confines of one's community.)  I am reminded of a elderly
epidemiologist, who patiently explained to me that one expresses
one's personal values by WHAT one chooses to study and one's
professional values by HOW one studies it. Over the years, I have
audited about 2 dozen graduate level math courses; chemistry was not
mentioned in any of these, with one exception in a graph theory
class.  Now, as a professional chemist, I know that chemistry is an
entangled mixture of mathematics and empiricism, grounded in the
atomic numbers and experimentation. I would add that the rigor of
chemical logic probably exceeds the rigor of mathematical logic
because chemists do not invoke irrational, transcendental, or
surrealistic numbers, chemists do not admit to imaginary numbers and
chemists demand proof in nature and as well in the mind. This is an
empirical logic or, better yet, a pragmatic logic that CSP understood
 very well.

Within this framework, I study CSP's writings in search of a better
understanding of the relation between logic and chemistry, in search
of the encoding of chemistry in logic, and in search of the encoding
of logic in chemistry (the molecular neuro-sciences.) My
philosophical biases are well-known to regular readers of this list -
 I am a hardcore realist.

My immediate goals have been strongly influenced by two colleagues -
category theorists Robert Rosen and Andree Ehresmann. Andree argues
that category theory is a suitable BASIS for mathematical biology /
complex systems theory (See "Memory Evolutive Systems" 2007?).
Robert Rosen spent an entire career studying his brand of molecular
biology, termed metabolic repair systems.  Using category theory, he
concluded that formal mathematical logic LACKED the capacity to
symbolize natural systems. (See "Life Itself" 1991?)

The Rosen and Ehremann hypotheses are not exactly diametrically
opposed, but may be considered so for most practical purposes.
Through my participation in the Washington Evolutionary Systems
Society, I got to know both Robert and Andree as personal friends and
 colleagues.  These friendships fostered deep discussions of the
relationships between mathematics, logic and biology, more so with
Andree than Robert.

Thus, I come to CSP's writings with a trained eye on how and when the
 sciences influence the works of a mathematician. The subtle
influences of chemical thinking AS IT STOOD in CSP lifetime, are
abundant in CSP writings.  But, he wrote BEFORE the atomic numbers
were exactly measured and BEFORE the exact logical rigor of the
covalent chemical b

Re: [peirce-l] Philosophia Mathematica articles of interest

2012-02-15 Thread Irving

You're very welcome, Cathy.

It would be useful to have a single venue that would disseminate 
Peirce-related publications. Perhaps the keepers of Arisbe can be 
persuaded to have one or more folks volunteer as librarians to post and 
maintain a list of titles on the Arisbe site.

- Message from -
   Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 15:10:01 +1300
   From: Catherine Legg 
Reply-To: Catherine Legg 
Subject: RE: Philosophia Mathematica articles of interest

Thank you for publicising that, Irving! Both papers were part of a
mini-conference myself and Clemency Montelle organized at the NZ Division
of the Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, in Dec '09.
Peirce featured prominently in discussions on the day, which is unusual
for Australasian philosophy.

Another paper from that mini-conference which is still in advance access,
and has a similar theme to the Catton & Montelle paper, is Danielle
Macbeth, "Seeing How It Goes: Paper-and-Pencil Reasoning in Mathematical

I would love to hear more about recent publications on Peirce from other
list members, though at the same time cognisant of the danger of tipping
off a bibliographic deluge.

Cheers, Cathy

-Original Message-
From: C S Peirce discussion list [mailto:PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU] On
Behalf Of Irving
Sent: Tuesday, 14 February 2012 8:36 a.m.
Subject: Philosophia Mathematica articles of interest

The newest issue of Philosophia Mathematica, vol. 20, no. 1 (Feb. 2012)
has some items that may be of interest to members of PEIRCE-L; in

Catherine Legg, "The Hardness of the Iconic Must: Can Peirce's
Existential Graphs Assist Modal Epistemology?", pp. 1-24

Philip Catton & Clemency Montelle, "To Diagram, to Demonstrate: To Do,
To See, and to Judge in Greek Geometry", pp. 25-27

[the title alone of this one puts me in mind of Reviel Netz's book, The
Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics: A Study in Cognitive
History,  which argues that the demonstrations in Euclid's  Elements
involved diagrammatic reasoning, rather than logical deductions, using
"proof" to mean "argumentation" rather than, say, syllogistic logic,
and I suspect that Peirce would have loved to have read this and Netz's


Thomas McLaughlin's review of Matthew Moore's edition of Philosophy of
Mathematics: Selected Writings of Charles S. Peirce, pp. 122-128.

You can find the preview at:

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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- End message from -

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Philosophia Mathematica articles of interest

2012-02-15 Thread Irving

Jon, list,

I don't know how you got that link; the link I posted was

that is:



Message from -
   Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 11:24:17 -0500
   From: Jon Awbrey 
Reply-To: Jon Awbrey 
Subject: Re: Philosophia Mathematica articles of interest
 To: Irving 


All I get when I follow that link is an IU Webmail login page,
but I don't have an account.



Irving wrote:

The newest issue of Philosophia Mathematica, vol. 20, no. 1 (Feb.
2012) has some items that may be of interest to members of PEIRCE-L;
in particular:

Catherine Legg, "The Hardness of the Iconic Must: Can Peirce's
Existential Graphs Assist Modal Epistemology?", pp. 1-24

Philip Catton & Clemency Montelle, "To Diagram, to Demonstrate: To
Do, To See, and to Judge in Greek Geometry", pp. 25-27

[the title alone of this one puts me in mind of Reviel Netz's book,
The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics: A Study in Cognitive
History,  which argues that the demonstrations in Euclid's  Elements
involved diagrammatic reasoning, rather than logical deductions,
using "proof" to mean "argumentation" rather than, say, syllogistic
logic, and I suspect that Peirce would have loved to have read this
and Netz's book];


Thomas McLaughlin's review of Matthew Moore's edition of Philosophy
of Mathematics: Selected Writings of Charles S. Peirce, pp. 122-128.

You can find the preview at: Irving 

Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159


inquiry list:
word press blog 1:
word press blog 2:

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- End message from -

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Conceptions Of Locality In Logic And Computation, A History

2012-02-14 Thread Irving


I only very quickly scanned the abstract that you linked to, and would
ask: With mereology characterized as a theory of collective sets (in
opposition to the Cantorian notion of set), and with collective sets
defined by means of the "part of" relation, such that mereology can be
described as a theory of this relation; How relevant might Lesniewski's
mereology be to this discussion, along with all of the other logicians
you mention, besides Peirce and Schöder?

- Message from -
   Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 22:48:23 -0800
   From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith 
Reply-To: Steven Ericsson-Zenith 
Subject: Conceptions Of Locality In Logic And Computation, A History

Dear List,

I am giving a presentation at CiE 2012 in Cambridge (England) in June
that may interest list members:

Conceptions Of Locality In Logic And Computation, A History

Your review welcome.

With respect,

Dr. Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering

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- End message from -

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] Philosophia Mathematica articles of interest

2012-02-13 Thread Irving
The newest issue of Philosophia Mathematica, vol. 20, no. 1 (Feb. 2012) 
has some items that may be of interest to members of PEIRCE-L; in 

Catherine Legg, "The Hardness of the Iconic Must: Can Peirce's 
Existential Graphs Assist Modal Epistemology?", pp. 1-24

Philip Catton & Clemency Montelle, "To Diagram, to Demonstrate: To Do, 
To See, and to Judge in Greek Geometry", pp. 25-27

[the title alone of this one puts me in mind of Reviel Netz's book, The 
Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics: A Study in Cognitive 
History,  which argues that the demonstrations in Euclid's  Elements 
involved diagrammatic reasoning, rather than logical deductions, using 
"proof" to mean "argumentation" rather than, say, syllogistic logic, 
and I suspect that Peirce would have loved to have read this and Netz's 


Thomas McLaughlin's review of Matthew Moore's edition of Philosophy of 
Mathematics: Selected Writings of Charles S. Peirce, pp. 122-128.

You can find the preview at:

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to the PEIRCE-L listserv.  To 
remove yourself from this list, send a message to with the 
line "SIGNOFF PEIRCE-L" in the body of the message.  To post a message to the 

Re: [peirce-l] review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-02-08 Thread Irving


Please explain what "chemical logic" may be, and how it relates if at 
all, to mathematical logic on the one hand and whether it is not 
somehow akin to the experimental logic of Mill or Dewey, or perhaps a 
neurologically, electro-chemically based version of some sort of 
psychologistic logic.

- Message from -
   Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2012 21:30:44 -0500
   From: Jerry LR Chandler 
Reply-To: Jerry LR Chandler 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] review of Moore's Peirce edition

Irving, List:

A belated reply to Irving's note on "Wissenschaften" and chemistry
and a few speculations about the origins of "logical rigor".

On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Irving wrote:

Jerry, Kirsti, list,

That being said, I for one suspect it is very much possible to
discuss logic and mathematics without bringing chemistry into the
discussion. For those interested in the axiomatization of
chemistry, or in employing group theory to study cristaline
structures, that of course is a different story altogether. But, as
a mathematician, I have no need to consider chemistry. My interest
in chemistry, as historian of mathematics extends only so far as
Cayley, Kempe, and Peirce were inspired by chemical diagrams to
treat logical relations graphically. ... But this is just my own
logico-mathematical orientation at play.

I certainly agree that nearly all mathematicians can do mathematics,
logicians can do logic and mathematical logicians can study the
history of logic without addressing the atomic numbers and the
particular graphic icons constructed by chemists to symbolize, index
and "icononize" material reality.  Relative to the ancient history of
 mathematics, the atomic number are not yet 100 years old and, of
course, the mathematics of molecular biology, now incubating in the
pregnant minds of biochemists, is yet to be fully born, although
biosemioticians are preparing to serve as midwives.

Further, I believe that academics have an inviolate obligation to
seek to answer the questions of interest to them (within the legal
confines of one's community.)  I am reminded of a elderly
epidemiologist, who patiently explained to me that one expresses
one's personal values by WHAT one chooses to study and one's
professional values by HOW one studies it. Over the years, I have
audited about 2 dozen graduate level math courses; chemistry was not
mentioned in any of these, with one exception in a graph theory
class.  Now, as a professional chemist, I know that chemistry is an
entangled mixture of mathematics and empiricism, grounded in the
atomic numbers and experimentation. I would add that the rigor of
chemical logic probably exceeds the rigor of mathematical logic
because chemists do not invoke irrational, transcendental, or
surrealistic numbers, chemists do not admit to imaginary numbers and
chemists demand proof in nature and as well in the mind. This is an
empirical logic or, better yet, a pragmatic logic that CSP understood
 very well.

Within this framework, I study CSP's writings in search of a better
understanding of the relation between logic and chemistry, in search
of the encoding of chemistry in logic, and in search of the encoding
of logic in chemistry (the molecular neuro-sciences.) My
philosophical biases are well-known to regular readers of this list -
 I am a hardcore realist.

My immediate goals have been strongly influenced by two colleagues -
category theorists Robert Rosen and Andree Ehresmann. Andree argues
that category theory is a suitable BASIS for mathematical biology /
complex systems theory (See "Memory Evolutive Systems" 2007?).
Robert Rosen spent an entire career studying his brand of molecular
biology, termed metabolic repair systems.  Using category theory, he
concluded that formal mathematical logic LACKED the capacity to
symbolize natural systems. (See "Life Itself" 1991?)

The Rosen and Ehremann hypotheses are not exactly diametrically
opposed, but may be considered so for most practical purposes.
Through my participation in the Washington Evolutionary Systems
Society, I got to know both Robert and Andree as personal friends and
 colleagues.  These friendships fostered deep discussions of the
relationships between mathematics, logic and biology, more so with
Andree than Robert.

Thus, I come to CSP's writings with a trained eye on how and when the
 sciences influence the works of a mathematician. The subtle
influences of chemical thinking AS IT STOOD in CSP lifetime, are
abundant in CSP writings.  But, he wrote BEFORE the atomic numbers
were exactly measured and BEFORE the exact logical rigor of the
covalent chemical bond was established.

Thus, I ask, what prevents a formal theory of chemical logic that
would resolve the conundrums raised by the logics deployed by Rosen
and by Ehresmann?  The importance of this question i

[peirce-l] The International Interdisciplinary Conference Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2012

2012-02-08 Thread Irving

I just received notification of a conference that may be of interest to 
some list members:

The International Interdisciplinary Conference
Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2012

The details are in the attachment.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-01-27 Thread Irving

Jerry, Kirsti, list,

I've certainly not yet gone through all of the material in Moore's 
edition of Peirce. Thus far I have concentrated my attention to those 
parts dealing with issues in set theory, [infinitesimal] analysis, some 
number, a bit of geometry, and the role of mathematics in education. My 
general impression of the whole of the contents so far is that CSP's 
main, but not necessarily so, concern, is to understand the 
relationship(s) between mathematics and logic, and more generally, of 
the place of mathematics in the broader context of rationality, 
thought, and knowledge (the latter, perhaps, in the German sense of 
"Wissenschaften", to include, therefore, the Geisteswissenschafteen as 
well as the Naturwissenschaften). There are a few references to Cayley 
and to Kempe, and then only referring to their work in geometry, so I 
consequently find nothing specific of chemistry in these selections, 
and so, if chemistry is on the agenda at all here for Peirce, it is 
probably so only very indirectly, within the perspective of one of the 
Naturwissenschaften, and not in these selections.

