RE: Re: RE: Re: Economists for Bradley

2000-01-21 Thread Max Sawicky
Does the U.S. really need an expansive fiscal policy right now? Unemployment the lowest in decades, real wages rising... Seems to me we should be talking more about qualitative budget issues - what money should be spent on (health insurance, child care, enviro reconstruction, a civilized minimum i

RE: Re: Economists for Bradley

2000-01-21 Thread Max Sawicky
The Repugs are in general retreat on economic policy, crushed by the neo-liberal debt reduction juggernaut. The min wage is one of the few sops to labor that is kosher by centrist neo-lib standards. Anxious to forestall loss of the House, many House GOP reps will vote for a min wage increase (as

[PEN-L:12990] Yecch

1999-10-28 Thread Max Sawicky
Title: Yahoo - Business Leaders Back WTO Agenda   Home - Yahoo! - Help Yahoo! Messenger - online friends, instant messaging, voice chat [ Business | US Market | By Industry | IPO | AP | S&P | Internat

[PEN-L:12969] Research on Organization of AFL-CIO

1999-10-27 Thread Max Sawicky
Any of you dudes who have written in a scholarly mode about the organization of the U.S. labor movement interested in possible research support (i.e., $), should drop me a line off-list. mbs

1999-10-25 Thread Max Sawicky
Let's go back to the videotape for a second. You said: " . . . Shahak convincingly argues that racism and a pre-Enlightenment world view are endemic to orthodox Judaism as it is practiced in Israel today. Note that there is no separation of religion and state in Israel, so that this is a matter o

1999-10-25 Thread Max Sawicky
BN: . . . Almost all politically active Jews, zionist or not, in the United States vigorously support the separation of religion and state *in the United States.* But the overwhelming majority of politically active zionists in the United States do *not* support the separation of religion and state

[PEN-L:12877] Know Your Yids

1999-10-22 Thread Max Sawicky
BN: . . . Shahak convincingly argues that racism and a pre-Enlightenment world view are endemic to orthodox Judaism as it is practiced in Israel today. Note that there is no separation of religion and state in Israel, so that this is a matter of no small social consequence. For example, the vast m

[PEN-L:12876] RE: Re: RE: RE: The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 19Oct 1999 -- 3:85 (#343)

1999-10-22 Thread Max Sawicky
It's not a question of supporting the Klan's rights, but of denying the mayor's right to decide who can march, where and when. Hope to see you all (from the NYC area) there tomorrow. WD >> The mayor heads the Gov. Denial of the Gov's power to decide who marches, as far as it goes

[PEN-L:12871] RE: RE: The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 19 Oct 1999 -- 3:85 (#343)

1999-10-22 Thread Max Sawicky
Father D: >> yeah, it's because il Duce would use any power he gets from banning the KKK against other groups he doesn't like. . . . The idea of fighting the Klan by bringing in the lawyers not only shows extreme faith in the capitalist state, but it indicates a belief that lawyers should rule. I

[PEN-L:12869] RE: The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 19 Oct 1999 -- 3:85 (#343)

1999-10-22 Thread Max Sawicky
Interesting case where circumstances reveal to the left, both far and near, the *practical* necessity of supporting First Amendment rights for the KKK. mbs - - - - - Rudy's Foes Rally Behind Evil Spirits Douglas Monte

[PEN-L:12868] RE: Positive features of U.S. policy

1999-10-22 Thread Max Sawicky
ployment. Greenspan is on record requesting that the Fed charter be amended to restrict the Fed's mission to price stability. Instead, I speculate that Fed policy has been easy (relatively!) out of fear of a bursting bubble and hordes of angry mutual fund investors. Max Sawicky Economic Policy Institute

[PEN-L:12807] RE: Positive features of U.S. policy

1999-10-19 Thread Max Sawicky
HK: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps I misinterpret the statement, the EPI Brief #134 or both, but I think the "Statement to German colleagues" is in contradiction to main passages of the recent article on SOCIAL INVESTMENT AN

[PEN-L:12802] RE: Positive features of U.S. policy

1999-10-19 Thread Max Sawicky
. . . May I add two questions to list members inside the U.S - especially to those who signed the statement: 1) Who increasingly recognizes the vital role of government to support different forms of the social security system by expanding public expenditure? The Clinton Administration? - And wh

