Jermy Corbyn MP: Seven deadly mistakes

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Burford
that will shape the politics of this planet for many decades to come. Whatever the outcome of the horrors of Iraq, will Balir have the stomach to march with Bush to North Korea, Iran or Syria? However, the political fallout will go on for a long time. Chris Burford London

BBC questions US claims

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Burford
the opposition to him in the Labour party. I am not suggesting any faith should be put in these divisions but they may be useful to note. Chris Burford London

UK gov winning propaganda war

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Burford
finally have secured some small degree of leverage on the US administration and it may get a wider hearing for its policy of multilateralist interventionist humanitarian imperialism. Chris Burford London

US draws up secret plan to impose regime on Iraq

2003-04-01 Thread Chris Burford
-hegemonic forces in this increasingly grim war, but these sorts of political battles behind the scenes may be as important as the military battles. Chris Burford London Brian Whitaker and Luke Harding in Sulaimaniya Tuesday April 1, 2003 The Guardian A disagreement has

support for war falls in UK

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
of politicians. Still the support for the war does not look too enthusiastic. Chris Burford London

Score 5:5

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
of a globally accountable force. But that would require a degree of democratic control over an imperialist world, that at present is inconceivable. Chris Burford London

Downing Street concerned about Syria and Iran

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
president, George Bush - but will not be making a statement to parliament, Downing Street announced today according to the Guardian Monday 31st. This will keep Britain's options open for any dealings on humanitarian intervention, expecially with Russia and France. Chris Burford

Arnett to report for Mirror (UK)

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
. Chris Burford London

Allies divided over battle for hearts and minds

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
out in terms of influence in Iraq and the Middle East. It may help the US peace movement expose atrocities. full article well worth a scan:,2763,926957,00.html Chris Burford London

Bring Troops Home - Cook

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
Important development in UK conjucture. I will try to get text of his article up. Here is Observer commentary. Chris Burford London,6903,925878,00.html

Campbell orders media shake up

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
From the anti-war Independent (UK):- [other papers allege that Campbell is furious with the bias of the BBC.] Campbell orders media shake-up By Jo Dillon, Deputy Political Editor 30 March 2003 Alastair Campbell has ordered the Whitehall press machine to get a grip of the war coverage,

Bring our lads home - Robin Cook

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
Bring our lads home By Robin Cook LetÂ’s send Rumsfeld and his hawks to war instead Sunday Mirror March 30 2003 This was meant to be a quick, easy war. Shortly before I resigned a Cabinet colleague told me not to worry about the political fall-out. The war would be finished long before

Punished by their own words

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
Saddam is much weaker than we think he is. He's weaker militarily. We know he's got about a third of what he had in 1991. But it's a house of cards. He rules by fear because he knows there is no underlying support. Support for Saddam, including within his military organisation, will collapse at

John Reid and the owl of Minerva

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
, and reflects a belief that there is a historical inevitability in the process in which he and his assoicates are engaged. Chris Burford London From the Preface to Hegel's Philosophy of Right Only one word more concerning the desire to teach the world what it ought to be. For such a purpose philosophy

Re: What are Tony Blair's Class interests?

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
not really expect me to describe his class interest exactly?! or do more than offer inevitably a rather intuitive formulation? but I do think that the parameters I have used are relevant. Chris Burford London

Rumsfeld papers over strategic split

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
of papering over. Not least because it actually reflects a global battle between two imperialist strategies. Meanwhile the surface debate is all about whether there has been a pause. Which is a mere epiphenomenoninherent to any war. Chris Burford London PS No one has yet thought to ask

The British Strategy

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Burford
war reconstruction contracts. Chris Burford London

Are we witnessing the madness of Tony Blair?

2003-03-29 Thread Chris Burford
about how much one individual can straddle and reconcile the inter-imperialist contradictions as they are sharpened by popular resistance across the world. Which individuals crack up first is part of the particularity of manifestation of the deeper contradictions. Chris Burford London

The Stalingrad thesis.

2003-03-29 Thread Chris Burford
to die in battle than be captured. The German army encountered fierce resistance from not only the determined soldiers of the Red Army, but also from the patriotic civilians as well. Chris Burford London

hegemons lose this war

2003-03-28 Thread Chris Burford
in the world. But the people of the world are being politicised as never before, and the hegemons are going to lose this war, in a way no one will be able to forget. IMHO Chris Burford London At 2003-03-27 19:33 -0500, Hari Kumar wrote: Dear Chris: I really would hope that you are right

Falling perles

2003-03-28 Thread Chris Burford
at the Camp David meeting. Rejoice! Chris Burford London At 2003-03-27 22:28 -0500, Paul wrote: What's this?: The Guardian, March 28: ... Richard Perle, one of the key architects of the war on Iraq, has quit as chairman of a group which advises Donald Rumsfeld on policy issues. Perle, a former

Guardian: more on Perle's fall

2003-03-28 Thread Chris Burford
. What we are seeing is a battle between two models of imperialist domination of the world, catalysed by the resistance of Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi people to the spread of the global Empire. Chris Burford London _ Richard Perle's resignation highlights questions over US economic

Rumsfeld's enemies are circling - BBC

2003-03-28 Thread Chris Burford
what he meant. Chris Burford London

Reuters report invasion delay

2003-03-28 Thread Chris Burford
involve a much more complex interplay of factors. This was the amiable informed conversational voice of someone who could discuss with the highest levels of British military thinking! Chris Burford London

Re: Rumsfeld's enemies are circling - BBC

2003-03-28 Thread Chris Burford
to deflect attention away from the difficulty in the US providing a steady flow of beans, but he is probably not that clever in news manipulation. Certainly not on past performance. Chris Burford London

Stalingrad - it's official

2003-03-27 Thread Chris Burford
deliberately dropped this word to him, in the plane as Blair flew to meet Bush. This is the highest level evidence there could be, short of being on the record, that Blair has flown to Washington because he fears another Stalingrad. Chris Burford London Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 07:50:23 +

This war stinks. I'm sick of it already

2003-03-27 Thread Chris Burford
Senior US commander in the Nasariyah area to Channel 4 UK British reporter on bulleting tonight in London

From the rank of colonel downwards ...

2003-03-27 Thread Chris Burford
...soldiers are talking quite openly of getting into a Northern Ireland situation. Channel 4 UK reporter this evening about the UK -led southern front, observing how only a week ago the expectation was for quick victory. Chris Burford

Invading soldiers face stiff opposition

2003-03-27 Thread Chris Burford
can be expected to win over hearts and minds. The syntax of the sentence had already shifted our perspective from that of the invading troops to that of the Iraqi people. There was no answer. Chris Burford London

The superficial summit

2003-03-27 Thread Chris Burford
not know how long they secretly decided to postpone the final attack. It sounds as if they discussed no exit strategy but Blair may have signalled the need. Chris Burford London

Re: Basra uprising wishful thinking?

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Burford
to, but I share with Soula a feeling that there is a high probability the US will lose this war. I never bet money, but I would happily put 10 pounds on it. Come to think of it, I wonder if Ladbrokes are quoting odds, or would that be unpatriotic? Chris Burford London

Blair spins against Bush

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Burford
he appears at the moment. But lets see if the Guardian group provide any corroboration of my hunch. Chris Burford London

FT readers against the war

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Burford
going to stick my neck out: if the people of the world and finance capitalism are not in favour of this war we should not expect it to be very successful politically. Who will be the fall guy? Chris Burford London

Blair counterspins about crisis summit

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Burford
otherwise IMO, however it is spun. Chris Burford London

Stalingrad - UK sources

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Burford
to issue a coordinated call for a cease fire? Chris Burford London

Hans Blix

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Burford
Hans Blix on BBC Newsnight Tuesday evening replied 'no' when asked whether the alleged discovery of 3,000 chemical suits, respirators, and atropine injections proved that the Saddam Hussein regime still had weapons of mass destruction. Chris Burford London

Re: Ho Hum...Blair supports Bush

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Burford
do, but it is rather awkward to sell politically And actually even Tony might not be up for it, sincerely anguished though he appears. Chris Burford London

Basra pumping station

2003-03-25 Thread Chris Burford
, apparently, knows how to fix it. There is an empty silence. Bless that pump. Chris Burford London

rising in Basra?

2003-03-25 Thread Chris Burford
conviction in war. It may require reckless gambles with civilian uprisings. Chris Burford London

Bush fails to back Blair

2003-03-25 Thread Chris Burford
did not bother to make any reference to it at all at his conference today. The other big question is that Blair wants an international framework for the administration of Iraq after hegemonic victory, and Bush backs US administration. More gaps for Blair to finesse. Chris Burford London


2003-03-24 Thread Chris Burford
my apologies in turn. Chris Burford London

coalition close to crisis

2003-03-24 Thread Chris Burford
the battle for control. The breakdown could be dramatic. Chris Burford London

devastating news for hegemons

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
the arguments in the UK that we must suspend protests in support of our troops. Chris Burford London

Brave black soldier frags officers

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
preemptively every US officer in Iraq is going to have to think much more carefully about the morale of his exhausted troops. He must look over his shoulder and under his bed. Oh, and soldiers had better not be allowed to have grenades in their possession. Chris Burford London

Re: Brave black frags officers

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
on an interrogation of another suspect whose face had been slammed into a table. What is the due process in a US military investigation? Chris Burford London

USA could face defeat

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
%. Chris Burford London

London demo and slogans

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
for a massive groups communication of individuality, diversity and solidarity against the war in Iraq. Mood still relaxed but more determined than Feb 15 Chris Burford London


2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
At 2003-03-23 09:56 -0500, Hari Kumar wrote: BUT: is there not an element of wishful thinking here? Someone else (?Devine) said leftists get over-wishful. Fair question. Lets check it out. 1) The parallels with Stalingrad are fairly naive. What was ultimately decisive about Stalingrad was

Re: Brave black soldier frags officers

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
are going to see a lot of more of this Yes if fragging is starting so soon, it will not be the last case. Chris Burford London

Blue on blue on blue

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
. That crew have not been found either. It would be funny if it wasn't tragic. It would be cheaper if they went off and beat each other up in the middle of the Sahara. Chris Burford London

London demonstration speeches

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
. Chris Burford London

Baghdad under the Abbasids

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
Baghdad the city of the Arabian nights was founded in 764 CE. by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mansur. It was in its prime about 800 CE., during the reign of the famous caliph Harun-al-Rashid. What this city - which represented the crown of Medieval Muslim civilization - resembled, is told by

Full Spectrum Dominance

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford

Iraqi extremists and fanatics

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
understood Somalia!! Chris Burford London

odds turn further against US

2003-03-23 Thread Chris Burford
is rising and every one of their actions which gets televised back in Iraq, strengthens the Iraqi resistance. Perhaps 25% is too low a figure. But let us be cautious. Chris Burford London

death toll and media watch

2003-03-22 Thread Chris Burford
or into four figures. Reports of deaths of Iraqi's will be considered to be unreliable propaganda by the hegemonic bloc, but hopefully are still being collated somewhere in the internet. URL again anyone? Chris Burford London At 2003-03-21 11:10 -0600, Kendall Clark wrote: chris == Chris

Turkish troops into Kurdistan

2003-03-22 Thread Chris Burford
some credible democrtic sources with links with Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan. Chris Burford London

Bin Laden's victory - Richard Dawkins

2003-03-22 Thread Chris Burford
eloquent liberal condemnation of the war,12469,919618,00.html

Re: The politics underlying the war

2003-03-22 Thread Chris Burford
the most relevant contributions may be thought to be ones that combine theory with practice. Chris Burford London

Britain is not a superpower

2003-03-20 Thread Chris Burford
argument but not a hegemonistic one, and open to the need for some sort of democratic legitimacy. Full statement on Guardian website. Chris Burford

demonstration in London

2003-03-20 Thread Chris Burford
with an organised left opposition that fights for them on every front. I report. (I do not agree with what seems to me to be a diversion into the politics of the Labour Party rather than a widening into a campaign for global peace and justice. However we shall see.) Chris Burford London

Re: Politics of Oil for Food Account

2003-03-20 Thread Chris Burford
initiated by Britain and the US? This sleight of hand needs to be pursued. Chris Burford London At 2003-03-20 23:45 -0600, Ken wrote: [ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ] Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003. Page 7 Report: U.S. Plans

EU warns Turkey

2003-03-20 Thread Chris Burford
all imperialism or all capitalism, without regard to the actual situation. Chris Burford London

Re: The politics underlying the war

2003-03-20 Thread Chris Burford
At 2003-03-20 08:10 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote: Chris Burford wrote: We will see how the peace movement responds and evolves, and we can each make our personally minuscule contribution to the debate. Peace now, or Cease fire now, may remain the main slogans, but a purely pacifist position

Re: Re: Re: Saddam's apparatus of terror will shatter the whole world view of the left

2003-03-19 Thread Chris Burford
At 2003-03-19 09:15 -0500, you wrote: Chris Burford wrote: Even now, it is vital to support all non coercive, non-military and fundamentally democratic measures for stabilising Iraq. Whatever happened to the principle of self-determination? Do other countries have the right to stabilize the USA

The politics underlying the war

2003-03-19 Thread Chris Burford
in the middle east and in the whole world. IMHO Chris Burford London

The nature of inter-imperialist contradictions

2003-03-19 Thread Chris Burford
to adapt to the dominant nature of the collusion. Chris Burford London

Re: Saddam's apparatus of terror will shatter the whole world view of the left

2003-03-18 Thread Chris Burford
troops to keep out of population centres. (If only to minimise the risk of clashes, bitterness, and further terrorist attacks against the hegemons. Maintenance of electricity and water supplies should, as Oxfam recommends be under the auspices of the United Nations as soon as possible. Chris

Moment of failure

2003-03-17 Thread Chris Burford
of resistance to US hegemonism. But the real fruits of victory lie not just in one battle, but in the every increasing global unity of the forces of popular progress. Chris Burford London

expected UK government resignations

2003-03-16 Thread Chris Burford
. It adds to the legal arguments for a general assembly resolution. Chris Burford London

trust fund for Iraqi oil?

2003-03-16 Thread Chris Burford
administration. Chris Burford London

Re: expected UK government resignations

2003-03-16 Thread Chris Burford
with being hegemon, but it will be difficult for its side kicks without some sort of legitimacy. Chris Burford London At 2003-03-16 09:38 -0800, you wrote: The legality issue is an excuse for giving into popular revuksion against the war without saying that is what they are doing, obviously. jks k

Re: Re: Commodity production 8000 years ago?

2003-03-15 Thread Chris Burford
, was a mining town, opportunistically located for its obsidian which was then traded. Chris Burford London

Re: General Assembly, proposed resolution

2003-03-15 Thread Chris Burford
them off. Chris Burford London

Re: The quisling of Belgrade

2003-03-15 Thread Chris Burford
, in the name of individual bourgeois human rights. Chris Burford London

Europe will not pay

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Burford
fatally damage the acceptance of the US hegemonic ambitions. Chris Burford London

He did have the support of his own people

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Burford
.] Chris Burford London

Re: Blair and the crisis of democracy

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Burford
tomorrow, since Bush has said that votes must be cast by then, if there are any to cast. Chris Burford London

US figures begin to break cover.

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Burford
mobile facilities for making weapons of mass destruction, for which the US-UK have no credible evidence. Can US civil society catch up in time? Bush better go to war quickly. Chris Burford London

Re: Commodity production 8000 years ago?

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Burford
be bartered within the wider culture...? Chris Burford London

Is war illegal without a second UN resolution?

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Burford,2763,913590,00.html

Re: What's in It for Blair???

2003-03-12 Thread Chris Burford
At 2003-03-11 03:41 -0500, you wrote: At 7:57 AM + 3/11/03, Chris Burford wrote: Blair's tactics towards public opinion seem to be almost masochistic It makes sense that the Bush junta believed it's in their interest to invade Iraq, thought and still think that they can get away

Legal crisis

2003-03-12 Thread Chris Burford
of this contradiction. Chris Burford London

US terrorism

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
is to be the only state capable of terrorising the rest of the world. And not to be answerable to any court for its actions. Chris Burford London

solidarity with muslim peoples

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
someone thinks they have a very strong case. Chris Burford London

Remaking the UN

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
of shifting imperialist contention and cooperation there is the contradiction between global finance capital and the people of the world. What will eventually come about will be more than the reshuffling of the balance of power between major imperialist states. Chris Burford London

wilful blindness by liberal interventionists - Monbiot

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
Yet another article by Monbiot that is thoughtful passionate and cogent. A wilful blindness: Why can't liberal interventionists see that Iraq is part of a bid to cement US global power?,3604,911583,00.html Chris Burford London

Re: solidarity with muslim peoples

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
say a total of half a dozen URL's with some judiciously phrased qualifications and reservations? I agree with the parallel you draw with Chris D on Russia. Chris Burford London

Rumsfeld's happy little blunder

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
find the threat of legal action more intimidating. 1441 was drafted to win a unanimous vote, and then to be open to various interpretations. It was not drafted to ensure that the hegemons would have watertight legal protection against litigation. Contradictions, contradictions. Chris Burford

to the victors...

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
in the last Gulf war. What France loses in contracts in Iraq, will she gain in the rest of the Arab and muslim world? How far will inter-imperialist polarisation go? Chris Burford London

Rumsfeld's written repentance

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Burford
. It is Rumsfeld and Cheney. Chris Burford London

Blair increasingly isolated

2003-03-10 Thread Chris Burford
into a vicious circle, and the fight will be on as to who bears the burden, in a world in which the US has lost its best apologist. Chris Burford London

Re: Re: Blair increasingly isolated

2003-03-10 Thread Chris Burford
, but it is extraordinary to see how Bush and Blair, self-declared allies, play it so differently in their different countries. I think this reflects fundamental contradictions within imperialism about how to deal with the threat of terrorism and the latent mistrust of the people of the world. Chris

Re: UK nuclear evidence a fake

2003-03-09 Thread Chris Burford
are deeper into post-modernism, philosophy and sociology than I have gone myself. But as I find Ian's newsclippings almost invariably a well judged and highly useful resource I feel that to a great extent we are travelling in the same general direction. Regards Chris Burford London

information asymmetry and late finance capitalism

2003-03-09 Thread Chris Burford
is buried in the article but it is likely to be opaquely expressed anyway. Chris Burford London

Prime Minister on the edge of a nervous breakdown

2003-03-09 Thread Chris Burford
Contradictions, as they say, are sharpening. Who is going to stumble or miss a crucial shot? from today's Observer, UK Blair sets out final terms to avoid war,12239,910690,00.html Prime Minister, go to bed now

Re: UN Investigates US spying on Missions

2003-03-09 Thread Chris Burford
, has reached the point where the intelligence agencies themselves are leaking. I wonder what is known about the fake document on Iraq allegedly trying to buy nuclear materials in Ivory Coast? I wonder what the cover up trail is? Chris Burford London

China signals

2003-03-09 Thread Chris Burford
, Russia and China might turn up in person at the decisive vote in the United Nations. If so could Bush decline. And if he attended would he be addressing his homespun domestic audience or a world audience? Interesting... Chris Burford London

discourtesies, discourtesies

2003-03-08 Thread Chris Burford
is the defeat of the ideological hegemony of the hawks, and the emergence into dominance of a civil society which is there in the USA, but about which we hear little on this side of the Atlantic. The more blunders by the hawks the better. Chris Burford London

Re: Re: UK nuclear evidence a fake

2003-03-08 Thread Chris Burford
At 2003-03-07 23:32 -0800, you wrote: What's postmodern about Machievellian political strategies of strategic deception-opacity combined with a variation on good old fashioned catachresis? Ian Well, I shall avoid discussing processology! But what Blair and Campbell did was to take somewhat

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