That being said, I for one suspect it is very much possible to discuss 
logic and mathematics without bringing chemistry into the discussion. 
For those interested in the axiomatization of chemistry, or in 
employing group theory to study cristaline structures, that of course 
is a different story altogether. But, as a mathematician, I have no 
need to consider chemistry. My interest in chemistry, as historian of 
mathematics extends only so far as Cayley, Kempe, and Peirce were 
inspired by chemical diagrams to treat logical relations graphically. 
... But this is just my own logico-mathematical orientation at play.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] review of Moore's Peirce edition

2012-01-26 Thread Irving

In the alert I received this morning from the journal Philosophia
Mathematica, I could not help but notice the review by Thomas
McLaughlin of Matthew Moore (ed.), Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected
Writings of Charles S. Peirce.

The review starts off:

"The importance of C.S. Peirce as a philosopher of mathematics has long
been less than a matter of consensus. For a goodly portion of the
twentieth century, those who championed his stature in this regard were
rather few, and his significant — if admittedly not numerous —
contributions to mathematics per se (e.g., his independent proof of the
Frobenius theorem on associative division algebras with real scalars)
went largely overlooked. Gradually, however, the work of scholars such
as Brady, Herron, Herzberger, Levy, Putnam, and Roberts (the list is by
no means exhaustive) brought Peirce's writings in the area to the more
respectful, if not always concurring, attention of a wider audience."

The link is

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] The Peirce house at 4 Kirkland Place

2012-01-13 Thread Irving
Thanks to LinkedIn, I was able to locate my fellow Brandeisian, Jan 
Wald, who took his Ph.D. at the same time as I (1977). Wald had written 
his dissertation on mass terms, which was doubly supervised by Jean van 
Heijenoort at Brandeis and Helen Cartwright at Tufts. After getting his 
doctorate, Wald taught for a while at Middlebury College in Vermont, 
but then dropped out of sight of academia, I believe in the early 1980s 
(he's now an analyst specializing in medical devices for a major 
investment firm).

As an aside, but Peirce-relevant, van Heijenoort's "Peirce" file 
contained nothing more by Charles than the entries from the Baldwin 
Dictionary "Modality", "'Necessary' and 'Necessity'", and "Vague", 
photocopies from Hartshorne & Weiss, and which, one might suppose, 
relate directly or indirectly to Wald's dissertation. None of Peirce's 
major publcations on algebraic logic occur in van Heijenoort's notes.

For those of you who have read my book on van Heijennort, you might 
recall that Wald was van Heijenoort's housemate at the former Peirce 
house at 4 Kirkland Place. I'm hoping that Wald might be able to 
definitely answer the question as to whether or not van Heijenoort was 
ever aware of the Peirce association of that house.

I'm still fairly certain that I learned about the Peirce association of 
that house directly from Willard Quine, and that van Heijenoort never 
mentioned it to me; and that Quine must have told me about it shortly 
after van Heijenoort died (in 1986), but before the Peirce 
Sesquicentennial conference at Harvard in September 1989, when Max 
Fisch's "Walk a Mile in Peirce's Shoes" was distributed to conference 

It should be interesting to get Wald's reply. So stay tuned.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] How Peircean was the 'Fregean Revolution' in Logic?

2012-01-05 Thread Irving
The full preprint of my paper "How Peircean was the 'Fregean 
Revolution' in Logic?" is now accessible online on Arisbe at:

and on arXivMath, at:

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Doctrine Of Individuals

2011-12-17 Thread Irving Anellis

Jon, Auke, Jim W., list members,
My intention is and was not to withdraw from the list, but from the particular discussion regarding the role of individuals had played in Peirce's logic -- or, according to van Heijenoort had not played in Peirce's logic. My question was meant to sort out and distinguish my claims from van Heijenoort's, as it seemed -- to me, at least -- that the arsenal of quotations which Jon presented were designed to establish that the usual view, as enunciated by van Heijenoort, was incorrect. Indeed, van Heijenoort's claim that there are no individuals in Peirce's universe of discourse, as I myself have noted many times, is patently incorrect. But since the quotations were listed without explanation or qualification, it was unclear to me whether they were misdirected at me, or directed, and correctly so, at van Heijenoort. So my question was really intended to ascertain whether or not I had been misunderstood.
All this by way of explanation.
More crucially, I wish to thank all those who wrote to encourage me to continue on the lis, and to apololgize for the misunderstandings and confusions that ensued. I suppose we can take this as an example of one point at which I would agree with van Heijenoort, and probably most formal logicians: that natural or ordinary language embeds a vagueness that an ideal language is intended to override.
Once again, thanks to all for your encouragement!
I'm not planning on going anywhere.
Irving H. AnellisVisiting Research AssociatePeirce Edition Project, Institute for American Thought902 W. New York St.Indiana University-Purdue University at IndianapolisIndianapolis, IN 46202-5159USAURL: 
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Re: [peirce-l] Doctrine Of Individuals

2011-12-09 Thread Irving Anellis

The sample quotes from Peirce regarding individuals are much appreciated.
Nevertheless: ...
Did Anellis claim that there are no individuals in Peirce's logical system? No.
Did Anellis say that van Heijenoort claim that there are no individuals in Peirce's logical system? Yes.
Did Anellis say that Bertrand Russell claimed that there are no individuals in Schroeder's logic? Yes.
Did Bertrand Russell tell Norbert Wiener that he  had judged that Peano's logic was better than Schroeder's because Peano was able to refer to individuals in his system (had a notation for 'the'), whereas Schroeder's did not? Yes.
Did Anellis claim that it was Bertrand Russell (and by implication also van Heijenoort, had he known of Russell's account of that discussion with Wiener) who denied that there are individuals in the classical Boole-Schroeder calculus? Yes
Did Anellis claim that there are no individuals in Schroeder's logic? No.
Is it perhaps time for Anellis to withdraw from the discussion? Yes? / No?
Dec 8, 2011 05:28:41 PM, wrote:
Peircers,Writing "in reference to the doctrine of individuals" in his"Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives" (1870),Peirce's approach is, in its basic principles, so far ahead ofhis time that it overleaps the dustbin of Logical Atomism andanticipates ideas about element-free set theory that will notcome into their own until the latter part of the 20th Century.Here is a collection of excerpts that I gathered forseveral previous occasions, here and elsewhere, whenthe topic of Peirce's approach to individuals arose.o~o~o~o~o~oDOI. Doctrine Of Individualso~o~o~o~o~oDOI. Note 1o~o~o~o~o~o| In reference to the doctrine of individuals, two distinctions should be| borne in mind. The logical atom, or term not capable of logical division,| must be one of which every predicate may be universally affirmed or denied.| For, let 'A' be such a term. Then, if it is neither true that all 'A' is 'X'| nor that no 'A' is 'X', it must be true that some 'A' is 'X' and some 'A' is| not 'X'; and therefore 'A' may be divided into 'A' that is 'X' and 'A' that| is not 'X', which is contrary to its nature as a logical atom.|| Such a term can be realized neither in thought nor in sense.|| Not in sense, because our organs of sense are special -- the eye,| for example, not immediately informing us of taste, so that an image| on the retina is indeterminate in respect to sweetUess and non-sweetness.| When I see a thing, I do not see that it is not sweet, nor do I see that it| is sweet; and therefore what I see is capable of logical division into the| sweet and the not sweet. It is customary to assume that visual images are| absolutely determinate in respect to color, but even this may be doubted.| I know of no facts which prove that there is never the least vagueness| in the immediate sensation.|| In thought, an absolutely determinate term cannot be realized,| because, not being given by sense, such a concept would have to| be formed by synthesis, and there would be no end to the synthesis| because there is no limit to the number of possible predicates.|| A logical atom, then, like a point in space, would involve for| its precise determination an endless process. We can only say,| in a general way, that a term, however determinate, may be made| more determinate still, but not that it can be made absolutely| determinate. Such a term as "the second Philip of Macedon" is| still capable of logical division -- into Philip drunk and| Philip sober, for example; but we call it individual because| that which is denoted by it is in only one place at one time.| It is a term not 'absolutely' indivisible, but indivisible as| long as we neglect differences of time and the differences which| accompany them. Such differences we habitually disregard in the| logical division of substances. In the division of relations,| etc., we do not, of course, disregard these differences, but we| disregard some others. There is nothing to prevent almost any| sort of difference from being conventionally neglected in some| discourse, and if 'I' be a term which in consequence of such| neglect becomes indivisible in that discourse, we have in| that discourse,|| ['I'] = 1.|| This distinction between the absolutely indivisible and that which| is one in number from a particular point of view is shadowed forth| in the two words 'individual' ('to atomon') and 'singular' ('to kath| ekaston'); but as those who have used the word 'individual' have not| been aware that absolute individuality is merely ideal, it has come to| be used in a more general sense.|| C.S. Peirce, 'Collected Papers', CP 3.93Peirce defines the "number" ['t'] of a logical term 't' as follows:| I propose to assign to all logical terms, numbers; to an absolute term,| the number of individuals it denotes; to a relative term, the av

Re: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic

2011-12-08 Thread Irving

Assuming that you are referring to Louis Couturat and the First
International Congress of Philosophy in Paris in 1900, the answer is:

He was one of the congress organizers, and the organizer for the
section on logic and philosophy of science. He also spoke at that
congres, on "Le système de Platon exposé dans son développement".

On the issue of his treatment of functions, should I also assume that
you are referring to his _Traité de logique algorithmique_.

 Message from -
   Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 19:30:58 -0600
   From: Jim Willgoose 
Reply-To: Jim Willgoose 
Subject: RE: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience
Appropriate for Semiotic

Thanks again Irving. Do you know if L. Couterat was at the 1900 Paris
conference? My historical curiosity lies with both his contribution
to the 1901 Baldwin entry "symbolic logic, algebra of logic," which
Peirce supervised, but also the intoductory textbook which he wrote a
few years after that Baldwin entry.   He seems to have the concept of
an open function, symbolizing "Px" or "Sx" for the purpose of
defining binary functions for Product and Aggregate. He replaces the
variable "x" in "Px" with the disjunction of individual classes
thereby suggesting existential quantification.  But what is missing
are the individual argument places! The effect appears to be to
distribute functions across the binary functions. There are no
"zero-place" individuals.

Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 08:19:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience
Appropriate for Semiotic

Once again, there is a complex of related dichotomies that van
Heijenoort applied to distinguish the Aristotelian-Boolean stream (of
which Peirce was a part, according to Van) from the Fregean, including
logic as calculus/logic as language,model-theoretic (or
(or extensional, so as to include both Russell's use of set theory and
Frege's course-of-values semantic), syntactic/semantic, and, finally,

I think that what Ben intends by his neologism "unic-universalist" is
essentially what Ben has in mind for Van's use of absolutism, namely,
(a) a universal universe of discourse (Frege's Universum); (b) a fixed
universe, that includes all objects and functions; and (c) a single
logic. These properties, and the entire interrelated complex of
properties, together make, for Van, Frege's Begriffsschrift (and
Whitehead & Russell's Principia Mathematica), both logic as language
AND logic as calculus, and preeminently -- first and foremost -- a
language, whereas, with the intensional or class-theoretic semantic
tied to a subject-predicate or merely relational syntax, together with
a restricted, pre-defined, universe of discourse, makes the logical
systems of Boole, De Morgan, Jevons, Peirce, Schröder, et al., mere

Beyond that, it was the failure to distinguish between sets and classes
or, more properly, subsets and proper subsets (or for Frege, between
functions and higher-order functions, where a lower-order function
could serve as the indeterminate argument for a higher-order function)
-- i.e. the very universality, that caused the introduction of the
Russell paradox. The idea of universality disabling the possibility for
Frege or Russell to step out of their logical systems to ask
metalogical questions about the model-theoretic or proof-theoretical
properties of their system was dealt with by Van in "Système et
métasystème chez Russell".

The only point in my book on van Heijenoort where I essentially
disagreed with Philippe de Rouilhan was on the question of whether Van
came down on the side of relativism or on the side of absolutism.
(Incidentally, de Rouilhan has agreed to provide a revised and extended
discussion and translation into English of his article "De
l'universalité de la logique" for the issue of Logica Universalis that
I am guest-editing to celebrate the centenary of Van's birth. That
issue of L.U. is scheduled for publication precisely on Van's 100th
birthday, 23 July 2012.)