[PEN-L:12799] RE: Coal Smoke Abatement Society

1999-10-19 Thread Max Sawicky
See, if you had some golf courses to break up the woodlands, the fires wouldn't spread as much. helpfully, S. the B. >> Writing in the midst of terrible smoke from the forest fires, visibility maybe 1/4 to 1/2 mile, I am pleased to inform you that the Coal Smoke Abatement

[PEN-L:12785] New Position at EPI

1999-10-19 Thread Max Sawicky
PLEASE NOTE: Responses should be directed to the address at the end of this announcement. Researcher (Education) I12 Education EPI seeks to recruit a scholar with demonstrated ability to conduct research and supervise contract research on K-12 education policy. Possible areas of research incl

[PEN-L:12783] (no subject)

1999-10-19 Thread Max Sawicky
More poop on the tax cuts the Repugs have folded into the minimum wage bill. mbs

[PEN-L:12766] What Congress won't do

1999-10-18 Thread Max Sawicky
Perspective What Congress won't do 10/17/1999 The Star-Ledger Newark, NJ FINAL 006 (c) 1999. The Star-Ledger. All rights reserved. The Republican Congress is finding it difficult to achieve their stated targets for spending and budget balance. In a search for savings, they are proposin

[PEN-L:12759] RE: Laffer on Mundell

1999-10-17 Thread Max Sawicky
I was consorting w/some big shots this week, including a few Extremely Conservative economists to whom Laffer is a figure of fun, particularly for his self-promoting ways and delusions of grandeur. Among the cat hissing re: Mundell was the observation that apparently Mundell's work implies that a

[PEN-L:12698] LP, Charles, Mat, Jim

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Final salvo. Here I was pleased to see in Perelman's stats on posting that I ranked well below the leading blabbermouths, and I'm afraid I've shot that all to hell in just one day. Mat: Perhaps I'm thick but I'm not sure what it is you're lookig for. Is it just alternative indicators? I can't

[PEN-L:12696] RE: Re: RE: Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
>blaut: Minority people are not "quintiles." > > >mbs: I guess that responds to my "if you're serious" question. Wow again. To return to the real world, does anyone know what interesting Christmas Ornaments are now being hung on the minimum wage bill? Brad DeLong

[PEN-L:12688] RE: RE: Re: Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
You're right that I slipped when I implicitly equated aggregate income growth to a decrease in misery. That implies a distributional judgement. If the U.S. shoots somebody and an economic effect is transmitted from the Honduras to the U.S., the effect is what is in question. As I said, the issu

[PEN-L:12687] RE: Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
blaut: Sawicky's valiant defense of the status quo doesn't need much in the way of an answer, mainly because the argument is so self-contradictory that even a cultural-historical geographewr like me can see the contradictions. >>> mbs: "Valiant defense of the status quo"? So this is going

[PEN-L:12675] RE: Re: Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Charles: Seems to me you leave out that capitalism has generated the biggest wars in recorded history and archeaology. . . . >>> I left out that and a whole lot more, including whether or not capitalism is a great system. I was asking about something more specific, namely, are there summary, quan

[PEN-L:12665] RE: Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
>> . . . In general, Marxism in 1999 makes these kinds of observations: 1. Development is producing an ecological crisis. . . . 2. Capitalism produces alienation. . . . 3. Capitalism produces reserve armies of the unemployed. This is the general explanation of revolutionary assaults in Latin Am

[PEN-L:12658] RE: Re: Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Max Sawicky wrote: >It boils down to this, if you're serious: >Is it really the case that there is a lack of summary >measures that indicate a widespread lack of development >in the periphery over the past 50 years? Following your strictures not to question GDP as a measure o

[PEN-L:12656] RE: Re: Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Max- Aren't there some alternative indicators of basic human needs formulated by or inspired by Amartya Sen? I can try to dig them up. Mat -- Don't know. I'm not a development guy. I'd like to know. Remember I said I would have thought there would be at least *some* indicat

[PEN-L:12650] Where's the Beef?

