A new start: the meaning of weapons of mass destruction, and an Al Jazeera poll result

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
(this article describes how the forces of imperialism literally poison people to death, which over time may make official war casualty rates look like chickenfeed - and I am not talking tobacco. The poisoning would also affect American and British soldiers stationed in Iraq - JB). (...) American

When a spelling error gave the game away

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
$4 trillion swindle foiled by spelling error PAUL VALLELY (Independent) LONDON - Every Monday morning 69-year-old Graham Halksworth would bid farewell to his wife and leave his home at the top end of the little town of Mossley, high on the shoulder of the Pennines. Smartly dressed and carrying a

Bulldozering away Palestinians by remote control technology

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
02.11.2003 JERUSALEM - Israeli forces will soon be able to carry out demolition of Palestinian buildings by remote control, an Israeli high-tech concern said. Palestinians and human rights groups, including Amnesty International, condemn demolitions as collective punishment that has made

New rules for the primitive accumulation of capital

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
02.11.2003 NEW YORK - The UN General Assembly has approved the world's first anti-corruption treaty that requires nations to return stolen assets to countries from which they were pillaged. The treaty, two years in the drafting, will enter into force 90 days after 30 governments have ratified it.

Re: Marx and fiat money

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Lack the time to go into the subject just now, but try: http://www.palgrave-usa.com/catalogue/index.asp?isbn=0312211643

The plan for primitive accumulation in Iraq: Greg Palast reveals all

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Editor's note: BBC investigative reporter Greg Palast is also the author of the recent bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, a look at the American political process. He is also one of two journalists who obtained a document from the administration of US President George Bush titled Moving

Iraqi businessmen complain about American primitive accumulation

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
One of the most common accusations levelled against the US-led occupation is that it was simply paving the way for a subsequent corporate invasion. Monolithic US companies with strong ties to the administration of US President George Bush have been handed huge contracts to repair the damage

Re: New rules for the primitive accumulation of capital - reply to Ian

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Ian, I think of it in the same way as intellectual property rights, about which I have written already. IPR required an objective theory of property, and in fact a true theory of capitalism as we know it. But if there is some facet or relation of capitalism which you cannot admit in your theory,

That ain't workin', that's the way to do it

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The new Iraqi dinar is rising against the US dollar, the old banknotes being changed to new bills printed in England, by a consortium led by UK-based banknote printer De La Rue. The new currency was was unveiled in Baghdad on October 4, 2003 and introduced on October 15, and Iraqis have three

New rules - reply to Ian

2003-11-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I wrote: They hope that they will get sex for nothing, and they hope that for the rest people will notice, and they will say that according to the contract, employer is entitled to the full labour-power of the employee, i.e. all potential and observable behaviours. That should be for the


2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I wrote: But I know what you are talking about, because in 1991 my landlord caught me reading Marx and said to be Yeah, I knew a Marxist once and he was constantly drunk and unhappy. 1991 should be 1981 - typo. J

The economic arguments: what are American socialists saying about them ?

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
1. Tax cuts are responsible for economic growth, says Bush ``The tax relief we passed is working,'' Mr. Bush claimed in Columbus, Ohio on October 30 to whoops of approval from several hundred workers during a speech at an aluminium processing plant here (NYT, Oct. 31). The news that real GDP had

Re: In defence of Krugman and against Alexander Cockburn: choice of targets

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Krugman is not left-liberal. He is a neo-liberal, appearing in sharp distinction to the hard-core right-wingers that dominate public policy presently. His critical inquiry is pretty shallow, consisting mostly of currently calling Bush and his gang on their blatant falsehoods. When

Re: In defence of Krugman and against Alexander Cockburn: choice of targets

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Marty wrote: The danger comes of course because [Krugman] is not advancing any kind of radical vision of change. What bloody danger, for heaven's sake ? Who is creating the danger ? When two million humans die in Iraq because of the total effects of war destruction and economic chaos in two

Re: In defence of Krugman ...

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Jim wrote: Now PK attacks only the right -- because there isn't much of a Left left. This is a sign of the rightward shift of the middle. That is exactly it, couldn't have said it better and I am not even an American. Question I am raising is, what is the response to that. J.

Re: PK on GDP surge - what could a socialist say ?