In his unpublished research notes on the nature of logic, Van made
multiple efforts to sort out whether there is *one* logic (absolutism,
-- or "unic-universalism"?) or several logics(relativism). (The idea of
the medieval terminology logica magna -- not logica docens -- and
logicae utenses has to be understood, when dealing with van Heijenoort,
in the sense of one logic, a logic tout court (he calls it in his
notes), versus several logics. And in doing this, he attempted to
understand the connection of logic and [ordinary] language. He never
really decided; what we end up with is the question of whether
[ordinary] language can be applied to study the n

Re: [peirce-l] "On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic"

2011-12-07 Thread Irving

Certainly model theory is a general theory of interpretation of
axiomatic set theory, but as such it is not committed to any
extra-systematic objects, only to the sets themselves as defined by the
axioms. Rather, model theory studies the mathematical structures by
examining first-order sentences true of those structures and the sets
definable in those structures by first-order formulas. So, model theory
is neither more nor less than the structure and sets that are definable
within an axiomatic  theory.

In other words, we require extra-logical individuals to be extensional.
And since, according to Russell, and van Heijenoort, as I said in my
previous post, there are no individuals in the classical Boole-Schröder
calculus, that system would, again according JvH, be intensional rather
than extensional. Since we have a universe of discourse in Aristotle,
De Morgan, Boole, et al,m rather than THE UNIVERSE (i.e. the universal
domain), "individuals" in their logic are merely representatives of a
class that is given by definition, rather than an element of a set or a
collection of individuals with a specified property. To employ
Husserl's terminology (for example in his debates with Voigt) in order
to avoid our contemporary expectations regarding the meaning and
implications of "intensional" and "extensional", if that would help
clarify matters, JvH would have said, as Husserl did w.r.t. Schröder's
Algebra der Logik (again, had he employed the alternative terminology)
the logics of Aristotle, Boole, et al are *conceptual* [a
Begriffskalkul or Folgerungscalcul] rather than *contentual* [a

One final point. So far as I recall, I did not say that "model theory
necessarily intensional"; in any case, I know that I did not say
*necessarily*, although it can (and should) be inferred that JvH would,
as I noted, consider the classical Boole-Schroder logic to be (again in
Husserlian terms, if you prefer, a Folgerungslogik, or intensional,
rather than a an Inhaltslogik, or extensional.


- Message from -
   Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 10:39:51 -0500
   From: "Michael J. DeLaurentis" 
Reply-To: "Michael J. DeLaurentis" 
Subject: RE: [peirce-l] "On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for

In what sense is model theory necessarily intensional? In standard modern
usage, a model simply extensionally assigns interpretations [individuals and
sets, sometimes ordered] to categories of symbols in the object language.
Where's the intensionality? [Leave aside for the moment modal/opaque

-Original Message-
From: C S Peirce discussion list [mailto:PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU] On
Behalf Of Jon Awbrey
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] "On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for

* Comments on the Peirce List slow reading of Joseph Ransdell,
  "On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic",

IA: Once again, there is a complex of related dichotomies that van
applied to distinguish the Aristotelian-Boolean stream (of which Peirce
a part, according to Van) from the Fregean, including logic as
as language, model-theoretic (or intensional)/set-theoretic, (or
so as to include both Russell's use of set theory and Frege's
semantic), syntactic/semantic, and, finally, relativism/absolutism.

This has been coming pretty thick and fast, so let me see if I can sift it

Aristotelian-Boolean . | Fregean
logic as calculus  | logic as language model-theoretic .. |
set-theoretic intensional .. | extensional syntactic  |
semantic relative . | absolute

Did you intend to align things that way?
Or did you intend them as coordinate axes?


CC: Arisbe, Inquiry, Peirce List


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Re: [peirce-l] ?On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic?

2011-12-07 Thread Irving


I think I need to make it clear that I have been providing an
exposition of van Heijenoort's characterizations of the history of
logic and his classifications.

In fact, I do not myself adhere to these. (Indeed, as Volker Peckhaus
had correctly noted, I myself, in my book on van Heijenoort, made it
patently clear that I hold van Heijenoort's classificatory scheme to
embrace a false dichotomy.)

Van, for example, did not himself think that either Peirce or Schröder
had room in the classical Boole-Schröder calculus for individuals, or
that they had articulated a full quantification theory. Apropos the
question, e.g. of whether the classical Boole-Schröder calculus handled
individuals, JvH would surely, had he known about Bertrand Russell's
discussions with Norbert Wiener, have referred to Russell's account of
how it was precisely hearing the discussion between Peano and Schröder
at the Paris Philosophy Congress in 1900, and the capability of Peano's
pasigraphy of articulating "the" within his logical system, and
Schröder's [presumptive] inability to do so in his calculus, that
convinced him of the superiority of Peano's logic to the
Boole-Schroöder calculus.

I deal elsewhere, separately, with where and how Van got Peirce and
Schröder WRONG in "How Peircean was the "Fregean" Revolution in Logic?"
(forthcoming Logicheskie issledovaniya, Pt. 1 (2012); Pt. 2 (2013);
preprint:; I
demonstrate there that virtually all of the criteria that JvH listed as
Frege's unique original innovations contributing to the development of
"modern" logic can in fact be found in Peirce's (and Schröder's)
algebraic logic.

With respect to the Stoic logicians, Van  dealt with them only to the
very limited extent of noting that J. M. Bochenski, in his little paper
"Spitzfindingkeit", included them among the logicians who were
spitzfinding (subtle -- or better, rigorous), and did not raise the
question of where they might fit in the Aristotelian/Boolean or the
Fregean stream. They play no role whatever in any other of Van's
published work outside of his review of Bochenski's paper.

I shall leave the question of the role that chemical bonding had for
CSP in bonding [pun intended] the Stoic concept of consequence with
Aristotelian logic aside for another time, as a bit off topic from the
traditional/modern question.

I am for the moment able to say little more than that Kempe contributed
to the logic of relations, applications of the logic or relations to
geometry and foundations of geometry, and his chemically-inspired
diagrams, together with Cayley's analytical trees, had indubitably
formed part of the inspiration for CSP's entitative and existential
graphs for logic.

Beyond that, in any event, I think others would be much better prepared
than I to handle any philosophical issues that might be involved.


- Message from -
   Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:39:40 -0500
   From: Jerry LR Chandler 
Reply-To: Jerry LR Chandler 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] ?On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for

Irving, List:

A well articulated response that motivates me to push the ill-formed
questions yet another step.

If the first primitive binary separation of the primitive notion of a
meaningful logic is Aristotelian (Boolean) / Fregean,

then where would one place the Stoic notion of Antecedent / Consequence?

Secondly, CSP speaks of copulative logic (presumably from the notion
of a copula) in contrast to predicate logic; where would this sort of
grammatical distinction fit in such a binary primitive of the
classification of adjectives describing forms of logic?

This question arises from the basic notion of a chemical bond as
expressed by the conjunction of two terms to form a third terms such
that the two parts create (form) a new whole.  Clearly, CSP was aware
of Cayley's work on both graph theory and group theory and yet
proceeded with basing his graphic notation for logic on chemical
relations.  (See EP 2, 362-70.) The philosophical importance of this
question emerges from the text describing how he chose to base his
Phaneron on "indecomposable elements"  (logically) analogous to the
chemical elements.

Is it possible that CSP was attempting to bridge the gap between
Aristotelian and Stoic logic in this attempt to give meaning to the
notion of scientific observations?



On Dec 7, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Irving wrote:

I'm not certain that I fully understand the question here. These two
disparate sets of properties are part of an interacting complex that,
for JvH, typify and help distinguish the traditional logic (in which
the "Booleans" or algebraic logicians a

Re: [peirce-l] ?On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic?

2011-12-07 Thread Irving

I'm not certain that I fully understand the question here. These two
disparate sets of properties are part of an interacting complex that,
for JvH, typify and help distinguish the traditional logic (in which
the "Booleans" or algebraic logicians are included, insofar as they
putatively do no more than attempt to algebraicize Aristotle's
syllogistic logic) from the "Fregeans". I suppose that the best that
can be said in terms of attempting to organize the list is that those
in the first column are characteristic -- I suppose I would say in
varying degrees, although JvH did not explicitly include that modifier
-- of the traditional logic, those in the second column "modern", and
specifically mathematical, logic, which, he says unequivocally, begins
with Frege's Begriffsschrift. On the other hand, there is some implicit
equivocation, since JvH also described Hilbert as standing between
these two groups -- in which case, we have, indeed, to allow some
flexibility rather than arbitrarily assign every characteristic in one
column exclusively to the one or the other of the traditional or the
modern logic. (I suppose if you want some principle of organization for
each property in these two sets of properties, they therefore should
perhaps better be  thought of as rays, rather than either strictly and
rigidly aligned or as lying on absolute coordinate axes. That is why I
preferred to describe these two sets of properties as forming a "complex
of related dichotomies" rather than, as "defining characteristics" and
now call them the set of characteristics that for JvH "typify and help
distinguish" the two traditions or streams of logic.


- Message from -
   Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 09:40:26 -0500
   From: Jon Awbrey 
Reply-To: Jon Awbrey 
Subject: Re: ?On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic?
 To: Jon Awbrey's Inquiry Project 

* Comments on the Peirce List slow reading of Joseph Ransdell,
  "On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic",

IA: Once again, there is a complex of related dichotomies that van Heijenoort
applied to distinguish the Aristotelian-Boolean stream (of which
Peirce was
a part, according to Van) from the Fregean, including logic as
as language, model-theoretic (or intensional)/set-theoretic, (or
so as to include both Russell's use of set theory and Frege's
semantic), syntactic/semantic, and, finally, relativism/absolutism.

This has been coming pretty thick and fast, so let me see if I can
sift it out.

Aristotelian-Boolean . | Fregean
logic as calculus  | logic as language
model-theoretic .. | set-theoretic
intensional .. | extensional
syntactic  | semantic
relative . | absolute

Did you intend to align things that way?
Or did you intend them as coordinate axes?


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Re: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic

2011-12-07 Thread Irving
y wrong by
following the instructions on Wikipedia. And that's my anti-Wikipedia
rant. Suffice it to say:, with apologies to Ben: Wikipedia is NOT the
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy or the Internet Encyclopedia of


- Message from -
   Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 17:19:01 -0500
   From: Benjamin Udell 
Reply-To: Benjamin Udell 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience
Appropriate for Semiotic

Jim, list,

Yes, I was just reading an article that said that Van Heijenoort said
that Frege's logic has just one universe of discourse, whereas others
allowed variations. Frege as "unic-universalist" (my word) rather
than merely universalist.
 Van Heijenoort lists two further consequences of the lingua-calculus
distinction and the universality of Fregean logic. Whereas Boole's
universal class or De Morgan's universe of discourse can be changed
at will, Frege's quantifiers binding individual variables range over
all objects. There is no change of universes: 'Frege's universe
consists of all that there is, and it is fixed' (ibid. ["Logic as
Calculus and Logic as Language"], 325). Furthermore, Frege's system
is closed, nothing can be outside the system. There are no
metalogical questions and no separate semantics.  - Volker Peckhaus,
"Calculus Ratiocinator vs. Characteristica Universalis? The Two
Traditions in Logic, Revisited" (16.5.2003), page 4,
I particularly need to read/re-read an article or two by Irving.
(Meanwhile my days will be increasingly busy through Friday).

An insistence on limiting logic to a single monolithic universe of
discourse has long seemed strange to me. Makes me think of Russell's
worry (during some period) that mathematics deals with numbers larger
than the number of particles in the (physical) universe. Anyway that
insistence weakens the affinity between the idea of a total
population and the idea of a universe of discourse, though I guess
one doesn't need to admit various universes of discourse in order to
admit various total populations. Of course there are other reasons
that one might like not to be limited to a grand and single universe
of discourse.

Anyway, the Wiki sentence as written is a statement about the
supposed opinions of van Heijenoort, Hintikka, and Brady. Irving has
indicated that it is mistaken as to van Heijenoort's view of the
dichotomy. So even if we start to see how the stated opinion makes
partial sense in a way that suggests how to salvage it, then there's
still the problem of attribution. So I've ratched down my personal
sense of urgency about it by removing it from the article for the
time being. I'd like to get it repaired and put it back in since it
does broach important issues in the development of logic and Peirce's
role in it.
 Jean Van Heijenoort (1967),[85] Jaakko Hintikka (1997),[86] and
Geraldine Brady (2000)[79] divide those who study formal (and
natural) languages into two camps: the model-theorists /
semanticists, and the proof theorists / universalists. Hintikka and
Brady view Peirce as a pioneer model theorist.

 79. a b Brady, Geraldine (2000), From Peirce to Skolem: A Neglected
Chapter in the History of Logic, North-Holland/Elsevier Science BV,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.

 85. ^ van Heijenoort (1967), "Logic as Language and Logic as
Calculus" in Synthese 17: 324-30.