1999-10-13 Thread Max Sawicky
The premise that capitalism is fundamentally incapable of delivering the goods -- of managing to increase output and income more-or-less consistently and indefinitely -- seems to me the most compelling part of Marxism. It may be granted that inequality can be and should be the basis for radical c

[PEN-L:12622] RE: Global inequality (but the question was development)

1999-10-12 Thread Max Sawicky
>The question was whether much development was >taking place. Inequality is a different thing, >important but different. > >mbs There was "development" in the black community in the United States all through the 1960s. Black factory workers were not mollified by it, however, and demanded parity

[PEN-L:12599] RE: Global inequality

1999-10-12 Thread Max Sawicky
>Translation: I have no data. >mbs The question was whether much development was taking place. Inequality is a different thing, important but different. mbs

[PEN-L:12595] RE: he "Brenner Thesis": part one, historical

1999-10-12 Thread Max Sawicky
LP: . . . What these figures conceal is the deep anger that is felt . . . >>> Translation: I have no data. mbs

[PEN-L:12293] RE: Re: The New Government of the New Democrats

1999-10-04 Thread Max Sawicky
Yes. Depreciation exceeds gross investment. Not just roads, but a whole range of stuff. You'd think so. I was going to say it has been supplanted by deficit/debt hysteria and general anti-Gov/tax sentiment, but I forgot we just put a paper up on our web site on polling and government spending

[PEN-L:12284] RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: The New Government of the New Democrats

1999-10-04 Thread Max Sawicky
(thought this might interest somebody on LBO, so I've cross-posted it from PEN-L) JD: > O'Connor argues that government investment programs typically have a positive ROR (rate of return) but that the government doesn't appropriate (capture) that return. Instead, the benefits redou

[PEN-L:12122] RE: Some sponsors of Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies

1999-10-01 Thread Max Sawicky
anything I say will be racist, including this Loyola/Jim Devine-- Vatican Council Clark/James Craven -- Eudora Software OU/Dennis Redmond-- Id Software Eugene Coyle -- Windmills, Inc. UC/Brad De Long -- Monarch Notes Rob Shaap-- Fosters Beer EPI/Max Sawicky -- Jennie Craig, Inc. and last, but not least . . . Columbia/Louis Proyect -- Compradors-R-Us, Upper West Side! mbs

[PEN-L:12101] Efficiency

1999-10-01 Thread Max Sawicky
For non-initiates, the three basic conditions for economic efficiency, without descending into technical jargon, are: Consumption: for a given distribution of goods and services, there is no voluntary trade between individuals that would make anyone feel better off; Production: for a given dis

[PEN-L:12069] RE: Jobs & Education: A Query

1999-09-30 Thread Max Sawicky
>From Anthony Carnevale of ETS, writing for Crosstalk, 56% of jobs today require some college education. (from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, See also State of Working America, 1989-99, p. 215-217. mbs > Does anyo

[PEN-L:12059] New Income/Poverty Data from EPI

1999-09-30 Thread Max Sawicky
STRONG INCOME GROWTH, FALLING POVERTY RATES IN '98, YET INEQUALITY UNCHANGED Jared Bernstein and Lawrence Mishel Economic Policy Institute September 30, 1999 Income and poverty data for 1998, released today by the U.S. Census Bureau, show that American families are clearly benefiti

[PEN-L:12044] RE: Re: RE: On the pretentions of Max Sawicky

1999-09-30 Thread Max Sawicky
Max Sawicky wrote: >I have severe self-esteem problems Randian! The concept of self-esteem was popularized by Ayn Rand's lover and protege Nathaniel Branden. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I thought it was Whitney Houston. ("Learning to lo-o-o-ve yourself . . . is the greatest love of all . .. ")

[PEN-L:12042] RE: Re: Re: Nuclear accident in Japan

1999-09-30 Thread Max Sawicky
. . . People from the Federal Emergency Management Administration were telling Fed people about how they intended to make sure that checks cleared after a nuclear attack. . . . When I was at Treasury in 1984, FEMA was interested in our work on fiscal equalization -- gearing grants-in-aid to the

[PEN-L:12026] RE: On the pretentions of Max Sawicky

1999-09-30 Thread Max Sawicky
Dear Max, First you smear me on LBO as a Buchananite. Now promote yourself as a FLOP. In addition you presented yourself on LBO as an expert on PLOP. Have you no limits to your modesty? You have smeared my smear, since I called you a Buchananite/Naderite, and you overstate

[PEN-L:12019] RE: Re: China's post-1400 technological stagnation

1999-09-30 Thread Max Sawicky
>> Finally, are other people besides the two Jims, Ricardo, and a few others interested in this thread? Or should I demand in this cease once and for all in 24 hours? Michael Perelman >>> I don't know. Are we allowed if we're not historians? If we raise political issues with language that does

