Re: Re: The new EU

2002-07-29 Thread Chris Burford
and whether the context has changed today, and whether it has changed from when Lenin wrote about the United States of Europe. But he certainly said this. I am surprised that Louis Proyect would give such a hostage to fortune, as to assert that Lenin never said anything of the sort. Chris Burford

Blair tempted by Euro

2002-07-25 Thread Chris Burford
PM may risk euro vote within a year Patrick Wintour, chief political correspondent Thursday July 25, 2002 The Guardian Tony Blair has suggested that he is willing to risk a referendum on the euro in this parliament, even if he begins the campaign with the pro-euro cause seriously trailing in

Re: The new EU

2002-07-25 Thread Chris Burford
market, as Lenin noted, in an aside on the national question. Lenin never said anything of the sort. That is a confident statement considering it is hard to prove a negative. Lenin wrote a lot. Chris Burford

Re: The new EU

2002-07-24 Thread Chris Burford
At 23/07/02 08:45 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote: Chris Burford: This remarkable success within a short space of human history, has been of benefit to the working people of Europe, and of the world, not withstanding the imperialist nature of the new EU. Perhaps it was also a by-product

End to European Coal and Steel Community

2002-07-23 Thread Chris Burford
is progressive. Chris Burford London

Re: Re: reformism

2002-07-23 Thread Chris Burford
At 22/07/02 10:13 -0700, Michael Perelman wrote: I am not arguing against reforms, but reformism is a difficult path. There is a strong groundswell for reforming corporate finance, just as there was for campaign finance reform. The final reforms are usually very unsatisfactory, often designed to

Brown dismisses Tobin tax

2002-07-23 Thread Chris Burford
Brown dismisses Tobin tax plan Heather Stewart Tuesday July 23, 2002 The Guardian Chancellor Gordon Brown cold-shouldered anti-globalisation protesters last night as he rejected calls to penalise currency speculators to raise cash for developing countries. Appearing before the House of Lords

East resists US falls

2002-07-23 Thread Chris Burford
. Provided that other parts of the world take political advantage of this, it could mark the first set back to US hegemonism for a long time. I hope US citizens will see that this could be progressive. Chris Burford London

Re: Humans wired to cooperate

2002-07-23 Thread Chris Burford
CEO's and the complex cooperative social activity of modern economic enterprises. That is why even capitalism will have to find ways of controlling their unpredictable and destabilising behaviour. It is costing billions of dollars at this moment of time. Chris Burford Lodnon

DoMT on Reformism

2002-07-22 Thread Chris Burford
Reformism Entry in Dictionary of Marxist Thought, 2nd Edition Ed Tom Bottomore 1991 [with assistance from Ralph Miliband. Formatted for web reading CB] Reformism is best understood as one major position in a long-standing debate on the nature of the transition to socialism and on the

The line from UK government

2002-07-22 Thread Chris Burford
. This bit of spin to the Frost on Sunday Programme, probably reflects Gordon Brown's thinking. And from a marxist point of view what fundamentally matters in an economy is what happens to living labour, not what happens to dead labour. So destruction of capital values may not matter greatly. Chris

Re: citation on reforms

2002-07-21 Thread Chris Burford
to the attempts of capitalism to put the burden onto working people domestically and overseas, and for opportunities to weaken the power of capitalism strategically. Chris Burford London

Re: big biz vs. big govt

2002-07-19 Thread Chris Burford
. Chris Burford London

Re: big biz vs. big govt

2002-07-18 Thread Chris Burford
calling for the regulation of Microsoft into more of a publically accountable service, rather than its breaking up because it is too big. Anti-monopoly laws are reforms that are essential for the continuation of consent in capitalist accumulation. We should be cautious about populism. Chris Burford

pensioners want part time work

2002-07-18 Thread Chris Burford
power, and continue to enter the labour market as partial wage slaves after their 65th birthdays. Major problem of late finance capitalism hereby solved. It should also help the market for anti-wrinkle cream. Chris Burford London

Sector I and Sector II

2002-07-17 Thread Chris Burford
Greenspan's analysis could be examined in marxist terms of sector I and sector II - or is that impossibly difficult in a post-modern finance-capitalist economy? Is anyone willing to try? Chris Burford

Guardian on Greenspan and European expansion

2002-07-17 Thread Chris Burford
Today's editorial in the Guardian comments guardedly on Greenspan, and gives an archly revolutionary call for Europe to assert its economic strength. Despite the last line, this is not however a marxist analysis. Chris Burford Market maestro but US downturn could help Europe

UK expands state sector!

2002-07-16 Thread Chris Burford
imperialisms. But the world is really at stake. And the question of whether the means of production can be controlled by social foresight. And what private ownership means in practice. Chris Burford London

UK Business comment on Brown

2002-07-16 Thread Chris Burford
Digby Jones, the CBI's [Confederation of British Industry] director general said: The chancellor has rightly invested in the future productivity of British business with funds for education and transport. But we must not waste this historic opportunity to reform public services. The devil as

Re: Greenspeak

2002-07-16 Thread Chris Burford
the global economy. Parochial. The dollar does not deserve to remain the international medium of exchange. Chris Burford London At 16/07/02 08:28 -0700, you wrote: for the latest report

Re: Market Socialism

2002-07-15 Thread Chris Burford
, if it does not address the flexible interplay of the commodity realm of human reproduction and the non-commodity realm. Indeed I suspect that the transition to communism will be associated with the blurring of this boundary. Chris Burford London

Re: LOV and Schweickart

2002-07-12 Thread Chris Burford
the LOV superfluous but that is because I like operating at a very high level of abstraction, as well as at a level of close concrete detail. Perhaps it is a matter of taste, about which there should be no disputes. Chris Burford At 12/07/02 01:25 +, you wrote: Within the camp of those

Luxemburg Re: exogeneous/endogenous accumulation

2002-07-11 Thread Chris Burford
posed of socialism or barbarism also seems to me to smack of fatalism. Much as she is loved by revolutionary romantics, IMHO she is not quite ideologically and theoretically correct. Certainly her propositions need to be gently but effectively questioned. Chris Burford London

LOV and Schweickart

2002-07-11 Thread Chris Burford
. As the executive committees of finance capital desperately try to adjust the rules, I think this might be an instructive exercise for us, even if you think that Schweickart is impossibly reformist or impossibly utopian, or both. Chris Burford London

capitalism with a conscience?

2002-07-10 Thread Chris Burford
the political economy of the middle class [bourgeoisie], and social production controlled by social foresight, which forms the political economy of the working class. Finance capitalism is preparing its cemetery. Chris Burford London 7:30 am

Re: Market Socialism - an apology already

2002-07-10 Thread Chris Burford
of the law of value? Chris Burford

Slaughter of dead labour

2002-07-04 Thread Chris Burford
by the living labour that is actually working? How can the society restabilise? How can the stranglehold of dead labour be weakened and broken? Chris Burford London

Re: Re: US-UK split now public

2002-07-03 Thread Chris Burford
in this: in the course of this contradiction, indeed dialectically, a world state is being created. (in the interests of course, of imperialism) Chris Burford London

US-UK split now public

2002-07-02 Thread Chris Burford
area of the world, not even as *nominal* allies. Chris Burford London

decade on

2002-07-02 Thread Chris Burford
At 03/07/12 08:23 +0100, you wrote: Please use plain text. Other text may be virus infected. Karl Carlile To visit Communism click following: Karl I agree plain text is better. But your calendar is set a decade on. [see above] I now you are eager for

how's your font

2002-07-01 Thread Chris Burford
At 30/06/02 16:57 -0700, you wrote: (how's my font?) Tolerable on Eudora email. very small on Netscape. Chris B

capitalism and theft

2002-07-01 Thread Chris Burford
While I generally like Jim Devine's thoughtful and analytical approach to questions I have to say that the perspective in this response below, in my opinion is fundamentally wrong. Primitive accumulation is reserved for almost the very end of Vol I of Capital and it is called The So-Called

Dollar to fall by 1/3

2002-06-30 Thread Chris Burford
the value of the currency down. Meanwhile blocs like Europe, while having to compete despite higher export prices, will have relatively cheaper imports by courtesy of the rest of the world. Just when US hegemonism thought it could ignore all other opinions in the world. Chris Burford London

Economic juggernaut: China

2002-06-30 Thread Chris Burford
Economic juggernaut: China is passing U.S. as Asian power Jane Perlez The New York Times Saturday, June 29, 2002 JAKARTA From South Korea to Indonesia, China is rapidly strengthening its economic presence across Asia, gobbling up foreign investment and chipping away at the United States'

Re: Capitalist thievery inhibits capitalist recovery

2002-06-29 Thread Chris Burford
often a symptom of a new disease on Wall Street: Corporate Pyramid Schemes. continued on Chris Burford London At 26/06/02 08:41 -0400, you wrote: Corporate Scandals Taking Toll On Markets By Steven Pearlstein Washington Post

Re: nemployment before capitalism

2002-06-29 Thread Chris Burford
to the issue of growing world inequality. Chris Burford At 28/06/02 15:44 -0400, you wrote: Yes, these are the conditions that explain the 1349 Statute of Laborers, which prohibited alms to able-bodied beggars; its immediate sequel, the 1351 Statute of Laborer, which placed a ceiling on wages

Re: unemployment before capitalism

2002-06-29 Thread Chris Burford
aspect to the particularity of this process. This of course need not obscure the broad correct generalisation that unemployment is not a characteristic feature of pre-capitalist societies. I am taking the opportunity of correcting the thread title, and removing a few Re's Chris Burford

Re: LTV and income disparity

2002-06-28 Thread Chris Burford
At 28/06/02 07:07 +0530, you wrote: Chris Burford : What *is* difficult is the nature of the alliance between progressive people in the imperialist west and the mass of people in the LDC's. Please allow me to ask some questions. What or how much Western Marxists know really know about

Re: LTV and income disparity

2002-06-28 Thread Chris Burford
At 29/06/02 06:32 +0530, Ulhas Joglekar wrote: Chris Burford : Of course. But I would expect to set that in a more general framework of an understanding about different classes and strata, their alliances and their differences, and their contadictory relationship with the main forces

Re: LTV and income disparity

2002-06-27 Thread Chris Burford
peasants). Chris Burford London

Re: TV and income disparity

2002-06-27 Thread Chris Burford
, which we should be able to argue is in the material interest of the great majority of people of the world. Probably 95%. It *is* necessary to focus on the zero sum game of exchange value and discuss and change the system *as a whole*. Chris Burford London

Obituary: author of ANC Freedom Charter

2002-06-26 Thread Chris Burford
Communist by his late teens, meeting his future wife, Hilda, in the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA). rest recommended:,,60-339093,00.html Chris Burford

Bush's Middle East War Plan

2002-06-24 Thread Chris Burford
to the number of tours Colin Powell can carry off in the Middle East, each designed to fail, before people realise there is something wrong with the plot. Chris Burford

Re: Re: Anti-Bush protest at Ohio

2002-06-24 Thread Chris Burford
support. Otherwise the central terrain of battle is lost. Chris Burford London You can download the press release at Here's the website for the protest: -- Yoshie * Calendar of Events in Columbus: http

Re: End of U.S.-centric world economy?

2002-06-24 Thread Chris Burford
. Chris Burford

Israel to seize West Bank

2002-06-19 Thread Chris Burford
alternatives to the crushing of the Palestinians in publically attributable emails on lists like this and LBO-talk? Chris Burford England

Re: re: centripetal accumulation

2002-06-18 Thread Chris Burford
. But the people of the LDC are not in a decisive position to push. We will need to appeal to the reforming instincts of the population of the more developed countries to make a global alliance against capitalism. Chris Burford

Re: Leave the dollar alone

2002-06-15 Thread Chris Burford
. Chris Burford

United fronts in the west

2002-06-15 Thread Chris Burford
I am returning to this question on the eve of the final round of the French parliamentary election, likely, like the Dutch election, to produce a further victory for the parliamentary right. At 05/05/02 13:38 -0500, Carrol wrote: Jurriaan Bendien wrote: The Socialist Party I belong to

Re: Frappacinos and the law of value

2002-06-14 Thread Chris Burford
a holistic approach to the present system of global capitalism? Is Marx's absolute general law of capitalist accumulation (Capital Vol I Ch 25 Section 4) applicable on a world scale: the greater the functioning capital, the greater the reserve army? Chris Burford

A moment for reform

2002-06-14 Thread Chris Burford
that if the crisis accelerates the global politics of capitalism will feel compelled to address it in some way or another - perhaps even less attractive than what I have just discussed.) Chris Burford Wall Street hangs on the dollar's fortunes Jonathan Fuerbringer The New York Times

Re: lobal unequal exchange

2002-06-13 Thread Chris Burford
exchange of value? My hunch, like yours, is that the workings of capitalism are going to become more and more transparent. In this common cause, can I invite you to comment? Chris Burford The unfolding crisis is going to flush all the basic laws of capital out into the open for every

Re: Frappacinos and the law of value: a reply to the Post review of Empire

2002-06-13 Thread Chris Burford
misleading. Only an analysis which examines the global process of value creation and destruction in all its complexity can account for today's capitalism. My sentiments entirely. See my post to Melvin P. Chris Burford

Wider electronic surveillance - of revolutionary email

2002-06-12 Thread Chris Burford
This article in the Guardian (UK) below, shows how far the UK and the USA have gone in assuming state surveillance of emails. That is not under debate - only the range of the agencies allowed to monitor. The implications for all radicals, let alone revolutionaries, using the internet have

Economics of saving the world

2002-06-12 Thread Chris Burford
Do others agree with the economics here? Chris Burford Two years to save the world New Scientist 19:00 12 June 02 Fred Pearce People will be five times as rich in a hundred years' time. And if we are willing to postpone that prosperity by just two years, we could fix global warming

Re: An English revival

2002-06-11 Thread Chris Burford
One world, one economy, one language, one culture, one security system, one body of armed men, one state. Chris Burford

Re: divisions was Re: crisis of leadership ?

2002-06-10 Thread Chris Burford
To play the issue and not the man, I would say that Sabri Oncu is incorrect in seeing the divisions he gave in April in this reference as mostly psychological/personal stuff, although the ones involved would

Re: etting the message and Global unequal exchange

2002-06-08 Thread Chris Burford
At 07/06/02 17:19 -0700, you wrote: We have been through this before, Thanks. Any recollection about which year and month of the archives in particular which I should search? Chris Burford Chris, Obviously you did not get the message. What I read from Michael's sentence is that he

Re: There are not unequal exchange ;critique of Frank

2002-06-08 Thread Chris Burford
of reformism while promoting a strugge for radical reform.) Chris Burford

Re: Global unequal exchange

2002-06-07 Thread Chris Burford
At 07/06/02 06:24 +0900, miychi wrote: There is not unequal exchange( Frank etc) There is creditifying commodity. Please explain. Chris Burford

Re: Global unequal exchange

2002-06-07 Thread Chris Burford
between the two. Does that matter? How is that analysed from a marxist point of view, and how much does it contribute to imperialist superprofits? Chris Burford

Re: Re: Re: Global unequal exchange

2002-06-07 Thread Chris Burford
At 07/06/02 08:52 -0700, Michael Perelman wrote: We have been through this before, Thanks. Any recollection about which year and month of the archives in particular which I should search? Chris Burford but please do not try to characterize other list memgers -- they can do

Global unequal exchange

2002-06-05 Thread Chris Burford
that mean that all other areas using less advanced means of production are trading unequally and there will be an unequal exchange of value on a massive global scale, inherent in the very fabric of the international market, which is self perpetuating and indeed accelerating. Chris Burford

Re: Darwinian doctrine

2002-06-03 Thread Chris Burford
passages Engels wrote in haste. What is important is the main idea, which is consistent with the importance he gives to work and to language in human evolution: that we are a social species, temporarily under the fragmenting sway of capitalist relations of production. Chris Burford

Re: threat to free speech

2002-06-01 Thread Chris Burford
. Chris Burford At 31/05/02 20:10 -0700, you wrote: Sam Lanfranco posted this to the labor-l list. Scary. From: Benoit Tabaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 22:40:01 +0200 Declan, A short piece of news from France. Yesterday, a french lower Court decided for the first time

Marxism Today

2002-05-25 Thread Chris Burford
. To many that is simply because he is now undoubtedly one of the right wing, a traitor and an opportunist. Chris Burford London

Chris Patten supports Will Hutton

2002-05-24 Thread Chris Burford
criticising. Chris Burford Friends across the water In The World We're In, Will Hutton reveals that the US right is a threat to the UK. It's not that simple, argues Chris Patten Chris Patten Guardian Saturday May 18, 2002 The World We're In Will Hutton 320pp, Little, Brown, £17.99

Hutton on ECB

2002-05-23 Thread Chris Burford
that Hutton's approach raises. Chris Burford

Re: Prodi calls for EU tax

2002-05-23 Thread Chris Burford
patronised and humiliated by the USA, and intends to ensure that this era comes to a definitive end. Chris Burford

World Financial Authority

2002-05-23 Thread Chris Burford
Hutton again: p 366 Nor can we any longer accept the US's lax attitude to the regulation of international financial institutions, accounting standards and tax havens; it is a green light to feral capitalism, organised crime and international plans are terrorism alike. The globe needs a

Hutton on imperialist aid

2002-05-23 Thread Chris Burford
of communism. Chris Burford p366-367 The World We're In by Will Hutton There needs also to be a recasting of the relationship of the industrialised West with the less developed world. The EU needs to rethink its attitude towards agriculture; instead of protecting domestic production of commodity foods

Re: Hutton's declaration of war 2

2002-05-22 Thread Chris Burford
At 20/05/02 18:01 -0700, Jim Devine quoted Louis Proyect On Mon, 20 May 2002 22:32:27 +0100, Chris Burford wrote: If once the United States personified the future, increasingly the EU is demonstrating how inter-dependence can be managed and nurtured. LP: This must be some kind of joke. Anti

Hutton on Argentine crisis, IMF

2002-05-22 Thread Chris Burford
The areas in which the EU needs to protect [project? - CB] an idea of a more liberal, multilateralist and just order are legion. Start with finance. The world needs a genuine supranational financial institution that monitors economic performance and stands ready to provide hard currency in times

Wanted $1b a day

2002-05-22 Thread Chris Burford
Shrewd forex traders know that the United States of America needs inward investment of about $1 billion a day to maintain the level of the dollar in the world as an exchange medium and store of wealth. This is looking unlikely. Perhaps they should hold out the begging bowl. Chris Burford

Bono and O'Neill in Ghana

2002-05-22 Thread Chris Burford
Guardian Report: Wednesday May 22, 2002 10:50 PM ACCRA, Ghana (AP) - Singer Bono and U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill chatted to women selling snails and smoked fish in the capital and donned traditional robes in a rural village in Ghana on Wednesday. In a dusty schoolyard, under a

20,000 protest Bush in Berlin

2002-05-22 Thread Chris Burford
extracts from Guardian Wednesday May 22, 2002 11:40 PM Hooded youths and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed with police as President Bush arrived here Wednesday, marring a peaceful protest by 20,000 people opposed to any widening of the U.S. war on terrorism. ... The anti-war

Prodi calls for EU tax

2002-05-22 Thread Chris Burford
With Bush in Berlin, it is no accident that Prodi outlined an ambitious plan for European global influence, to the European Parliament. Of all the kites he flew the power to raise tax directly would be the most decisive. BBC report - European Commission President Romano Prodi has demanded

Re: Re: pro Bono

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Burford
At 19/05/02 15:46 -0400, you wrote: On Sun, 19 May 2002 20:13:34 +0100, Chris Burford wrote: Did not Robeson once sing about an America that was inclusive? Robeson was an outspoken critic of capitalism. Bono is a proponent of capitalist handouts to countries that would be far better off

Hutton's declaration of war 2

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Burford
Of course Hutton's purpose is not emphasis that Europe too is an imperialism and no less genetically capable of committing atrocities of oppression and exploitation than its rival across the Atlantic. But in the following passage Hutton continues by arguing why Europe has the more effective

Hutton's declaration of economic war

2002-05-19 Thread Chris Burford
As I suspected, not just a collection of disparate moralistic winges, but a barely disguised declaration of economic war against the USA - The euro is not just important for offering European monetary integration and its associated benefits. It gives Europe a world currency - the only

Re: The World We're In by Will Hutton

2002-05-19 Thread Chris Burford
At 18/05/02 08:18 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote: On Fri, 17 May 2002 22:28:31 +0100, Chris Burford wrote: What the Marshall Aid plan was necessary to do was *political*: to protect western Europe from going Communist. I didn't think it was necessary for me to point this out. Good. We

pro Bono

2002-05-19 Thread Chris Burford
a great idea, contagious and inclusive. Did not Robeson once sing about an America that was inclusive? Chris Burford

Re: Marshall Plan for Third World?

2002-05-19 Thread Chris Burford
from his or her own country. Sorry to press the point. Chris Burford

Re: Re: RE: Re: Doug tells the truth..........................

2002-05-17 Thread Chris Burford
or otherwise? I am sure Michael will want this thread closed for content, as he did in November, but perhaps Max can clarify where the technical problem is. Chris Burford

UK imperialist birth rate slumps

2002-05-17 Thread Chris Burford
Fortujn, Stoiber, or Le Pen. Chris Burford

Re: The World We're In by Will Hutton

2002-05-17 Thread Chris Burford
At 16/05/02 08:19 -0400, you wrote: Chris Burford: However the Marshall Aid programme after the war shifted capital back to western Europe and produced an increase in the use values available for the local population. Capitalism can continue even with a redistribution of capitalism

Re: The World We're In by Will Hutton

2002-05-16 Thread Chris Burford
Chris Burford: Hutton is probably proposing Keynesian solutions. It would certainly not be socialism. But even a capitalist programme really to eradicate global inequality would be a big shock to the privileged populations of the imperialist countries, let alone their bourgeoisies. A capitalist

Re: Re: The World We're In by Will Hutton

2002-05-15 Thread Chris Burford
for commercial reasons of his notoriety and because he has argued for capital to be recirculated to the global peripheries, (no doubt at public expense). Hutton, who is a fairly honest radical bourgeois, may well also be arguing for capital to be redistributed to the peripheries. Chris Burford

Nato is dead?

2002-05-14 Thread Chris Burford
interests are signalled in the article below. Chris Burford Sat May 11 Allies look to the EU for future security By William Pfaff (International Herald Tribune) PARIS: American policy spokesmen - such as Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman, speaking at The Hague in April - insist

The World We're In by Will Hutton

2002-05-14 Thread Chris Burford
imperialist blocs patch over their differences, some changes may be part of the agenda. Has anyone read even bits of the book, in the original? Chris Burford London

Pressure on Chinese banking system

2002-05-11 Thread Chris Burford
these concerns by relieving the four big banks of $170 billion worth of bad loans - 12 percent of loans outstanding - and then writing off the loans or reselling them, following the same general approach that worked for the United States after the savings and loan crisis. Chris Burford from

Re: Socialist Statements about the assassination of Pim Fortuyn

2002-05-11 Thread Chris Burford
on a world scale and to manage the global capitalist economy by management of its capital flows. Small left wing groups may not be able to grasp that nettle, but anything short of this may make it difficult to unite people of different countries and different ethnic backgrounds. Chris Burford

Re: Racist threat in the Netherlands

2002-05-04 Thread Chris Burford
this in a racist way??? (He also sounds a narcissist but that is perhaps not a defined political tendency.) Chris Burford London

unending job (long)

2002-05-04 Thread Chris Burford
to say that logically if Lenin's position was wrong, Louis's is at least as wrong. But perhaps in different ways. Chris Burford

Re: Million demonstrators in France

2002-05-04 Thread Chris Burford
! Chris Burford London


2002-05-04 Thread Chris Burford
I will be away from the computer for some days. Silence does not indicate agreement of course, including with how my position might be characterised... Regards Chris Burford

Re: Million demonstrators in France

2002-05-03 Thread Chris Burford
At 02/05/02 19:44 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote: On Thu, 02 May 2002 23:24:33 +0100, Chris Burford wrote: While would-be marxists may have a low opinion of bourgeois elections, it was something of a problem that the German Nazi Party did come first in the elections in 1933 and their leader

Fascist advance in England limited

2002-05-03 Thread Chris Burford
, not just in the Labour Party, will be emboldened by these results that there is a way to fight back, not least against racism. Chris Burford London

Re: Re: Fascist advance in England limited

2002-05-03 Thread Chris Burford
At 03/05/02 08:52 -0400, you wrote: On Fri, 03 May 2002 08:06:12 +0100, Chris Burford wrote: Despite the expectation of losing votes badly compared to their high point of the general election, Labour Party losses were modest. In what should be a good time for them, there are no signs

Racist threat in Netherlands

2002-05-03 Thread Chris Burford
not consider throwing the weight of the left behind a lesser evil bourgeois party. Or are you confident there is a principled left wing party that can come top of the bourgeois election? Chris Burford London

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