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Okay, so Krugman explains where the spectacular GDP growth mainly came from: - final demand excluding the increase in stocks actually grew faster than GDP. - housing grew at a 20 percent rate - spending on consumer durables rose at a 27 percent rate last quarter. - consumers take advantage of

The political business cycle

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
What I forgot to mention is that the Kaleckian political business cycle concept links Jim's comment about the rightward shift of the middle to the consumer spending boom that mainly account for the big quarterly GDP increase. So then you have a materialist explanation for the political drift. J.

Re: Bloody Jump-Ups

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
On the Left, it used to be said that nothing is too good for the working class. This applied to folks who had escaped that class, too. Absent an immediate revolution, who wouldn't want to escape? Yes and no. There was a phrase among british workers, bloody jump-ups. Where I came from, it

Re: PK on GDP surge - what could a socialist say ?

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Okay Doug, A major prop to consumption in the U.S. over the last 2-3 years has been home equity withdrawals - borrowing against the appreciated value of owner-occupied housing. Since 68% of U.S. households own their dwellings, your definition of propertied would have to be rather broad.

Re: Paul Krugman on GDP surge - additional comment

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Thanks. An odd feature of the U.S. housing boom is that the rental index hasn't gone up all that much - $46b gain between 2000 and 2001 (latest available). The annual GDP tables have data on imputations - specifically 8.21, at

The secret of China's competitiveness

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The average Chinese worker currently gets paid about US$900-US$1000 (per capita GDP is estimated at US$791, total GDP is $991 billion; operating surplus averages about 22 percent, which UBS Warburg thinks too low, it's lower than the USA), but the average output per worker is about US$6800 (this

Re: Query

2003-10-31 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Some useful introductions to Marx's economic ideas are: Ben Fine (1989) Marx's Capital, Macmillan, 3rd Edition (the briefest) Duncan Foley (1986) Understanding Capital: Marx's Economic Theory, Harvard University Press. Geoffrey Kay (1979), The Economic Theory of the Working Class,

How the US Government goes about saving its ass

2003-10-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The bureaucratic machine swings in motion. The Senate Intelligence Committee of the US Senate now gives the CIA 48 hours to supply files on intelligence it gathered on Iraq prior to the start of the military campaign. The deadline was communicated by Pat Roberts and John Rockefeller, in a response

The casualisation of labour in the United States

2003-10-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
What is the growth area in the United States labour market ? Answer: casual labour. 122,000 seasonally adjusted jobs in temporary help employment were added since April. This sector tends to be a sensitive indicator for overall employment movements. Global Insight estimates that more than 93% of

Engels's use of the term Marxist

2003-10-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
In his foreword to his essay Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy (1886), dated February 21, 1888, Frederick Engels does use the term Marxist, namely, he claimed confidently, In the meantime, the Marxist world outlook has found representatives far beyond the boundaries of

In defence of Krugman and against Alexander Cockburn: choice of targets

2003-10-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Alexander Cockburn, whom I traditionally respect and admire, now writes: Krugman is a press agent, a busker, for Clintonomics. For him as for so many others on the liberal side, the world only went bad in January, 2001. If a Democrat, pretty much any Democrat conventional enough to win Wall

Re: Engels's use of the term Marxist - reply to Justin

2003-10-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Justin, Thanks, I'd missed that. But one really has to look for it, right? Yes, although when I studied Engels's writings (published and unpublished) in the early 1980s, I found several loci. It is just that I do not have the literature handy here anymore, and I am too preoccupied to go to

The meaning of modern bourgeois democracy: it just takes phone call

2003-10-16 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Germany, France and Russia - Europe's leading opponents to the US-led war in Iraq - today agreed to vote in favour of the UN resolution on Iraq that Washington hopes will attract troops and money to stabilise the country. The decision was made during a 45-minute conference call with the German

Bit of pocket money

2003-10-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Donors to pledge $2 billion for Iraq Wednesday 15 October 2003, 2:19 Makka Time, 23:19 GMT About two billion dollars is expected to be pledged for Iraqi reconstruction at a donors conference in Madrid later this month, a UN official has said. Julia Taft, assistant administrator of the UN