 86. ^ Hintikka (1997), "The Place of C. S. Peirce in the History of
Logical Theory" in Brunning and Forster (1997), The Rule of Reason:
The Philosophy of C. S. Peirce, U. of Toronto.
Best, Ben

 - Original Message -
 From: Jim Willgoose
 To: ;
 Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 3:47 PM
 Subject: RE: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience
Appropriate for Semiotic


 One quick further thought. If the pretension to a "universal
language" is so great that one does not consider a comparison of
models, then it becomes easier to see the pairing of
"proof-theoretic/universalist." So, maybe Frege would historically be
seen this way. (absolute model) On the other hand, if Lowenheim
finishes something he sees philosophically in Peirce/Schroder, then
you might get the pairing "model theorist/particularist."

 jim W - Original Message -
 From: Jim Willgoose
 Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 3:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience
Appropriate for Semiotic


 Thanks for all the work on Wiki.  Here is a quick distillation
of the idea. A signature such as { ~, &, NEG, POS} might be adequate
for modeling the Bool

Re: [peirce-l] ?On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic?

2011-12-04 Thread Irving
ntial, the experimental and the empirical from certain other
complexes of ideas with which they have become associated by accident
rather than necessity.

The thoughts that occur to me on reading this statement are as follows.

On the one hand I am much in favor of seeking deeper-lying continuities
where only divisions appear to rule the superficial aspects of phenomena.
That is one of the things that attracts me to Peirce's theory of inquiry,
that succeeds in connecting our everyday problem-solving activities with
the more deliberate and disciplined methodologies of scientific research.

On the other hand I cannot help noticing the facts of usage. For example,
even though the words "experiential", "empirical", and "experimental" may
be near enough synonyms in some contexts, in other contexts a person will
tend to use "empirical" to emphasize a shade of distinction between casual
experience and the deliberate collection of data, perhaps even bearing the
motive of testing a specific array of hypotheses. In that empirical
a person will tend to use "experimental" to suggest an even more deliberate
manipulation of events for the purpose of generating data that can serve to
sift the likely from the unlikely stories in the heap of hypotheses
in view.

Sufficient unto the day ...


AB: It would be handy if 'reply' gives a reply to the
list message instead of a reply to the sender.

Yes, it seems that different browsers handle that differently.
I try to remember always to hit "reply to all", but often don't.

AB: You wrote a sentence that raises some questions, at least in my mind.

JA1: An equivocation is a variation in meaning, or a manifold of
sign senses,
 and so Peirce's claim that three categories are sufficient
amounts to an
 assertion that all manifolds of meaning can be unified in just
three steps.

AB: In comparison with the sentence you wrote earlier in the same mail
there are two differences:

JA2: Peirce's claim that three categories are necessary and sufficient
 for the purposes of logic says that a properly designed system of
 logic can resolve all equivocation in just three levels or steps.

AB: a. unification of all manifolds of meaning is not without further
   qualifications the same as disambiguation. So, in principle at
   least I could support JA2 and not support JA1.

AB: b. In JA1 the problem of the meaning of 'meaning' presses itself
   upon the reader, in JA2 meaning is given, the only problem
   that remains is to make a choice between alternatives that
   are supposed to be given.

AB: So, JA1 is a much stronger claim than JA2. Since you wrote in JA2
about levels or steps, but in JA1 just about steps, your claim seems
to amount to the proposition that all manifolds of meaning can
be unified
in a single run of a procedure that consists of three steps. Of course
unification can be taken as quite empty (for instance as "signs written
on the same sheet are unified", but then "unification of all manifolds
of meaning", is rather unsatisfying on the meaning side of the issue.

AB: I am inclined to reason that, given:

JA3: Peirce's distinctive claim is that a type hierarchy of three levels
 is generative of all that we need in logic.

AB: It is possible to design a procedure with the three steps of
JA1 that unifies all manifolds of meaning, not in three steps.


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Re: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic

2011-12-03 Thread Irving

Ben Udell wrote [begin quote]:

Gary F., list,


You wrote:

Abstraction (in the sense above) obviously has its uses in the process
of learning

from experience, but not to the degree that it can *replace*
experience. My guess is that this is the same issue that Irving and
others have been dealing with in this thread with
regard to ?formalism?, but not being a mathematician, i don't always
follow their idiom.

I'm not a mathematician either, and Irving can correct me if he wants
to plow through my
prose, but I agree that the issue is related. There's a related issue
of model theorists
and semanticists, versus proof theorists, who are more like formalists.
Model theorists
and semanticists see formal languages as being _about_ subject matters
which are 'models'
for the formalism. Somebody once told me that when I say that, in a
deduction, the
premisses validly imply the conclusions, that's
proof-theoretic in perspective, but when I say that, in a deduction, if
the premisses are
true then the conclusion is true, that's model-theoretic in perspective.

Peirce is usually classed on the model theorist/semanticist side, and
Goedel's aim is
said to have been to show that mathematics can't be regarded as pure
formalism, a show
about nothing. Proof theorists and formalists are more inclined to see
math as formal
calculi, systems of marks transformable according to rules, not as
language _about_
things.  Now, calculation, as far as I can tell, is (deductive
mathematical) reasoning
with terms. E.g., (trivially) "5 ergo 5"*, instead of "there is a horse
ergo there is a
horse".  I can kind of see how propositions (a.k.a. zero-place terms)
versus (other)
terms, would align with facts, real objects, etc., versus marks. If you
look at
propositions as marks, then they're like term-inviting clumpish things
(as opposed to
proposition-inviting facts or states of affairs.)

But it's an alignment by some sort of affinity or correlation, not
identity. Semantics is
concerned not just with reference by propositions but with reference by
terms to things;
the terms are not ideally non-referring marks in semantics. For a
formalist, the marks
_are_ the things.

[end quote]

If I understand aright, one of the issues being raised by Ben and Gary
is the link
between abstraction and formalism, and whether there is a connection as
well between
model theorists and semanticists on the one hand, and proof theorists
on the other, where
the latter are close to formalists as being abstractionist.

The first part of my reply in this case is that neither intuitionists
(such as Brouwer)
or logicists (such as Frege or Russell) abjure abstraction any more
than formalists.
Indeed, Piaget formulated his genetic "constructive epistemology" for
his developmental
psychologist Jean Piaget, describing abstract reasoning as the final
stage of cognitive
development by referring directly to Brouwer. The expression "constructivist
epistemology" was first used by Piaget in 1967, in the article "Logique
et Connaissance
scientifique" in the Encyclopédie de la Pléiade. Piaget refers directly
to the Brouwer
and his radical constructivism. (See, e.g., my "La psicologia di
Piaget, la matematica
costruttivista e l'interpretazione semantica della verita secondo la
teoria degli
insiemi" (Nominazione: Rivista Internazionale di Logica 2 (1981),
174-188) on how
Piaget's psychology describes the epistemology of number and set theory.

Setting aside, therefore, the issue of abstraction, the more complex
issue under
consideration is that regarding the perceived distinction between
"model theorists and
semanticists on the one hand and proof theorists on the other. This is
an erroneous
distinction insofar as the historical and philosophical literature,
from van Heijenoort
forward, distinguishes between two types of semantics, namely the
set-theoretic (or
extensional, which would also include Frege's course-of-values, or
semantics) and the model-theoretic (or intensional). (Actually, van
terminology is itself at first somewhat misleading, insofar as he
initially associated
the limited universes of discourses of the algebraic logicians with the
and not with the course-of-values of Frege and the set theory of
Russell; although he
then immediately corrected himself by associating the Russello-Fregean
semantics with the set theoretical.)

Having said that, there is, for van Heijenoort and those who came after
him, a complex of
dichotomies that are bound together to distinguish the algebraic logic
of De Morgan,
Boole, Peirce, and Schröder on the one hand from the
"quantification-theoretic -- or more
properly, despite van Heijenoort, function-theoretic and set-theoretic
logic of Frege,
Peano, and Russell. All of the elements of this complex are to be
brought together in my

[peirce-l] forthcoming Peirce titles

2011-12-02 Thread Irving

Dear colleagues,

In case you have not yet heard about it, there is a new publisher,
Docent Press, that focuses on history of mathematics, including history
of logic, with Ivor Grattan-Guinness among those
serving on its editorial board, and is interested primarily in works on
history of mathematics.

Two of their forthcoming titles are directly relevant to Peirce; they are:

Paul Shields, Charles S. Peirce on the Logic of Number


Alison Walsh, Relations between Logic and Mathematics in the Work of
Benjamin and Charles S. Peirce

Many of you, in particular PEIRCE-L members, Peircean scholars, and
historians of logic, may be familiar with my

"Peirce Rustled, Russell Pierced: How Charles Peirce and Bertrand
Russell Viewed Each Other's Work in Logic, and an Assessment of
Russell's Accuracy and Role in the Historiography of Logic", Modern
Logic 5 (1995), 270–328; electronic version at:

and my

"Some Views of Russell and Russell’s Logic by His Contemporaries",
Review of Modern Logic 10:1/2 (2004-2005), 67-97; especially the
electronic version: "Some Views of Russell and Russell's Logic by His
Contemporaries, with Particular Reference to Peirce", at

Now my

Evaluating Bertrand Russell: The Logician and His Work

which, however, is much more tangentially relevant specifically to
Peirce, has also been added to their list of forthcoming titles.

The URL for Docent Press's web page is:


Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] Hilbert and Peirce

2011-12-02 Thread Irving

On Nov. 27, I wrote: "... I would have to say that he would agree that
there is a strong
empiricism underlying Hilbert's work, and that this is the
philosophical import of his
quote from Kant's  K.d.r.V. in the Grundlagen der Geometrie: "So fängt
denn alle
menschliche Erkenntnis mit Anschauungen an, geht von da zu Begriffen
und endigt mit Ideen." I  would argue, however,  that this is about how
we obtain our information, and, assuming Corry is correct, how  Hilbert
thought we select the elements of our universe of discourse; but I
would also
argue that it has nothing to do with how axiomatic systems operate,
which is to say,
having established the axioms, chosen the  inference rules for the
system, and selected
the primitives from which theorems are constructed from the axioms in
accordance with the
inference rules, is strictly mechanical, and it does not, working
within the axiom system, whether what is being manipulated  are points,
lines and  planes, or tables, chairs, and beer mugs, or integers, …, or
whatever we may require for the axiomatizing task at hand. What matters
within the system, while the calculations are occurring, is that
complex formulas (theorems) are being constructed on the basis of the
formulas that do duty as axioms, in accordance with the rules. (It is
this distinction, of having inference rules in place, that renders
Hilbert's systems not merely axiomatic systems, but formal deductive
systems.) Hilbert's formalism amounts to the mechanization
of these manipulations, and for practical purposes, the formulas are
combinations of
marks, and these marks become signs as  soon as an interpretation is
give, that is, a
universe of discourse - - whether points, lines, and planes, or tables,
chairs and beer
mugs, or the integers. What concerns me is whether, in considering what
(else) or what
different Hilbert might have meant by his formalism, and whether or not
there was an
underlying empiricism behind this, is that we might be demanding too
much of Hilbert, who was, I
understand, concerned with mathematics and only peripherally with
philosophy of mathematics. (Having said this,I have to also confess
that I have not seen or read the contents of Hilbert's late,
unpublished, lectures on foundations, but I believe that Corry has, and
it is on that
basis that Corry proposes an empiricist epistemology behind Hilbert's

"The only other point I would make w.r.t. Hilbert on physics, is that,
at least according to Corry, part of Hilbert's empiricism is exhibited
by the requirement that his axiomatization depends upon his
axiomatization of geometry, and that the Kantian root of geometry is
spatial intuition."

Since then, I have come across some preprints (headed for publication
in Erkenntnis or Synthese) that stress the empiricist aspect of
Hilbert's philosophy, such as Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt's
"Mathematical Symbols as Epistemic Actions" that takes Hilbert to be a
radical empiricist in the style of, or at least very close to,
Husserl's pre-phenomenological psychologism, and Soren Stenlund's
"Different Senses of Finitude: An Inquiry into Hilbert's Finitism".

And then there is Solomon Feferman's "And so on...: Reasoning with
Infinite Diagrams", in which, in footnote 10, Sol, who I had known
primarily and essentially as a mathematician specializing in
recursion-theoretic aspects of proof theory and a disciple of Georg
Kreisel, and secondarily as a friend and associate of Jean van
Heijenoort and as editor-in-chief of Gödel's Collected Works,
straightforwardly and unequivocally asserts that it is a mistake to
regard Hilbert as a formalism.

(What this all suggests to me is that, *if* correct, everything about
Hilbert and twentieth-century formalist foundational philosophy of
mathematics that I was -- and probably many of us were -- taught 47
years and more ago ... is just plain *wrong*.)

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Reply to Steven Ericsson-Zenith & Jerry Chandler re Hilbert & Peirce

2011-11-27 Thread Irving

Apologies for sending out the following message previously without the
subject line; the IMAP connection was temporarily broken and causing
transmission and other difficulties.

- Message from -
   Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 11:20:02 -0500
   From: Irving 
Reply-To: Irving 

On 18 Nov. Steven Ericsson-Zenith wrote:

My own interpretation may be substantively different, it may not.

I take Hilbert's position to be that the formalism is independent of
the subject matter. That is, I
take his view of formal interpretation to be mechanistic, specifying
valid transformations of the
structure under consideration, be it logical, geometric or physical.
I am confused because you use
"signs" instead of "marks" here. In addition, since the formalism is
independent of the subject - as suggested by his appeal to Berkeley -
a theorem of the formalism
remains a theorem of the formalism despite the subject.

In this view, how one selects an appropriate formalism for a given
subject - if there is a fitness
("suitability") requirement as you suggest for the "different parts of
mathematics" - appears to be a mystery, unless you think empiricism
is required at this point.

And on 26 Nov., Jerry Chandler wrote:

The separate and distinct axiom systems for mathematical structures
is a thorn in my mind as it
disrupts simpler notions of the rules for conducting calculations
with numbers. While I eventually
came to accept the category theorists view of the emergence of
mathematic structures as a
historical fact, the separation of formal axiom systems causes
philosophical problems.

Firstly, physicists often speak of "first principles" or "ab initio"
foundations. These terms are used in such a sense as to imply a
special connection exists between
physics and the universals and to further imply that other sciences
do not have access to such
"first principles".

If such ab initio calculations were to be invoked as something more
serious than a linguistic
fabrication, what mathematical structure would one invoke? In the mid
and late 20 th Century, group
theory and symmetry were the popular choice among philosophically
oriented physicists and applied

Philosophically, the foundations of Aristotelian causality come into
play. Philosophers abandoned
material causality, substituted the formalism of efficient causality
for formal causality and
summarily dissed telic reasoning of biology. The four causes so
widely discussed in medieval logic
and the trivium were reduced to one cause. Obviously, if every axiom
system is a formalism and
every formalism is to be associated with efficient causality, the
concept of "ab initio"
calculations is seriously diminished as every axiom system becomes a
new form of "ab
initio" calculations and conclusions.

Does anyone else see this as a problem for the philosophy of physics?

A second question is perhaps easier for you, Irving, or perhaps more

You write:

... the only mathematically
legitimate characteristic of axiom systems is that they be
proof-theoretically sound, that is, the completeness, consistency, and
independence of the axiom system,...

I am puzzled on how to interpret the phrase,

independence of the axiom system,...

Many axiom systems may use the same axioms, just extend the number of
axioms in the system; the
formal axiom systems are interdependent on one another.

So, what is the sense of 'independence' as it is used in this phrase?

I would note in passing that I have attempted to write a set of
axioms for chemical relations on
several occasions and have been amply rewarded, initially with
exhilaration and subsequently with
deep remorse for having wasted my energies on such an intractable
challenge. :-) :-) :-)

I would like to take the easiest question first.

Independence, like consistency or completeness, is a model-theoretic
property of axiom systems. To put it in simplest terms, by the
independence of the axiom system, the mathematician means nothing more
nor less than that there are no axioms in the set of axioms that could
be pr oven as a theorem  from the other axioms.

The issue arose when, ever since Euclid, mathematicians attempted to
determine the status of the parallel postulate. It came to a head in
1733 when Saccheri claimed to prove the parallel postulate(Vth) from
all of Euclid's axioms other than the Vth postulate, using a reductio
argument. What Beltrami showed in 1868 was that Saccheri had in fact pr
oven the independence of Euclid's Vth postulate, since in fact,
Saccheri ended up with a hyperbolic parallel postulate.

I don't know very much about Hilbert's axiomatization of physics, other
than that Leo Corry has written the most about them, including the book
David Hilbert and the Axiomatization of Physics


2011-11-27 Thread Irving

On 18 Nov. Steven Ericsson-Zenith wrote:

My own interpretation may be substantively different, it may not.

I take Hilbert's position to be that the formalism is independent of
the subject matter. That is, I
take his view of formal interpretation to be mechanistic, specifying
valid transformations of the
structure under consideration, be it logical, geometric or physical. I
am confused because you use
"signs" instead of "marks" here. In addition, since the formalism is
independent of the subject - as suggested by his appeal to Berkeley - a
theorem of the formalism
remains a theorem of the formalism despite the subject.

In this view, how one selects an appropriate formalism for a given
subject - if there is a fitness
("suitability") requirement as you suggest for the "different parts of
mathematics" - appears to be a mystery, unless you think empiricism is
required at this point.

And on 26 Nov., Jerry Chandler wrote:

The separate and distinct axiom systems for mathematical structures is
a thorn in my mind as it
disrupts simpler notions of the rules for conducting calculations with
numbers. While I eventually
came to accept the category theorists view of the emergence of
mathematic structures as a
historical fact, the separation of formal axiom systems causes
philosophical problems.

Firstly, physicists often speak of "first principles" or "ab initio"
foundations. These terms are used in such a sense as to imply a special
connection exists between
physics and the universals and to further imply that other sciences do
not have access to such
"first principles".

If such ab initio calculations were to be invoked as something more
serious than a linguistic
fabrication, what mathematical structure would one invoke? In the mid
and late 20 th Century, group
theory and symmetry were the popular choice among philosophically
oriented physicists and applied

Philosophically, the foundations of Aristotelian causality come into
play. Philosophers abandoned
material causality, substituted the formalism of efficient causality
for formal causality and
summarily dissed telic reasoning of biology. The four causes so widely
discussed in medieval logic
and the trivium were reduced to one cause. Obviously, if every axiom
system is a formalism and
every formalism is to be associated with efficient causality, the
concept of "ab initio"
calculations is seriously diminished as every axiom system becomes a
new form of "ab
initio" calculations and conclusions.

Does anyone else see this as a problem for the philosophy of physics?

A second question is perhaps easier for you, Irving, or perhaps more

You write:

... the only mathematically
legitimate characteristic of axiom systems is that they be
proof-theoretically sound, that is, the completeness, consistency, and
independence of the axiom system,...

I am puzzled on how to interpret the phrase,

independence of the axiom system,...

Many axiom systems may use the same axioms, just extend the number of
axioms in the system; the
formal axiom systems are interdependent on one another.

So, what is the sense of 'independence' as it is used in this phrase?

I would note in passing that I have attempted to write a set of axioms
for chemical relations on
several occasions and have been amply rewarded, initially with
exhilaration and subsequently with
deep remorse for having wasted my energies on such an intractable
challenge. :-) :-) :-)

I would like to take the easiest question first.

Independence, like consistency or completeness, is a model-theoretic
property of axiom systems. To
put it in simplest terms, by the independence of the axiom system, the
mathematician means nothing
more nor less than that there are no axioms in the set of axioms that
could be proven as a theorem
from the other axioms.

The issue arose when, ever since Euclid, mathematicians attempted to
determine the status of the
parallel postulate. It came to a head in 1733 when Saccheri claimed to
prove the parallel postulate
(Vth) from all of Euclid's axioms other than the Vth postulate, using a
reductio argument. What
Beltrami showed in 1868 was that Saccheri had in fact proven the
independence of Euclid's Vth
postulate, since in fact, Saccheri ended up with a hyperbolic parallel

I don't know very much about Hilbert's axiomatization of physics, other
than that Leo Corry has
written the most about them, including the book David Hilbert and the
Axiomatization of Physics
(1898-1918) (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004); some of his
other work includes:

"David Hilbert and the Axiomatization of Physics", Archive for History
of Exact Sciences
51 (1997), 83-198;

"Hilbert and Physics (1900-1915)," In Jeremy Gray (ed,), The Symbolic
Universe: Geometry
and Physics (1890–1930) (New York, Oxford University Press,

[peirce-l] Reply to Jerry Chandler, on Hilbert and Peirce

2011-11-18 Thread Irving


I suggest that this is a very good question, but I think that we have
to consider Hilbert's position as an unfinished product and a moving
target. Probably the best indication can be gotten by considering that
there is not so much *a* "Hilbert program" as there are "Hilbert
programs" (see, e.g. Wilfried Sieg's SIEG, "Hilbert's Programs,
1917–1922", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1999), 1-44).

I would therefore preface my answer by noting that I think it important
to remember that Hilbert was a mathematician first and foremost, and
that, although interested in philosophical issues in foundations of
mathematics, did not systematically develop his formalism. He is better
considered an amateur at philosophy. Apart from his handful of brief
publications such as "Axiomatische Denken" and "Die logischen
Grundlagen der Mathematik", there is, e.g. his correspondence with
Frege and his unpublished lectures. The best early articulation of
Hilbert's formalism is probably that given by John von Neumann in the
round-table discussion in 1930 on foundations, in which Heyting also
presented Brouwer's intuitionism and Carnap presented logicism, all
published in Erkenntnis in 1931.

All of this having been said, the best answer I can give is that, the
"points, lines, and planes" and "tables, chairs, and beer mugs" remark
aside, Hilbert would give different axiomatizations for different parts
of mathematics. That is to say, therwe is one set of axioms and
primitives suitable to develop, say, projective geometry, and another
for algebraic numbers; there is one suitable for Euclidean geometry and
another for metageometry. In the case of the latter, for example, one
needs to devise an axiom set that is powerful enough to develop all of
the theorems required for the articulation not only required for
Euclidean geometry, but also for hyperbolic geometry and elliptical
geometry, but which do not also generate superfluous theorems of other
theories. Hilbert's axiom system for geometry, then, is not the same
athat which he erected for physics.

What I think is the correct understanding of Hilbert's "throw-away"
remark about points, lines and planes and tables, chairs, and beer
mugs, is the more profound -- or perhaps more mundane -- idea that
axiom systems are sets of signs which are meaningless unless and until
they are interpreted, and by themselves, the only mathematically
legitimate characteristic of axiom systems is that they be
proof-theoretically sound, that is, the completeness, consistency, and
independence of the axiom system, and capable of allowing

valid derivation of all, and only those, theorems, required for the
piece of mathematics being investigated.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic

2011-11-18 Thread Irving


I suggest that this is a very good question, but I am not certain that
I can give you a straightforward answer. In particular, I have to
altogether beg off attempting to respond to the part of your question
concerning Aristotelian causality.

I think that we have to consider Hilbert's position as an unfinished
product and a moving target. Probably the best indication can be gotten
by considering that there is not so much *a* "Hilbert program" as there
are "Hilbert programs" (see, e.g. Wilfried Sieg's SIEG, "Hilbert's
Programs, 1917–1922", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1999), 1-44).

I would therefore preface my answer by noting that I think it important
to remember that Hilbert was a mathematician first and foremost, and
that, although interested in philosophical issues in foundations of
mathematics, did not systematically develop his formalism. He is better
considered an amateur at philosophy. Apart from his handful of brief
publications such as "Axiomatische Denken" and "Die logischen
Grundlagen der Mathematik", there is, e.g. his correspondence with
Frege and his unpublished lectures. The best early articulation of
Hilbert's formalism is probably that given by John von Neumann in the
round-table discussion in 1930 on foundations, in which Heyting also
presented Brouwer's intuitionism and Carnap presented logicism, all
published in Erkenntnis in 1931.

All of this having been said, the best answer I can give is that, the
"points, lines, and planes" and "tables, chairs, and beer mugs" remark
aside, Hilbert would give different axiomatizations for different parts
of mathematics. That is to say, there is one set of axioms and
primitives suitable to develop, say, projective geometry, and another
for algebraic numbers; there is one suitable for Euclidean geometry and
another for metageometry. In the case of the latter, for example, one
needs to devise an axiom set that is powerful enough to develop all of
the theorems required for the articulation not only required for
Euclidean geometry, but also for hyperbolic geometry and elliptical
geometry, but which do not also generate superfluous theorems of other
theories. Hilbert's axiom system for geometry, then, is not the same
athat which he erected for physics.

What I think is the correct understanding of Hilbert's "off-the-cuff"
remark about points, lines and planes and tables, vs. chairs, and beer
mugs, is the more profound -- or perhaps more mundane -- idea that
axiom systems are sets of signs which are meaningless unless and until
they are interpreted, and by themselves, the only mathematically
legitimate characteristic of axiom systems is that they be
proof-theoretically sound, that is, the completeness, consistency, and
independence of the axiom system, and capable of allowing valid
derivation of all, and only those, theorems, required for the piece of
mathematics being investigated.


- Message from -
   Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 23:16:40 -0500
   From: Jerry LR Chandler 
Reply-To: Jerry LR Chandler 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic

Irving, Jon, List;

From Jon's Post:
"Peirce's most detailed definition of
a sign relation, namely, the one given in 2 variants in NEM 4, 20-21 & 54."

"Logic will here be defined as formal semiotic. A definition of a
sign will be
given which no more refers to human thought than does the definition
of a line
as the place which a particle occupies, part by part, during a lapse of time.
Namely, a sign is something, A, which brings something, B, its
interpretant sign
determined or created by it, into the same sort of correspondence
with something, C,
its object, as that in which itself stands to C. It is from this
definition, together
with a definition of "formal", that I deduce mathematically the
principles of logic."