[PEN-L:11905] New Green Econ Book

1999-09-28 Thread Max Sawicky
> Advance praise for The Trade-Off Myth: > > "Eban Goodstein has shed light on a crucial issue in the environmental > protection debate. Citizens and politicians should read his book before > their next environmental vote." > > -- Robert Repetto, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Wor

[PEN-L:11901] RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: "Free labor" as a precondition for capital

1999-09-28 Thread Max Sawicky
Max writes: >My concern is that support for TW struggles is *sometimes* >associated with pissing all over progressive struggles in >the U.S. of A. pertaining to the interests of the U.S. working >class. 1. Max, could you please give me an example--a few would be better, but I'll take one--that f

[PEN-L:11858] RE: Re: units of analysis (was: wojtek)

1999-09-28 Thread Max Sawicky
W's crime here is profundity, hence some obscurity and scope for misunderstanding. If colonial exploitation afforded Europe a key boost in capital accumulation, for an area that was otherwise on a par with the rest of the world, why didn't the colonies-to-be exploit themselves and attain the same

[PEN-L:11787] RE: Re: "Free labor" as a precondition for capitalism

1999-09-27 Thread Max Sawicky
Charles: This, I have to say respectfully, is wrong: "Thus, whether those other areas would have become capitalist on their own is a moot point or somewhat dead issue." Its a dead issue if we don't worry about contemporary beliefs, Marxist and non-Narxist, that Europeans always have been the mo

[PEN-L:11667] RE: binary passions

1999-09-24 Thread Max Sawicky
I've said I'm mostly agnostic on the core question in the debate, though not on its possible political ramifications, but the "way-station" argument looks for all the world like a crock. It doesn't take any historical knowledge to conclude this-- just a little objectivity. If England plunders go

[PEN-L:11642] RE: Re: RE: American Working Class & Anti-Imperialism (was Re: Empiricism)

1999-09-24 Thread Max Sawicky
Max Sawicky wrote: > Would that all the anti-imperialism on display here > was as sensitive to the panoply of other interests > and concerns of The People. Max, you are not perchance a guilt-stricken and repentant Weatherman? Carrol >>>>>>>>>>>>>

[PEN-L:11614] RE: American Working Class & Anti-Imperialism (was Re: Empiricism)

1999-09-24 Thread Max Sawicky
>>> Well, I, for one, think that the American working class were and are by far more progressive than, say, Bogdan Denitch on the very question of anti-imeprialism! At least American people don't want to see their sons & daughters (and their friends' sons & daughters) dying in whatever 'hot spots

[PEN-L:11580] RE: Re: binary passions

1999-09-23 Thread Max Sawicky
. . . . But Max, for example, seems to think that this whole issue of Eurocentrism is just *so-o-o-o-o* foolish. . . . > Hey hey HEY hey hey hey. There is Eurocentrism the inadequate mode of analysis, what I take to be a substantive theme in the thread, and one that I agreed a wh

[PEN-L:11570] RE: Re: RE: binary passions

1999-09-23 Thread Max Sawicky
. . . Essentiaslly the idea was to self-portray a disadvantaged nation or a group of people as the "messiah of nations" that is, a nation whose suffering significantly contributes to the 'salvation' i.e. prosperity of other nations. This way, disadvantaged groups could vicariously overcome their

[PEN-L:11557] EPI Budget Spam

1999-09-23 Thread Max Sawicky
The following, including tables, can be downloaded from our web site at mbs September 22, 1999 Issue Brief #134 Social Investment and the Budget Debate by Jeff Faux and Max Sawicky Budget politics in America have become a two-legged stool. While congressional

[PEN-L:11550] RE: binary passions

1999-09-23 Thread Max Sawicky
I don't understand why it's not possible to think that the combination of internal changes within Europe plus imperialism combined to produce capitalism as we know it. Why is such a passionate matter of either/or dispute? Doug > Looks to me like the subtext to the essentiality of coloniali

[PEN-L:11547] RE: Re: wojtek

1999-09-23 Thread Max Sawicky
WS: . . . You also dismiss my argument that you may not have sufficient empirical evidence to sort out effects of different variables by simply calling it "babble." Well, my friend, if you ran a multiple regression with twelve variables plus interaction effects and six cases - you would be laug

[PEN-L:11546] RE: Re: Re: Re: Marxist response to East Timor

1999-09-23 Thread Max Sawicky
Brad is correct that we all do not need to work on every issue. Maybe he can tell us more about Primus's study. Does he come up with anything new? Brad De Long wrote: It's on the web at It's an important paper, the first to signal with empirical

[PEN-L:11482] RE: Re: Marxist response to East Timor

1999-09-22 Thread Max Sawicky
New bumper sticker: Practice acts of random sectarianism and senseless defeatism. mbs > it is up to people like us to ensure that those countries sponsoring the intervention are pressured into a following a genuinely humanitarian course >> >> . . . Our responsibility is to continue various ra

[PEN-L:11468] RE: Marxist response to East Timor

1999-09-22 Thread Max Sawicky
As one willing to have his mind changed by superior argument, regardless of its geographical source, what would be the principled Marxist response to the problems of East Timor? I am sufficiently familiar with the awful history, and recognise the culpability, complicity, duplicity, involvement, et

[PEN-L:11447] RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Capitalist development

1999-09-21 Thread Max Sawicky
>>I think that all but two or three of the pen-l people opposed the U.S. bombing of Yugoslavia. . . . More, actually, who e-mailed me privately. They didn't want to be called imperialists or "Euro-centric" for supporting the protection of innocent people, non-"Euro" ones, no less. Including a M

[PEN-L:11222] RE: Re: IMF to become autonomous?

1999-09-17 Thread Max Sawicky
. . . c) a "progressive nationalism" (again, a PEN-L phrase) which, in advocating WB/IMF defunding, takes heart and strength and knowledge from the potential unity of the variety of particularistic struggles against local forms of structural adjustment, malevolent "development" projects and Br

[PEN-L:11220] RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: finanz kapital

1999-09-17 Thread Max Sawicky
Charles Brown wrote: >Victor Perlo is writing TODAY ( but history hasn't really ended) I know. Believe it or not, I read the People's Weekly World. Every once in a while you come across a real gem in there - like Jarvis Tyner's fond farewell to John-John. Doug Hey, la

[PEN-L:11176] RE: Re: Re: finanz kapital

1999-09-16 Thread Max Sawicky
Speaking of Hilferding, anyone know if Finanz Kapital has even been translated to English, and if so, how to get it (the book, not the finanz kapital)? max

[PEN-L:11087] RE: Why China Failed to Become Capitalist

1999-09-15 Thread Max Sawicky
Max: >The gold issue is interesting in a related vein. >Aside from its relatively (?) negligible industrial >uses, if gold is no more than a store of value/medium >of exchange, the accumulation of gold by a country >would seem to be no different than if Allan Greenspan >suddenly showered a given n

[PEN-L:11072] RE: Re: Re: Why China Failed to Become Capitalist

1999-09-15 Thread Max Sawicky
Everything I've looked at tends to suggest that profits from non-cotton plantations--sugar, tobacco, et cetera--went to support elite consumption and not to boost investment... Cotton, as I said, looks different... Brad DeLong By this insight, it follows that the extent of plunder

[PEN-L:11024] RE: RE: Baltimore primaries

1999-09-15 Thread Max Sawicky
>The most striking thing in this article was the headline, >on the Post's front page: > >"White Man Gets Mayoral Nomination in Baltimore" > >mbs By the above, I meant the wording of the headline, not the event itself. I agree that blacks are less likely to vote race as whites are. mbs Do you

[PEN-L:11017] RE: Baltimore primaries

1999-09-15 Thread Max Sawicky
The most striking thing in this article was the headline, on the Post's front page: "White Man Gets Mayoral Nomination in Baltimore" mbs >O'Malley run the most "rainbow" campaign stressing inter-racial unity over >divisiveness. The Washington Post, September 15, 1999: Martin O'Malley, a

[PEN-L:11015] RE: Baltimore primaries

1999-09-15 Thread Max Sawicky
Interesting post on Charm City. I met Stokes when I was doing my book on privatization of schools. He seemed like a good egg. He was among the most outspoken against the EAI contract (to run 9 Balto schools). As an outsider, once you get away from the Inner Harbor, Baltimore looks like a plac

[PEN-L:11000] RE: Re: Re: Fascism

1999-09-15 Thread Max Sawicky
. . . Hay, I tried to get a few votes for Jerry Brown in the primaries. I, of course, didn't have a vote. Was I so wrong? Cheers, ajit sinha No, you weren't. At that time he was the best hope of shaking up the primaries and averting the Clinton primary victory we have come to regret. I tr

[PEN-L:10985] RE: Re: Why China Failed to Become Capitalist

1999-09-14 Thread Max Sawicky
. . . Come on, "progressive economists"! I'd love to sponsor a debate between Darity and Brad, or between Darity and Wojtek for that matter. . . . >> I agree it is worth knowing the extent to which rents from resource extraction or unfair trade subsidized the rise of the "West" or the "

[PEN-L:10744] RE: "Humanitarian invervention" in E. Timor?

1999-09-09 Thread Max Sawicky
>Economic sanctions have always seemed to me a very *good* way to make >much poorer a lot of poor people who have nothing to do with the >crimes being committed... >Brad DeLong Odd. The African National Congress stated frequently that they supported sanctions against the apartheid regime, even

[PEN-L:10722] Once More With Feeling

1999-09-08 Thread Max Sawicky
The latest assault on elementary human rights in E. Timor evokes the same ultra-left foolishness, and on even weaker ground. Based on the two recent data points -- Kosova and E. Timor -- one suspects this question will recur often and be a central factor in the development or disintegration of th

[PEN-L:10706] URGENT: Act now for East Timor

1999-09-08 Thread Max Sawicky
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Nicola Bullard Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 3:36 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: URGENT: Act now for East Timor Friends - As part of the international effort to maintain pressure on the UN and th

[PEN-L:10670] RE: "Humanitarian invervention" in E. Timor?

1999-09-07 Thread Max Sawicky
LP, quoting Steve Shalom: .. . . But there are some cases where the level of human rights violation is so massive, where hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives are at stake, that one might want to permit some exception to the general prohibition against humanitarian intervention. "But wh

[PEN-L:10619] RE: Re: Question on graven images

1999-09-03 Thread Max Sawicky
Isn't money a graven image? -- for sure: the eye on top of the pyramid. those diabolical freemasons. mbs

[PEN-L:10617] RE: Question on graven images

1999-09-03 Thread Max Sawicky
>>> I'm curious how the injunction not to create "graven images" (graven simply means carved or engraved) means that "all the priests, ministers, teachers, and other authority figures are liars and hypocrites." >>> Wouldn't that let Moslems and Jews off the hook? Of course, it is otherwise anti-

[PEN-L:10569] RE: Re: RE: Re: evaluations of profs.

1999-09-01 Thread Max Sawicky
at least one comes to mind immediately. Many, I couldn't say. Then there was the math grad student -- he hadn't even finished his dissertation, and evidently never would -- who went medieval on his prof with a sledgehammer. mbs true. but what i was proposing would imbue them with som

[PEN-L:10554] RE: Re: evaluations of profs.

1999-09-01 Thread Max Sawicky
> evaluations are important, but not in the form of anonymous spamming or popularity contest. I'd rather see evaluations by students who graduated (thus have no ax to grind) . . . >>> Au contraire, mon ami, someone could easily have an axe to grind, and after graduating might be the best tim

[PEN-L:10539] RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bonelessness...

1999-09-01 Thread Max Sawicky
Training dogs to be better bone gatherers and increasing the supply of bones are not mutually exclusive. >>> Enough poop has been scooped. I would say it's time to put this metaphor to sleep. Clifford the Big Red Dog

[PEN-L:10335] RE: Analysis of next neo-liberal moves by Kim Scipes

1999-08-24 Thread Max Sawicky
The (PPI) analysis is B.S., the weights in the index are arbitrary, hence the index is b.s., but the elements of the index are not inherently biased towards factors that negatively affect workers. There's an office worker factor, but there are also manufacturing factors. It's not clear the offic

[PEN-L:10250] Fun Tax Facts

1999-08-20 Thread Max Sawicky
Win bar bets, embarrass reactionaries, impress your friends with: For instance, there is a table showing that for the bottom 60% of tax filers, average tax burdens from 1980 to 1999 have gone down (mostly after 1990). For the fourth quintile, the

[PEN-L:10214] Clinton's Defense Spending Redux

1999-08-19 Thread Max Sawicky
Got some new budget numbers the other day and noticed that my statement that Clinton's defense outlay proposals are a cut in real terms is more vulnerable to expectations of inflation than I had appreciated. To say the Clinton budget contemplates a real cut in defense relative to FY1999, one has

[PEN-L:10154] RE: Re: Is a Fetus an Appendix?

1999-08-17 Thread Max Sawicky
Dear Carrol, What's a fetus? Regards, Max ---- Max Sawicky wrote: > An abortion is not ethically different than an > appendectomy, so a fetus is the moral equivalent of an appendix. William > Burroughs gave us talking assholes, and now we have appendices with the

[PEN-L:10151] Is a Fetus an Appendix?

1999-08-17 Thread Max Sawicky
CC >> So our task -- as in almost all the key issues for the left -- is simply (!) to find ways to shift the locus of struggle. That is a subject of two or three years (or decades) of discussion. >> mbs: This last is the most self-refuting statement in the entire debate. But who cares about poli

[PEN-L:10016] TAX CUT ALERT! (sic)

1999-08-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Latest in the continuing saga, why my name is mud in Washington . . . From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ellen Taylor Sent: Friday, August 13, 1999 4:30 PM To: Budget News & Analysis Subject: TAX CUT ALERT! TAX CUT ALERT! There is a well-funded and organized campaig

[PEN-L:10014] RE: RE: Fwd: Re: RE: Value Theory and Abortion: [WasFree Speech and Opport

1999-08-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Actually my favorite decade is the 40's. Lauren Bacall. ("You know how to whistle, don't ya?") ( Charles: I don't know. That last sentence is sort of ambiguous and gives the impression of a sort of sexist innuendo. Charles Brown )) Lauren Bacall, archtype of the

[PEN-L:10011] RE: Fwd: Re: RE: Value Theory and Abortion: [Was Free Speech and Opport

1999-08-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Gee who could have imagined my remark would provoke anybody. Point One: I responded to Professor Perelman's query, which I took to mean how a dialogue might be had, or why isn't there more dialogue. I don't think I suggested we return to the 50's. Actually my favorite decade is the 40's. Laur

[PEN-L:10000] RE: Value Theory and Abortion: [Was Free Speech and Opportunity Cost]

1999-08-13 Thread Max Sawicky
.. . . How much was the abortion issue manufactured? By that I mean, how much did organizations frame the question in such a way that dialogue would be impossible in order to create the divisiveness associated with abortion? .. . . As lone as someone assigns an absolute right to either the

[PEN-L:9985] RE: IWGVT 2000 repeat call for papers

1999-08-13 Thread Max Sawicky
Dear IWGVT: You ought to think of getting someone to produce a longish paper along the lines of "Value Theory for Idiots." Maybe "Value Theory for Neo-Classical Economists." Something not designed to prove VT can be as obscure or elegant as NC theory. Ideally it would convey examples of the pract

[PEN-L:9926] What Everyone Should Know About the Budget Debate

1999-08-11 Thread Max Sawicky
>From my friend Mark Weisbrot at the Preamble Center, a column distributed by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Media Services to fine and not-so-fine newspapers everywhere. mbs _ What Everyone Should Know About the Budget Debate Mark Weisbrot Preamble

[PEN-L:9899] Dee-fense

1999-08-10 Thread Max Sawicky
It's finally happened. Republican proposed defense spending is below both Clinton's and the Congressional Democrats. Put that together with the last eight years of military activities and the Dems are now the party of a strong defense (sic), while the GOP edges back to it's pre-1940's alignment.

[PEN-L:9887] Re: TINAF Special on Washington Nazi Demo --

1999-08-10 Thread Max Sawicky
ANTI-FASCIST VICTORY IN WASHINGTON Nazis Lose Another Fuehrer In Wake of Cancelled Demo .. . . >>> What a waste of effort. A great fuss was made about this march by the media and the city (the latter spending a million or so for police mobilization). Four nazi demons

[PEN-L:9860] RE: B & B on government surpluses

1999-08-06 Thread Max Sawicky
>> . . . It is interesting that (as far as I can tell) Barry never brings up Max's point, i.e., that the projected surplus is based on the assumption of real cut-backs in the services provided by the Federal government. It fits with his major themes. >> mbs There's plenty of surplus left, even wi

[PEN-L:9850] Debt Reduction Report

1999-08-05 Thread Max Sawicky
For your entertainment pleasure, attached is a Word document (about 19 pages) -- the Treasury's report on the benefits of debt reduction. mbs 0804 debt report.DOC

[PEN-L:9715] Quiz

1999-07-29 Thread Max Sawicky
Guess who said it. " . . . By using anti-population "dumb" bombs for "area bombing," