Thanks, Cornelis (I don't know you at all well enough to address you as "Kees"), for alerting the list to this terrific sale. The volume may also be ordered by telephone using the sale code: CMZZJX. Telephone 1-800-842-6796. The title is all that seems to be needed, but just in case, the 6th volume has the code WRIP6C.

Other books now on sale at IU Press of possible interest to members of this list include:

Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture: Putting Pragmatism to Work
Larry A Hickman
for those "seeking a deeper understanding of the meanings and consequences of technology in today's world.
Cloth 12.00, paper 6.50.


Global Semiotics
Thomas Sebeok
"The study of semiotics underwent a gradual but radical paradigm shift during the past century, from a glottocentric. . .enterprise to one that encompasses the whole terrestrial biosphere. . ."


Cornelis de Waal wrote:

Someone else may already have posted it, in which case I apologize
beforehand, but the latest volume of the Chronological Edition, spanning the
years 1886-1890 is now for sale at IU Press for the incredibly low price of

Best wishes,


---------------------PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS----------------------

Cornelis de Waal, Ph.D.

Associate Editor, Peirce Edition Project

Assistant Professor and Graduate Director
Department of Philosophy

Peirce Edition Project                     tel.: (317) 274-2171
902 West New York Street, ES 0010          fax.: (317) 274-2170
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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