My question is simple and regards the singular and the plural as
grammatical units.

In the sentence,  "Logic will here be defined as formal semiotic.",
is the term 'semiotic' singular or plural?

Did CSP assert that only one formal semiotic exists?
Or, does this sentence allow for multiple formal semiotics?

For example, would the formal semiotic of Aristotelian causality be
necessarily the same as the formal semiotic of material causality?
By extension, signs for music, dance, electrical circuits,
genetics,...;  the same formal semiotic or different?

This sentence reflects on the meaning of the following sentence:

"Namely, a sign is something, A, which brings something, B,..."

In short, what is the nature of the active process of "brings" - the
same meaning for all formal semiotic, or is the fetching process
tailor-made for the category of the sign?

Thank you ver

Re: [peirce-l] On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic

2011-11-08 Thread Irving

Dear Steven,

There is a growing body of scholarship among philosophers of
mathematics, including Douglas Jesseph and Mick Detlefsen, that
identifies Hilbert as influenced by, if not an actual disciple of,
Berkeley, and who at the same time argue that Berkeley was a formalist
and in that sense a predecessor of Hilbert and Hilbert's formalism. One
very significant difference, of course, between Berkeley and Hilbert,
however, is that Berkeley rejected the absolute infinite, whereas
Hilbert profoundly embraced it, as a student and follower of
Weierstrass and a colleague and defender of Cantor. I don't know
off-hand whether Hilbert directly read Berkeley's "The Analyst" or "On
Infinities", let alone his more philosophical writings, but he most
assuredly encountered Berkeley's views at least through his reading of
Kant as well as in Cantor's major historico-philosophical excursuses in
his set theory papers, and probably also in his discussions with
Husserl at Göttingen.

Best regards,


- Message from -
   Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 15:40:20 -0800
   From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith 
Reply-To: Steven Ericsson-Zenith 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic
 To: Irving 

Dear Irving,

Thank you for the correction regarding the source of Hilbert's
remarks. I believe I read it in Unger's translation of The
Foundations of Geometry, perhaps in the foreword or annotations, but
I still have to check this. I assume that Hilbert is making a remark
that appeals to Berkeley's similar comments in stating the case of
"idealism." Suggesting he was familiar with Berkeley.

It isn't clear to me how you can/must infer that there is or is not
experiential inference in the distinction between "must" and "can."
"Must" and "will" appear to me to speak to the over confidence of
1900. But, again, I appreciate both the point and the correction.

With respect,

On Nov 8, 2011, at 7:43 AM, Irving wrote:

In response to posts and queries from Steven, Jon, and Jerry,

(1) Regarding Steven's initial post: My initial discomfort stemmed from
associating Hilbert's remark with the Peircean idea of logic as an
"experiential or positive science", since Hilbert as a strict formalist
did not regard mathematics (or logic) as in any sense an empirical
endeavor. I suggest that the quote from Kant with which Hilbert began
his _Grundlagen der Geometrie_ had the dual purpose of paying homage to
his fellow Königsberger and, more significantly, to suggest that,
although geometry begins with spatial intuition, it is, as a
discipline, twice removed from intuition by a series of abstractions.
Whether he held space to be a priori or a posteriori, I cannot say for
certain, but my strong inclination is to hold that he conceived
geometry to be a symbolic science, with points as the most basic of the
primitives, in the same sense that he held the natural numbers to be,
not mental constructs, but symbols.

(Incidentally, the precise formulation of the quote from Hilbert is:
"Wir müssen wissen. Wir werden wissen." Which should be translated as:
"We must know. We will know". There is no "can" in this quote; so no
experiential inference would seem to be indicated.)

(2) Hilbert did not himself include the comment on tables, chairs, and
beer mugs in G.d.G. It was reported by Blumenthal in his 1935 obituary
of Hilbert, recorded as a part of a conversation. If it does appear in
G.d.G., it does so in an edition that includes a reprint of Otto
Blumenthal's obit of Hilbert.

(3) Regarding the points made by Jon Awbrey and Jerry Chandler: In
attempting to sort out the various notions of "formal", whether it
applies to Peirce and to Hilbert, to logical positivism, formalism,
intuitionism, logicism, or to any of the philosophy of logic "isms", as
well as how to treat logical inference, I suggest that it helps to keep
in mind Jean van Heijenoort's useful, if somewhat controversial,
classification of logic of logic as calculus and logic as language and
the properties associated with these.

I will preface what I have to say about that, admittedly sketchily
here, by noting, as a mere curiosity, of no obvious significance other
than biographical, that van Heijenoort, who was my Doktorvater, resided
in the house, at 4 Kirkland Place, Cambridge, formerly owned by members
of the Peirce family, including Charles's father Benjamin, Charles's
brother, James Mills, and Charles's Aunt "Lizzie". I first learned of
the Peirce association of the house from Quine. I cannot imagine that
Quine would not have told Van, since they were good friends as well as
colleagues. What is ironic, then, is that Van had so little to say
about Peirce and his logic. What little Van said, in his intros to

Re: [peirce-l] On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotic

2011-11-08 Thread Irving

In any case, this is a rather complicated complex of characteristics
which has elicited considerable discussion since Van initially
published his "Logic as Calculus and Logic as Language" (1967) and
related articles, especially his "Set-theoretic Semantics" (1976); Hans
Sluga's "Frege Against the Booleans" (1987) was really the first to
take up some of the themes enunciated by Van in his "Logic as Calculus
and Logic as Language", and my dealing with it in my _Van Heijenoort:
Logic and Its History in the Work and Writings of Jean van Heijenoort_
(1994) is somewhat scattered throughout that book. The attempt to
elucidate and compare Peirce's and Hilbert's takes on these issues, as
well as mine, would, unfortunately, really require more time and space
than would be feasible for posting on this list; I will therefore at
this point plead inability to provide a simple or succinct reply to the
questions asked, and refer those interested in pursuing this further to
begin with Van's "Logic as Calculus and Logic as Language" (1967) and
"Set-theoretic Semantics" (1976) and one or both of my "Jean van
Heijenoort's Conception of Modern Logic, in Historical Perspective" and
"How Peircean was the "Fregean" Revolution in Logic?". (And, yes, it's
also a bit of a cop-out on my part as well, since I haven't really been
thinking about these issues since completing those two papers.)


Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] SLOW READ: On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for

2011-11-06 Thread Irving


You quote Peirce as saying in CP 7.526 that "Logic is a branch of
philosophy. That is to
say it is an experiential, or positive science, but a science which
rests on no special
observations, made by special observational means, but on phenomena
which lie open to the
observation of every man, every day and hour. There are two main
branches of philosophy,
Logic, or the philosophy of thought, and Metaphysics, or the philosophy
of being. Still
more general than these is High Philosophy which brings to light
certain truths
applicable alike to logic and to metaphysics. It is with this high
philosophy that we
have at first to deal."

A few paragraphs later, you then say:

'To echo Hilbert, "We can know, we will know." Only it is not
mathematics alone that will
inform us (and a revolution in the Foundations of Logic is required).'

I do not think that Hilbert would have accepted the interpretation that
seems to be
implied in placing his remark in juxtaposition with the quote from
Peirce calling logic
an experiential or positive science. At the very least, this
juxtaposition of Peirce and
Hilbert runs counter to Hilbert’s conception of logic and mathematics
as purely formal.

When Hilbert quotes his Königsberg brethren Kant as the motto for his
_Grundlagen der
Geometrie_, he does so to make what I would call a Kantian-Piagetan
point; true, we learn
numbers by counting objects, and in counting different collections of
objects, begin to
extrapolate the concept of number; but there is a further abstraction
of the abstraction
before we reach the concept of number as something fundamentally
UN-experiential. Or, in
the passage that Hilbert quotes from Kant‘s K.d.r.V., "So fängt denn
alle menschliche
Erkenntnis mit Anschauungen an, geht von da zu Begriffen und endigt mit
Ideen." I suggest
that the import of Hilbert's remark, as recorded in his biography by
Otto Blumenthal,
that we should be able to replace points, lines, and planes with
tables, chairs, and beer
mugs as the primitives with which our axioms deal and which we
manipulate when deriving
theorems from our axioms, means that our concern with logic and
mathematics is entirely
formal and abstract. Hilbert as we know, was a formalist, and whether.

When Hilbert made the remark that we can know, we will know, he did so
within the context
of his Problems list at the ICM in 1900, listing and sketching what he
considered to be
the most interesting and important open problems in mathematics
remaining at the start of
the twentieth century, and which he hoped mathematicians would work on
and solve. What he
was saying is that he had the expectation that new and sharper
mathematical tools would
be devised which would give mathematicians the analytical means to
solve those open
problems. What he was NOT saying, I would argue, is that there are
physical experiments
or observations that would be undertaken that would allow
mathematicians to point to some
so-to-speak new or hitherto undiscovered mathematical animal as a
result of experiment or

I think that what is wanted is a deep clarification of what Peirce may
or may not have
meant in asserting that logic is "an experiential, or positive science."

Therefore, I guess my point is that I initially feel uncomfortable if
the suggestion, in
quoting Hilbert, is that Hilbert would endorse an empiricist reading of
logic or
mathematics. And I guess my question is whether Hilbert and Peirce
would or would not
agree with this "Kantian-Piagetan" position and with each other regarding the
"Kantian-Piagetan" point as I have outlined it.

Being an historian of logic and mathematics, rather than a philosopher
of logic or
mathematics, and probably a bit dense in general, I will not myself
attempt to unpack
this any further. Rather, I would require a tutorial to elucidate in
what sense Peirce
was calling logic "an experiential, or positive science" and what
connection, if any,
this has with (a) Kant's views, and (2) with Peirce's.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] two more papers on Peirce on math and logic coming soon

2011-11-05 Thread Irving

My apologies if you receive duplicate copies of this post.

I've got two papers on Peirce that will be appearing shortly:

"Peirce's Truth-functional Analysis and the Origin of the Truth Table" 
is scheduled to appear in the journal History and Philosophy of Logic; 
an electronic preprint  is available on matharXiv(cite as 
arXiv:1108.2429v1 [math.HO]):, and can 
also be accessed through Arisbe. The abstract and access is now 
available from the publisher, Taylor & Francis, at:

"Did Peirce Have Hilbert's Ninth and Tenth Problems?" is now being 
prepared for publication in the Spanish-language history and philosophy 
of mathematics journal Mathesis. The English preprint is available 
through Arisbe at: Arisbe;

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Some Leading Ideas of Peirce's Semiotic

2011-10-03 Thread Irving
ning, and inference.  This may call for some
He then claims that 90% of Peirce's "prodigious philosophical output" is
directly concerned with semiotic."  This is an odd claim in a way
since it
does not seem to be straightforwardly true. How can we make sense of it?

From my sense of Peirce's work, I would have say that I agree with the claim
that Joe makes on this point, even if I can't say whether it would be for any
of the same reasons he had in mind.  Understanding Peirce's
pragmatism depends
on understanding sign relations, triadic relations, and relations in general,
all of which forms the conceptual framework of his theory of inquiry and his
theory of signs.




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Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
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Re: [peirce-l] Sciences as Communicational Communities

2011-09-30 Thread Irving

Not sure how relevant this is to the discussion, which I haven’t
followed very closely, but I suggest that it is not only useful, but
necessary to draw a distinction between the scientist and organization
(whether governmental, academic, or entrepreneurial)  for who the
scientist works. It is probably doubtful that most scientists go into
research to get rich, or even famous, rather than because of their
curiosity to understand the natural world, or even through a moral
decision to use science to improve life.

Does this mean that the scientific community, or at least some members
of that community, cannot be corrupted by the organizations with whom
they are employed? Of course not. Those on whom the scientist depend
for their survival, who pay for the research, who provide the funds for
needed and elaborate experimental equipment, define the immediate goals
towards which scientific research is directed. The scientist is not, by
definition, entirely immune from the pressures and blandishments,
ranging from publish-or-no-tenure to
build-a-better-bomb-or-we-execute-your-family, that organizations might

Along the same lines, then, it is also important to distinguish the
goals, interests, and motivations of the scientist from those of the
societies or organizations and the technocrats that  govern them who
employ the scientific work for their own purposes.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] new Peirce related paper

2011-08-24 Thread Irving Anellis

It's just come to my attention that a new Peirce-related paper is available on-line and being published in the journal History and Philosophy of Logic; it's:
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, "Existential Graphs: What a Diagrammatic Logic of Cognition Might Look Like", History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 32  no, 3, (2011), pages 265-281, and the abstract is available at:
Irving H. AnellisVisiting Research AssociatePeirce Edition Project, Institute for American Thought902 W. New York St.Indiana University-Purdue University at IndianapolisIndianapolis, IN 46202-5159USAURL: 
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[peirce-l] email problems?

2011-08-20 Thread Irving

Dear Colleagues,

I seem to be having some problems receiving email at my IUPUI address. 
So far as I can tell, this effects only email from PEIRCE-L. However, 
as a precaution, if anyone needs or wishes to reach me by email, it 
would probably be a good idea to also send back-up copies to one or 
both of my personal email addresses as well:




Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Precursors Of Category Theory

2011-08-19 Thread Irving Anellis

Please note first of all that as a result of the glitch of the transfer of the list from Texas Tech to IUPU, I am for some inexplicable reason no longer receiving PEIRCE-L posts at  the ianellis[at]iupui[dot] address. If you want to get seriously beyond Wikipedia for a history of category theory, consider 
Ralf Kr{o"}mer,  Tool and Object: A History and Philosophy of Category Theory (Basel/Boston/Berlin: BirkhauserBirkh{a"}user, 2007)  
for an over-all history of category theory, from Aristotle to the present, including a discussion of Peirce, and
Jean-Pierre Marquis, From a Geometrical Point of View: A Study of the History and Philosophy of Category Theory (Heidelberg/Berlin/New York, 2009)
as a follow-up from Felix Klein to the present for a discussion of mathematical category theory.
Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition Project, Institute for American Thought
Indiana University-Purdue University a Indianapolis
Aug 18, 2011 10:45:07 PM, wrote:
Peircers,Time has not been permitting me to keep up with the slow readings,but I did notice a passing discussion of "Category Theory" and therelation between various notions of categories over the years, so Ithought the following sketch might be of interest, where I tried totrace the continuities of the concept from Aristotle, thorough Kantand Peirce, Hilbert and Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical use.Precursors Of Category Theory,Joncc: Arisbe, CG, Inquiry-- facebook page: list: are receiving this message because you are subscribed to the PEIRCE-L listserv. To remove yourself from this list, send a message to with the line "SIGNOFF PEIRCE-L" in the body of the message. To post a message to the list, send it to PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU
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[peirce-l] test; ignore

2011-08-12 Thread Irving

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
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Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?" - Concept of category?

2011-07-25 Thread Irving

- Message from -
   Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 02:00:59 -0700
   From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith 
Reply-To: Steven Ericsson-Zenith 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?" - 
Concept of category?

 To: Irving 

We are referring to two different things Irving: the term overloading
(of "category") and, distinctly, the use of author identification in
mathematics, that is - as you say - usage in a given context.

I don't know what you mean by overloading";, and I never used that term.

I do not view the convention in mathematics to be idiosyncratic.

I never said that.


"equivalence" between definitions that you refer to here has to do
with very different definitions in diverse frameworks reducing to the
same necessary distinctions. It is not "term overloading."

Re: equivalence" between definitions that you refer to here has to do

with very different definitions in diverse frameworks reducing to the
same necessary distinctions.

That's essentially what I was saying, too.

Re: It is not "term overloading."

Again,  don't know what you mean by overloading", and I never used that term.

In any case, I find the convention creates a private language that is
an unnecessary barrier to entry.

I haven't a clue what you mean here, but it sounds dubious. Do you mean 
personal convention, or profesional convention of generally accepted 
usage agreed upon by the community of practicioners?

With respect,

On Jul 23, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Irving wrote:

Steve wrote:

It seems to me to be something of a problem if the claimed
distinctions cannot be
concisely enumerated and it is even more of a problem if we refuse
to do so by the waving of hands with the claim that such definition
would "easily fill a small

Mathematical Journal editors manifestly fail in any "attempt to
ensure that the
usage is not individualized by authors." To suggest this is the case seems
ridiculous to me given the plethora of theories, theorems and
conjectures named
after the founding mathematician that constitute contemporary
mathematical >literature.

The practice has made mathematical text useless for any outsider
and personally I
wish such editors would return to insisting upon self-contained
papers and reject
this private language.

There are, as every mathematician will readily confess, equivalent
definitions within and across mathematical disciplines. Consider,
for example, that in set theory, Zorn's Lemma is equivalent to
Zermelo's Axiom of Choice and bothe are equivalent to Hausdorff's
maximal principle in topology, which is equivalent to Tychonov's
Product Theorem, also in topology, and to the Boolean Prime Ideal
Theorem in algebra, to mention but a very few.
For references, see Herman Rubin and Jean E. Rubin, Equivalents of
the Axiom of Choice (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1963), which was
later added to and updated in their Equivalents of the Axiom of
Choice II (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1985) and contains a selection
of over 250 propositions which are equivalent to AC.

Granted, AC and its equivalents are an extreme example.

Of course there are also slight variations in jargon between
subfields, witness "homomorphism" vs. "homeomorphism", the former
familiar from algebra, especially group theory, and category theory,
used in the sense of a general morphism, that is, as a map between
two objects in an abstract category (category theory) or between two
algebraic structures or groups (abstract algebra, group theory).

, the latter found in geometry and topology and referring to a
continuous transformation, namely an equivalence relation and
one-to-one correspondence; but these are also well-known and do not
cause anyone confusion.

The editors and readers of mathematics journals are generally
sufficiently astute to recognize, from the context, and without
confusion, which formulation and branch or sub-branch of mathematics
a particular definition or theorem is being referred to. It is not
that usages are being "individualized" or idiosyncratically set
forth, but rather that each "version" does duty for within a given
specified context.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?" - Concept of category?

2011-07-23 Thread Irving

Steve wrote:

It seems to me to be something of a problem if the claimed 
distinctions cannot be
concisely enumerated and it is even more of a problem if we refuse to 
do so by the waving of hands with the claim that such definition 
would "easily fill a small


Mathematical Journal editors manifestly fail in any "attempt to 
ensure that the

usage is not individualized by authors." To suggest this is the case seems
ridiculous to me given the plethora of theories, theorems and 
conjectures named
after the founding mathematician that constitute contemporary 
mathematical >literature.

The practice has made mathematical text useless for any outsider and 
personally I
wish such editors would return to insisting upon self-contained 
papers and reject

this private language.

There are, as every mathematician will readily confess, equivalent 
definitions within and across mathematical disciplines. Consider, for 
example, that in set theory, Zorn's Lemma is equivalent to Zermelo's 
Axiom of Choice and bothe are equivalent to Hausdorff's maximal 
principle in topology, which is equivalent to Tychonov's Product 
Theorem, also in topology, and to the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem in 
algebra, to mention but a very few.
For references, see Herman Rubin and Jean E. Rubin, Equivalents of the 
Axiom of Choice (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1963), which was later added 
to and updated in their Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice II 
(Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1985) and contains a selection of over 250 
propositions which are equivalent to AC.

Granted, AC and its equivalents are an extreme example.

Of course there are also slight variations in jargon between subfields, 
witness "homomorphism" vs. "homeomorphism", the former familiar from 
algebra, especially group theory, and category theory, used in the 
sense of a general morphism, that is, as a map between two objects in 
an abstract category (category theory) or between two algebraic 
structures or groups (abstract algebra, group theory).

, the latter found in geometry and topology and referring to a 
continuous transformation, namely an equivalence relation and 
one-to-one correspondence; but these are also well-known and do not 
cause anyone confusion.

The editors and readers of mathematics journals are generally 
sufficiently astute to recognize, from the context, and without 
confusion, which formulation and branch or sub-branch of mathematics a 
particular definition or theorem is being referred to. It is not that 
usages are being "individualized" or idiosyncratically set forth, but 
rather that each "version" does duty for within a given specified 

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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[peirce-l] Peirce, Mac Lane and Categories; was: Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?"

2011-07-23 Thread Irving

Gary Fuhrman writes:

"there is at least one mathematical site online,,
which refers to Peirce as "the originator of Category Theory", a real
connection between “Peircean” and current mathematical “Category
Theory” appears to be arguable"

I'd want to know who the author of that blog site would be, and what
expertise and credentials the author possesses. Note that the line in
question asserts that Peirce was the "originator of Category Theory";
apparently the author of this statement has never heard or Aristotle,
or Kant, either, and fails to explain what she means by "Category
Theory", never mind stating whether she has in mind category theory as
per Aristotle, Kant, et al., or Eilenberg & Mac Lane, et al., or
whether or not there is a connection.

Jerry LR Chandler wrote:

"Mathematical categories are of recent origin (Eilenberg / MacLean, 1940?)"

You of course mean Mac Lane; and the reference you presumably have in
mind is Samuel Eilenberg & Saunders Mac Lane, "General Theory of
Natural Equivalences", Transactions of the American Mathematical
Society 58 (1945), 231-294.

Jerry also noted that he "had the opportunity to discuss the meaning of
category theory with Saunders MacLane himself. He was well into his
90's at the time - and firmly believed that category theory was the
first basis for mathematics (not set theory)."

The journal Philosophia Mathematica these days has quite a number of
articles devoted to the idea of employing [mathematical] category
theory, rather than set theory, as a foundation. I was instrumental in
getting Mac Lane to publish his "Structure in Mathematics" in the
second series of Phil. Math. 4 (1996), 174-183.

I renew my offer to provide either a Word doc or pdf version of my
18-page "lecture" on [mathematical] "Category Theory and Categorical
Logic" for Advanced Symbolic Logic for anyone interested in a
"quick-and-dirty" account of the technical basics, which also includes
some history.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Peirce's law ((P>Q)>P)>P

2011-07-22 Thread Irving
It's a simple exercise, using mathematical induction, that Peirce's Law 
is is independent under axioms (1) and (2) with the Rule of Detachment, 
but not under (1) and (3):

(1) A --> (B --> A)
(2) A --> (B --> C) --> ((A --> B) --> (A --> C))
(3) (~A --> ~B) --> (B --> A)

Not certain how "non-trivial", but this is a good illustration of how 
selection of one's axioms can be crucial, or perhaps "non-trivial".

- Message from -
   Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 23:43:51 -0400
   From: Keith Kevelson 
Reply-To: Keith Kevelson 
Subject: [peirce-l] Peirce's law ((P>Q)>P)>P

Dear list,
  I was wondering if anyone has come up with some good, non-trivial
examples of Peirce's law holding when Q is false.  I've come up with
some examples, but they all imply the truth of Q.  How can you have a
false logical relationship still imply the truth of its initial
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Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?"

2011-07-21 Thread Irving
 allow for more specialization,
in my opinion. For example, while I put a high value on John Sowa's
work in critical logic and, to a lesser extent, in philosophy of
science (== science of review in Peirce), I have not seen him attempt
much work in semeiotic grammar or methodeutic. But the
phenomenologist should be capable of all three moves, in my opinion.

GF: Yes. And yet there is something ?primal? about the first move
that is deeper than its relation to the other two, or to science; and
this is what actually drew me into the study of phaneroscopy, though
i'm quite sure it is not what drew Peirce to it. I think i'll have to
step outside of the Peircean ethics of terminology in order to say
anything meaningful about this Original Face (to borrow from another
idiom), and even then, it will only be meaningful to those whose
practice has already acquainted them with it. Peirce says that
?Phenomenology can only tell the reader which way to look and to see
what he shall see? (CP 2.197), but even this is questionable: Can
anything that can be read can really tell the reader which way to
look? There is however a helpful hint here and there in Peirce's
work, especially in his late remarks about time (bearing in mind that
the phaneron is whatever is present to the mind):

[[[ As for the Present instant, it is so inscrutable that I wonder
whether no sceptic has ever attacked its reality. I can fancy one of
them dipping his pen in his blackest ink to commence the assault, and
then suddenly reflecting that his entire life is in the Present,?the
?living present,? as we say,?this instant when all hopes and fears
concerning it come to their end, this Living Death in which we are
born anew. It is plainly that Nascent State between the Determinate
and the Indeterminate ? ]]  EP2:358]

Anyway i think i'll leave it there for now.

   Gary F.

} Everything which is present to us is a phenomenal manifestation of
ourselves. [Peirce] { }{ Peirce on Phaneroscopy

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Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?"

2011-07-20 Thread Irving

I suggest that it is very crucial to keep in mind when using the term
"category theory"
that when used by a mathematician, it is not necessarily synonymous
with anything
obviously resembling the Kantian -- or even Peircean -- doctrine of
categories. But in
its mathematical usage, it has been suggested as an alternative foundation for
mathematics in a sense that perhaps Peirce would necessarily approve.
There is, however,
a connection: a _functor_ is the mechanism which is the operation that
carries out
morphisms in category theory, and when working on creating category
theory, Samuel
Eilenberg and Saunders Mac Lane borrowed the term "category" from
philosophy, and
specifically from Aristotle, Kant, and Peirce, while giving it is
mathematical meaning.

For a mathematician, category theory is that part of abstract algebra
that studies a
class or category of objects or structures. A category  consists of
three things: (1) a
collection of objects, (2) for each  pair of objects a collection of
morphisms (sometimes
call "arrows")
from one to another, and (3) a binary operation defined on compatible
pairs of morphisms
called composition. The category must satisfy an identity axiom and an
associative axiom
which is analogous to the monoid axioms.

The morphisms must obey the following laws:

1. If u is a morphism from a to b (in short, u: a * b), and v: b * c,
then there is a
morphism u * v (commonly read "u composed with v") from a to c.

2. Composition of morphisms  where defined, is associative, so if u : a
* b, v: b * c),
and w : c *d, then (u * v) * w = u * (v * w).

3. For each object a, there is an identity morphism Ia, such that for
any u : a * b, Ia *
u = u, and u * Ib = u.

Category theory can be applied to the study of logical systems in which
case category
theory is called categorical doctrines at the syntactic,
proof-theoretic, and semantic
levels. Category theory has been proposed as an alternative to set
theory as a foundation
for mathematics, and so raises many issues about mathematical ontology
and epistemology.
Category theory consists of a characteristic language and collection of
methods and
results that have become common-place in many mathematics-based
disciplines. It is a
branch of abstract algebra invented in the tradition of the Erlanger
Programm of
Christian Felix Klein (1849-1925) as a way of studying different kinds
of mathematical
structures in terms of their "admissible transformations".

The general notion of a category provides an axiomatization of the notion of a
"structure-preserving transformation", and thereby of a species of
structure admitting
such transformations. As an abstract theory of mappings, with such
great generality, it
is not surprising that category theory should have wide-spread
applications in many types
of foundational work.

The applications of category theory in logic often involve the use of
topology, sheaf
theory, and other ideas imported from geometry, particularly in
constructing models. This
occurs, for example, in domain theory or topos theory. But as in
algebraic topology,
where category theory was first invented, extensive use is also made of
techniques, for example in the treatment of logical theories as
"generalized algebras".
In this way, categorical logic typically treats the classical, logical
notions of
semantics as "geometry" and syntax as a kind of "algebra", to which
general category
theory can then be applied, in order to study the connections between the two.

Francis William "Frank" Lawvere was the first mathematician to advocate
category theory
in this mathematical sense as a foundation for mathematics.

For some places to look, see, e.g. F. William Lawvere, "The Category of
Categories as a
Foundation for Mathematics", in Samuel Eilenberg, et al. (eds.),
Proceedings of the
Conference on Categorical Algebra, La Jolla, 1965; held June 7-12, at
the San Diego,
University of California (Berlin/ Heidelberg/New York: Springer-Verlag,
1966), 1–21. ;
Saunders Mac Lane, "Categorical Algebra and Set-Theoretic Foundations",
in Dana S. Scott
& Thomas Jech (eds.), Axiomatic Set Theory (Providence: American
Mathematical Society,
1971), vol. 1, 231–240, and Mac Lane, _Categories for the Working
(Berlin/New York: Springer-Verlag, 2nd ed., 1998); see also M. C.
Pedicchio & W. Tholen,
_Categorical Foundations_ (Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2004).

Meanwhile, for starters,if anyone is interested in the basic essentials
of category theory as a branch of mathematics I can provide off-list a
copy of either the Word doc or pdf text of my "lecture" on category
theory for my graduate course in advanced logic.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought

Re: [peirce-l] FW: Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?" parts 1-3 reposted

2011-07-15 Thread Irving
Just as a bibliographic aside to Gary Fuhrman's point, from the July 
8th contribution, that

points out, it is highly unlikely that Peirce adopted the name of the
discipline from Husserl; by his own account he took it from Hegel,
partly because he saw his own three ?categories? as virtually
identical with Hegel's ?three stages of thinking? (search "Hegel" in ). It is even less
plausible that Peirce would have changed his terminological
preference from ?phenomenology? to ?phaneroscopy? in 1904 as a way of
distancing himself from Husserl.

I would just add that it would appear that Husserl's first use of the 
term "phenomenology" occurred in the _Logische Untersuchungen_ 
(1900-01), and that, although Peirce began work on "phenomenology, or 
the Doctrine of Categories" (at (C.P. 1.280)) starting in 1867, his 
first employ of the term was in the work from which I just quoted (at 
(C.P. 1.280)). This of course certainly does NOT mean, let alone prove, 
that Peirce borrowed the term from Husserl rather than from Hegel, and 
in particular from Hegel's _Pha"nomenologie des Geistes_.

I just accidentally came across the book by William L. Rosensohn, _The 
Phenomenology of Charles S. Peirce: From the Doctrine of Categories to 
Phaneroscopy" (Amsterdam: B. R. Gru"ner, B.V., 1974), which is 
available online 
( and which 
has three pages (pp. 77-79), sect. A of chapter V: "Phaneroscopy: The 
Description of the Phaneron", on "Phaneroscopy or Pure Phenomenology: 
Peirce and Husserl". I expect that most of those following this 
discussion are already familiar with this work; is it worth downloading 
and going through?

P.S. Can we get people to stop sending to the list rather than to the 
LISTSEV their requests to unsubscribe from the list?

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?"

2011-07-14 Thread Irving

I received a note off-list that part of one of the sentences in my
previous message to the list had been cut off.

The paragraph in question begins: "I am not sure that I would agree
with the assertion that one point on which Peirce's phenomenology
differs from all others ...

It was the last few words of that paragraph got dropped off the final
sentence, which should read:

The answer to the question of the applicability of the dichotomy in
considering this issue is probably wrapped up with the fact that
Husserl in fact did not deal in LU with the formal logic or its laws.

- Message from -
   Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 09:16:57 -0400
   From: Gary Fuhrman 
Reply-To: Gary Fuhrman 
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?"

Thanks for this, Irving -- it clarifies some of the issues regarding
"psychologism" and Husserlian phenomenology. There is one point i'd
like to comment on, in order to clear up an ambiguity in my previous
response to your question. You write:

[[I am not sure that I would agree with the assertion that one point
on which Peirce's phenomenology differs from all others is in
Peirce?s requirement that it must "reckon with pure mathematics" if
it is not to be as distorted as Hegel's. I say that because Husserl,
both in his psychologistic phase, in his _Philosophie der Arithmetik_
(1891) and in his phenomenological phase, and certainly at least in
his _Logische Untersuchungen_ (1900-1901), took it as his mission to
provide a philosophical foundation for pure mathematics. ]]

I think this is the mission Peirce took on in his 1896 "Logic of
Mathematics" paper; or more exactly, he drew upon his categories to
provide an experiential foundation for mathematics. In this sense, he
was trying to base mathematics on phenomenology (6 years before he
called it that). But by the time of the Harvard Lectures in 1903 (the
source of the reference to Hegel that you quote), it seems to be the
other way round: he is basing phenomenology on mathematics. Thus his
Comtean classification of the sciences ends up placing mathematics
first and phenomenology second, followed by the normative sciences of
esthetics, ethics and logic. And it is this founding phenomenology on
mathematics which i claimed was unique to Peirce -- not the effort to
provide a phenomenological foundation for mathematics.

However -- as documented on the Phaneroscopy page on my website --
what Peirce called phenomenology really consists of two practices,
which he usually called "observing" and "generalizing". I call these
two "stages" of the process because they are sequential, or at least
i don't see how generalization about the elements of the phaneron can
precede observation of it. My understanding is that the dependence of
phenomenology on pure mathematics applies to the generalizing stage,
but not to the observation stage, as phaneroscopic "observing"
involves an effort not to be influenced by preconceptions,
presuppositions or perceptual habits (as is the case with Husserl as
well). Needless to say, this understanding of mine is fallible and
does not represent a broad consensus; but it does aim to represent
Peirce's own writings on the subject, many of which are included in

Gary F.

-Original Message-
From: C S Peirce discussion list [mailto:PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU]
On Behalf Of Irving
Sent: July-14-11 7:08 AM

Thank you, Gary, very much, for your reply.

I recall taking three graduate courses on Husserl at Duquesne
University during the period 1970-72, but confess that I don't
remember very much of anything about them. (I am, however, willing to
bet that no efforts whatever were made to consider Husserl's
philosophy of mathematics or philosophy, or to consider how his views
compared with Frege's, Husserl's, or Peirce's.) So please take the
rest of what I say here, again, as the ramblings of a rank amateur.

I am not sure that I would agree with the assertion that one point on
which Peirce's phenomenology differs from all others is in Peirce?s
requirement that it must "reckon with pure mathematics" if it is not
to be as distorted as Hegel's. I say that because Husserl, both in
his psychologistic phase, in his _Philosophie der Arithmetik_ (1891)
and in his phenomenological phase, and certainly at least in his
_Logische Untersuchungen_ (1900-1901), took it as his mission to
provide a philosophical foundation for pure mathematics. Before
venturing into philosophy, Husserl was a mathematics student who was
well-versed in contemporary mathematics, having been the student of
Weierstrass and Kronecker in Berlin, becoming Weierstrass's assistant
for a short time, writing his doctoral thesis at the University of
Vienna on the calculu

Re: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?"

2011-07-14 Thread Irving
a language, and first and foremost a language. In summarizing Mahnke's
comparison between Hilbert and Husserl, Judson Chambers Webb (b. 1936)
in his intro to the English translation (1976 p. 71) tells us that
Mahnke elucidated "the surprisingly close connections … between
Husserl's phenomenology with its reductions and Hilbert's
metamathematics with its strict formalization," and thinks (in his
intro to Boyer's translation of Mahnke's paper, p. 71) that:

in order to motivate the possibility of a pure consistency for the
axioms of euclidean geometry for someone who, like Frege, found the
question pointless in view of the presumed truth of its axioms, there
would have been no better terminology available to Hilbert than
Husserl's: during such a proof this truth must be bracketed, we must
hold the axioms in epoche',"

that is, suspend belief in the existence of that which is being
bracketed. It is this bracketting, the deprivation of an assumption of
ontological status of objects of thought, mathematical entities in
particular in this instance, which gives, we may conclude, a logical
system the character of a calculus rather than a language.

Husserl, even after breaking away from his early psychologism, was
unconcerned in his L.U. with formal logic or its laws, with the nature
or technicalities of deduction. He had already contested Schröder’s
conception of logic, regarding algebraic logic as all, and only
deductive logic. Husserl claimed that the only element of mathematical
activity was merely deduction, but included calculation as well.
Indeed, for Husserl, a large portion of mathematics involved
computation. By deduction Husserl understood devise in a calculus for
deduction. He held Schröder to conceive of mathematics as being
concerned only with signs. Husserl, however, asserted that mathematics
is not about signs, but about the contents of signs. Husserl, rather
than being concerned with formal logic and its laws, with the nature or
technicalities of deduction, instead was concerned with the structures
of pure consciousness that allowed for the formation and articulation
of the formal laws of thought. In "The Task and Significance of the
Logical Investigations", Husserl (as quoted in Jitendra Nath Mohanty
(ed.), _Readings on Husserl's Logical Investigations_ (The Hague:
Martinus Nijhoff, 1977), p. 197; this is a translation by Mohanty of an
unidentified portion of Husserl’s Phänomenologisches Psychologie,
composed for lectures for the summer semester of 1925 and published in
Husserl ((Walter Biemel, hsg.), Phänomenologische Psychologie.
Vorlesungen Sommersemester. 1925. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus
Nijhoff, 1968) describes the project of the L.U. to be to “clarify the
idea of pure logic by going back to the sense-bestowing or cognitive
achievements being effected in the complex of lived experience of
logical thinking.” In this respect, Frege’s review of Husserl’s
Philosophie der Arithmetic (Zeitschrift für Philosophie und
philosophische Kritik 103, 313–332; English translation by Eike-Henner
W. Kluge: Mind (n.s.) 81 (1972), 321-337) concerns and criticisms
regarding Husserl’s philosophy of arithmetic remain untouched. And
indeed, Robert Hanna (p. 254,"Logical Cognition: Husserl's Prolegomena
and the Truth in Psychologism", Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 53, 251–275) recognizes that a number of Husserl's
contemporaries -- who, regrettably, he fails to name -- saw a
contradiction in Husserl's claim that his phenomenology dispensed with
psychologism, when at the same time seeking to found pure logic of
cognitive achievements, although, relying upon the distinction between
"strong" and "weak" psychologism, Hanna (pp. 254ff.) defends Husserl's
position as a rejection of -- strong -- psychologism. And for Hanna
(e.g. Hanna, pp. 251-253), Frege is, on the issue of psychologistic
logic, the exemplary and principal adversary.

- Message from -
   Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 18:03:35 -0400
   From: Gary Fuhrman 
Reply-To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Subject: RE: [peirce-l] Slow Read: "Is Peirce a Phenomenologist?"
 To: Peirce Discussion Forum 

Irving, if you're ?an amateur on the question at stake?, i'm even
more so ... although i have been trying for some time ?to articulate
in what specific sense the term "phenomenology" was employed by
Peirce?. I often call it ?phaneroscopy? for the same reason that he
did (after 1904), namely to distinguish it from other usages (just as
he adopted ?pragmaticism? to distinguish it from ?pragmatism?). I'm
not well enough acquainted with the other ?phenomenologies? to make
authoritative comparisons, but here's a few notes (mostly drawn from in response to specific questions
you pose:

[[ (1) whether, if Peirce was a phenomenologist, he was so