Re: what's going on

2003-10-15 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
My analysis is that the media people are bored. They are bored, because within the framework of censorship and editing that they operate under (God Bless America, defender of the free world !), they just get to do all these boring stories about the fight against terror, how the US government can

Re: Mapping the CA Political Geography for the Green Party

2003-10-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
In any case, the Green Party needs to prioritize where its activists should spend their time and energy, mapping the political geography of race and class, and to set numerical targets (how many campaign workers, how many votes, etc. in each precinct), in order to garner more than 2-5% of the

Re: Social transformation of the Cuban peasantry

2003-10-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Because bourgeois economists understand economic and social indicators differently from socialists, have Cuban universities actually made an attempt to find an expression of social facts about their society as economic indicators which foreign economists could understand, to facilitate

Condoleezza thinks it's not fair

2003-10-14 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Al Jazeera reports (14 November) that Condoleezza Rice stated that: We know there are a lot of people who are using the travel opportunities to go to Cuba in ways that wind up enriching the Cuban government because the Cubans are able to take the money in hard currency to then pay the workers

Quote du Jour: Paul Bremer on economic justice

2003-10-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I have to say that it is curious to me to have a country [like Iraq - JB] whose per capita income, GDP, is about $800 ... that a county that poor should be required to pay reparations to countries whose per capita GDP is a factor of 10 times that for a war which all of the Iraqis who are now in

The role of oil-for-food in the modern imperialist theory of primitive accumulation: a new market emerges

2003-10-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The UN Oil-for-Food program was launched in 1996 in a bid to alleviate the genocidal sanctions imposed on Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War. On 29 September this year, the Executive Director of the UN Office of the Iraq Programme (OIP), Benon Sevan said that the terrorist bombing of UN headquarters in

Re: question about Iraq - the theoretical significance of prostitution economics

2003-10-13 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Basically the banks are arguing your love gimme such a thrill, but your love don't pay my bills, so gimme money, that's what I want. (actually John Lennon was sick in the plane prior to performing this song at the Live Peace in Toronto concert in 1969). Suppose that you are or feel dependent for

Re: Peter Fisher

2003-10-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Yes. The Federal Reserve orchestrated the bailout of the hedge fund Long Term Capital Management, using $3.5 billion provided by the private sector. See: www.t-bird.edu/pdf/about_us/case_series/e06990020.pdf Peter Fisher was the moving force behind Bush's Presidential Commission on the U.S.

The frontier of modern imperialism: primitive accumulation in Iraq, at the taxpayers expense

2003-10-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
(Thanks to Richard H. for making me aware of this important article, which every socialist should read; I have excerpted the important bits and slightly edited it - JB) This coming October 23 to 24, the United States will be sitting down with rich creditor countries, the International Monetary

Re: The frontier of modern imperialism: primitive accumulation in Iraq, at the taxpayers expense

2003-10-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Empires do die because something in human nature either revolts or cannot thrive in this kind of environment. I agree totally with your sentiments, but you may not be correct on this point. Suppose that instead of getting people to revolt, you get them to mutate in some way, let's think of a

Terms of exchange - additional comment on lie-ability, especially for Comrade Sabri

2003-10-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
In my previous post on Marxmail I left out one important point. This point is, that in accounting for Iraq ONLY on the basis of assets and liabilities, which is the Colin Powell argument, it is important to understand the effects of revaluing assets in the account. The christian fundamentalist

I'm talkin' about you, or, the politics of socially responsible accumulation

2003-10-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Youssef's brother Redouane visited us tonight, and I had a conversation with him in the kitchen, in bad German, telling him about the financial accounting for war costs in Iraq was developing (Redouane has worked for Moroccan banks implementing digitalised financial management systems) by

Re: The frontier of modern imperialism: time after time

2003-10-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Yes, the Life is Beautiful argument. (That Italian movie where a clownish man acts out in order to convince his son that a concentration camp is not a concentration camp. I couldn't force myself to see it, but apparently that was the plot)...or perhaps Schindler's List, where the essential

Re: political economy of asset sales in Iraq: the colonial futures trade

2003-10-12 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Your question: Not arguing, just asking...how is primitive accumulation in Iraq different from any sort of colonial rule and appropriation? Well technically there is a legal difference, because Iraq is not legally annexed as in the past, we just go there and take it over, and also there is an

The class struggles in Holland: I'll do anything for love, but I won't do that

2003-10-11 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Dutch Prince swaps throne for love Friday 10 October 2003, 21:59 Makka Time, 18:59 GMT Dutch Prince Johan Friso, second in line to the throne, gave up his succession rights after the Dutch government refused him permission to marry his fiancee Mabel Wisse Smit. Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter

Re: Economics of commodities

2003-10-11 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
As usual, I agree with Jim's comments, except that I would add that Capital Volume 2 may sometimes also have relevance for research into specific primary products, insofar as the production of just one or two products may constitute an economic sector which link to other economics sectors. When I

Re: Economics of commodities

2003-10-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
In his little book of 1974 called The Second Slump (later, expanded edition: La Crise), Ernest Mandel already remarks that agricultural prices are not formed in the same way as industrial prices, and refers to Marx's theory of absolute and differential rents. A significant increase or decrease in

Re: Leftists and Electoral Politics Re: California recall results

2003-10-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
A third party on the left in an electoral system like the United States' can never rise to power without a prior collapse of the political party controlled by the ruling class that had captured working-class votes (the Democratic Party, in the case of the United States). We'll see about

Re: Leftists and Electoral Politics Re: California recall results

2003-10-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Best just to be a revolutionary and try to develop soldarity where you can, at work, in the streets and everywhere you go. Sure, vote for whomever you like, but nobody is going anywhere until the working class organizes to take power for itself. Thanks for your advice, but I am not

Re: Leftists and Electoral Politics Re: California recall results - reply to Jim

2003-10-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
the real action has to involve the development of a mass movement of the left, something that will never come from the DP. Only when there's a working-class movement outside of the electoral arena will the political balance shift back in the human direction. Jim We had this whole dispute

Re: oscar wilde on socialism?

2003-10-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Sorry, all I know about that one, is the bit by Bob Dylan, Oh Mama, can this really be the end To be stuck here with my mobile phone With the Memphis blues again J.

Re: California Dreaming

2003-10-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
One thing worse than a two-party political system is a one-party system. Ellen Frank Disagree, haha. What is worse is when you have a one party system, or a two party system, but the government simply disregards any party in what it does, such that, for example, just a few people decide the

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes

2003-10-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
It is difficult to quantify, but from spending much time there, my estimate would be that the typical Swiss spends perhaps 50 to 75 percent more time per week than a comparable Western European adult on civic, church, and other volunteer activities, and say 25 to 35 percent more than a typical

The Guardian viewpoint on re-establishing economic equilibrium in California

2003-10-08 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
By far the most economically sensible thing to do would be to raise property taxes (...) voters consider Proposition 13 [still] to be sacrosanct, whatever state law says about balancing budgets. (...) Mr Schwarzenegger['s] margin for manoeuvre is extremely limited. California very much depends on

Re: PK on the lump of labor fallacy

2003-10-07 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The same employers who hailed the downfall of the Socialist Unity Party government in East Germany, where piece wages were a regular practice, also opposed the shorter working week in Western Europe and the USA. In the post-Fordist world within the developed capitalist countries, the majority of

Re: Christopher Hitchens: why not invade Iran?

2003-10-06 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The Southbeach Diet Online commercial in the middle of the article is more interesting than what Chrissie Hitchens says. Listen to this guy: my own recent visit to Baghdad, Karbala, and Najaf, as well as to Basra and then Kurdistan, I would say that I saw persuasive evidence of the unleashing of

Re: Schwarzenegger admits Hitler remarks

2003-10-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
A person whose mother tongue is a semetic languange, like Hebrew or Arabic. I had to laugh a lot when I read that one. Mike, you're winner, that made my day. J.

Positive psychology and emotional management in the USA

2003-10-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
One of the things I found interesting about this, is that Dr Frederickson said that: Positive emotions (...) broaden ways of thinking beyond our regular baseline, and they accumulate. Notice here the word accumulate, and where have we heard that before ? J.

Re: FT: Martin Wolf sounding a little like Peter Gowan

2003-10-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I don't think it is such a bad analysis, really, except that it is from an investor's point of view and therefore reactive, i.e. socio-economic events happen, and then you adjust your portfolio holdings. Which is the modern conception of government action as well: price movements create certain

The Trilateral Commission's advice on foreign policy strategy towards the People's Republic of China: the basket game

2003-10-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Clearly, the Trilateral countries have a substantial number of significant interests at stake with China. (...) This necessitates having a sense of priorities and a strategy for encouraging the desired Chinese responses. The priorities recommended in this report are in the security and economic

Brzezinski on Marxism, or, why socialists think you guys should be proud of yourselves

2003-10-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
'Marxism represents a further vital, and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man, and a victory of reason over belief...' Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the

Jesus and the Rolex: additional explanatory comment

2003-10-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Carl Jung has some advice for our troubled times, which consists in spiritual reform, in other words, the oppressed of this earth need a good dose of spirituality for their salvation. Thus, he said in the wake of the second world war: Everything possible has been done for the outside world:

Re: American eugenics and Nazism

2003-10-05 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Weren't there a lot of people on the left in to eugenics back in the early parts of the 20th Century? Yes, for example Trotsky moots the possibility - his argument was that we would want to prevent malformed and badly formed children as much as possible in the future using scientific knowledge.

The class struggles in Holland - latest news

2003-10-04 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
2 October 2003 - Socialist Party parliamentarians Jan Marijnissen and Krista van Velzen stood in front of a class at their old school a few days ago, to teach a lesson about biotechnology. They did this under the auspices of a campaign of the Animal Awake Foundation in which filmstar Georgina

Re: Positive psychology and emotional management in the USA

2003-10-04 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Jo, You make such interesting comments... Very true. Which makes me wonder about the left propensity for gloom. The only radicals that speak of hope these days are the Zapatistas. Wonder why? This is a very big topic. I think from personal experience it has to do with, among other things,

Re: Schwarzenegger admits Hitler remarks

2003-10-04 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Max wrote: Anti-semitism nears complete redefinition as opposition to Israeli policies. Anything you say otherwise has been redefined as inconsequential. But if you're a critic of Zionism, the slightest thing is grounds for opprobrium. It's really remarkable. Not good for the Jews, I would

When Jesus asked for a Rolex

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The Good Lord Jesus is sitting on his donkey, riding to Golgotha. A crowd of people stands by, cheering. All of a sudden, the donkey stops, and stubbornly refuses to move on. A Roman soldier whips the donkey, to get the donkey to move, and whips Jesus a bit for good measure, causing blood to well

Union city blue

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Eastern union Spurred on by an unravelling of the rules about tying the knot, people in China are rushing to wed, writes Jonathan Watts Friday October 3, 2003 If the Chinese media are to be believed, a great deal of jujubes will be consumed this week. The Chinese dates, along with lotus seeds

Re: forex spillovers

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Jim, Thanks very much (I haven't gone outside yet, just reading your post). the standard macro explanation points to Okun's Law, which says that for the US, real GDP has to increase at about 3 per cent per year simply to keep the unemployment rate constant. This type of growth counteracts

Re: The oil and gas situation - Odyssey thinks ahead

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Thanks to you all for all your input into this weighty discussion, I am a little wheezy though, must quit smoking (how could Marx pack in all those cigars ???). Here's a quote from Freeman Louca, As Time Goes By (Oxford University Press, p. 274: B.H. Klein showed that in 1900, steam and

Re: forex spillovers

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Jim, Or is unemployment not lower in NZ? If unemployment didn't fall, then that contradicts the orthodoxy. Real unemployment is difficult for me to estimate momentarily, because of the compilation of data and statistical presentation. For example, if you just worked a few hours a week

Re: intellectual property

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
No intellectual property rights, no censorship vs. intellectual property rights AND censorship. Why do we end up with BOTH intellectual property rights AND censorship ? Such are the mysteries of the rich in a capitalist, class-divided society dependent on exploitation and expropriation. J.

Can US elections be democratic at all ? A note on American game theory

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Cde Macdonald Stainsby draw my attention to this site: http://www.bartcop.com/diebold.htm The Boomtown Rats were formed in Dun Laoghaire, near Dublin, Ireland, in 1975 by a former journalist Bob Geldof (vocals - born 5 Oct. 1954), Johnnie Fingers (keyboards - real name John Moylett, born 10,

Positive psychology and emotional management in the USA

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Positive emotions don't necessarily narrow people toward a specific action, like negative emotions do. Positive emotions seem to broaden people's repertoires of things they like to pursue. They broaden ways of thinking beyond our regular baseline, and they accumulate. And that broadening allows

Re: Republicans Unsure of Bush's Chances for 2004 Election

2003-10-03 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I think that a snap-shot impression in political poll results says very little, particularly as political variables are so much more prone to volatility. Therefore, I think it is always important to look at the trend in polling results over time, and consider what specific intervention would

Re: new government holiday

2003-10-02 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
One of the implications of this the tendency for an accelerated hollowing-out and destruction of state institutions. If you use the state to transfer a lot of net income from the working class to the employing class, with Keynesian instruments, plus run up enormous financial debts at the same

The oil and gas situation, according to the expurts

2003-10-02 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
World oil and gas supplies are headed for a production crunch sometime between 2010 and 2020 when they cannot meet supply, because global reserves are 80 per cent smaller than had been thought, new forecasts show. An analysis presented this week at the University of Uppsala in Sweden suggests

Stiglitz on the IMF

2003-10-02 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The painful reality the IMF ignores The fund has again failed in its most urgent task - to reform itself Joseph Stiglitz Thursday October 2, 2003 The Guardian It is six years since the IMF's fateful meeting in Hong Kong, just before the global financial crisis. I was there. What a peculiar

Re: The oil and gas situation, according to the expurts

2003-10-02 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Has anyone ever done a really comprehensive quantitative world study of the political economy of cars ? I did a quick probe a while ago, but has somebody actually very comprehensively estimated all the different sides of the story ? The car industry is a very important sector of the world economy,

Re: forex spillovers

2003-10-02 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
America's new-found protectionism is rooted in the election-year angst of the jobless recovery. The forces of free trade are silent - unwilling to be characterised as anti-worker in this climate. Is anybody actually explaining thoroughly how it is possible to have a jobless recovery at all ?

Re: Can computers help reverse falling employment?

2003-10-01 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I wrote a book that tried to discuss this possibility Yes, it's a great book too, I would recommend it. In Michael's books you always learn something new. I gave my copy to a professor in England (who taught me in New Zealand in 1980), who was writing a paper on modern-day intellectual battles

North Korea will strengthen nuclear weapons programme

2003-09-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
North Korea to continue nuke programme Tuesday 30 September 2003, 10:46 Makka Time, 7:46 GMT North Korea has said it is no longer interested in holding further negotiations with the United States and will take practical measures to increase its nuclear capabilities. Officials did not disclose

The Natasha trade: a note on the political economy of prostitution

2003-09-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
In Amsterdam, I met a Russian prostitute once whose name was really Natasha. When she told me, I said No kidding, and she showed me her identification to prove it. She wasn't trafficked though, it was more an individual entrepreneurial activity. In Amsterdam she could make a net income of maybe a

Re: The Natasha trade: a note on the political economy of prostitution

2003-09-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Well I have never prostituted myself sexually as a sex worker, but I have paid money for sex, for various survival reasons, but I regard it basically as lack of competency on my part. But I had a lot of people mucking round with me to change me, and I just thought of Jesus and did it. When people

Re: Can computers help reverse falling employment?

2003-09-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Here's a lyric from the Australian popgroup Mi-sex called Computer games I fidget with the digit dots and cry an anxious tear As the XU-1 connects the spot But the matrix grid don't care Get a message to my mother What number would she be There's a million angry citizens Looking down their tubes

The class struggles in Holland: Greenpeace Protest

2003-09-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I just watched the TV news, which featured a clip about the Dutch Queen Beatrix opening a nuclear waste disposal plant in Vlissingen, in the Dutch province of Zealand (close to the Belgian border), which will store waste from the remaining nuclear power plant we have here, for a hundred years. The

Memories of 9/11

2003-09-30 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
The Rolling Stones album Some Girls was originally released June 9, 1978. I lost my virginity then, so the Rolling Stones were way ahead of me. The album went to number 1 in the US pop charts and number 2 in the UK pop charts. The album sold around 8 million copies. The original album cover for

Re: Vegatative states and neuroscience

2003-09-29 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Hi Carrol, I've had enough pain in my life to make the vision of pain without hope (or even the ability to express one's pain) about the worst that can be. I am shocked to hear that, and hope you do not feel like that now anymore. If however you do still feel that, I wish you a speedy recovery

Dutch Socialist Party leader Jan Marijnissen has some energy left after the weekend

2003-09-29 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
This Monday, 29 September, Socialist Party leader and parliamentarian Jan Marijnissen (b. 8 october 1952) makes his debut as club DJ, at theatre cafe Bittersweet in Amsterdam (Spuistraat nr. 2) during the Collected Works week - an evening at which wellknown Dutch people are invited to be DJ for a

The relationship between capital accumulation, economic growth, and equilibrium

2003-09-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Rakesh, you wrote: Marx's reproduction schema do not show even the possibility of capitalism as an intrinsically stable dynamical system. How could they? They assume a constant OCC, fixed values, annual turnover, exchange at value (rather than price of production)? They are too far removed from

Red Yuppie Rising

2003-09-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
by Jurriaan Bendien, Amsterdam.

Re: The relationship between capital accumulation, economic growth, and equilibrium

2003-09-28 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
/assertions in this piece being applied to the process of globalization (privatization of international commons) and the controversy about whether 1) it is necessary and why 2) it does (not) result in any gain for the working class. Joanna Jurriaan Bendien wrote: Rakesh, you wrote: Marx's

General Wesley K. Clarke reminisces about what went wrong in Yugoslav regime change

2003-09-27 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
What then caused the severe internal struggle about the strategy to be followed during the war ? (...) Using military force, effectively requires departing from the POLITICAL dynamic and following the so-called PRINCIPLES OF WAR identified by post-Napoleonic military writers a century and a half

Oil price hike

2003-09-27 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Bush asks OPEC not to hurt US Friday 26 September 2003, 2:44 Makka Time, 23:44 GMT One day after OPEC's surprise decision to cut oil supplies, US President George Bush pressed Saudi Arabia and other cartel members not to act in ways that threaten the American economy. (...) My reaction is that I

The bankrolling of oil

2003-09-27 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
(one of the reasons why secular bourgeois ideology is mystified by Islam, and panics about it, is because it exists and persists semi-autonomously from markets and legal rules, in other words in the sphere of civil society, which the bourgeoisie with great pride claims to have created, and where

Wesley Clark: I'm pro

2003-09-27 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I am pro-choice, I am pro-affirmative action, I am pro-environment, pro-health - Wesley Clark, Democratic candidate, quoted in: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uselections2004/story/0,13918,1050721,00.html

Reflections on the Private Debt in New Zealand

2003-09-27 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I still cannot get really recent data on the New Zealand private overseas debt, showing who owes it and to whom it is owed, this is one of those delicate subjects in bourgeois political economy, that is shrouded in a bit of mystery. The NZ Statistics Dept that I worked for 1991-1994, provides on

The Reflections of General Wesley K. Clark on regime change

2003-09-26 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
(Bob) Dylan said the answer was 'blowin' in the wind.' I think many of us felt that wind. I know I did. I had been the J-5, responsible for advising General Shalikashvili on our UN policies in 1994, when we stood by as nearly a million Africans were hacked to death with machetes in Rwanda. I had

Bob Dylan on so-called Soft Leftist Wellstone

2003-09-26 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Published on Tuesday, October 29, 2002 in The Nation's On-Line Beat Bob Dylan, Dick Cheney and Paul Wellstone by John Nichols Most Americans had no idea where Eveleth, Minnesota, was until they saw the maps showing where Senator Paul Wellstone, his wife and daugher, three

Should the Left help the Democratic Party to Defeat Bush ?

2003-09-26 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
I was thinking about this question of whether the Left should help the Democratic Party to defeat Bush, on the ground that this would improve the world situation. And I had to think of my own experience of general elections for parliament in New Zealand (I was involved a modest way in several

From Neocon to Panopticon: OK Computer, or, the bourgeois answer to equilibrium problems

2003-09-25 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Ever read Foucault's book Discipline and Punish ? Now don't tell me that books don't have influence, and that ideas don't travel. Check this out: http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20020104S0044 and this: http://www.aimglobal.org/technologies/ I already mentioned on PEN-L how the British middle

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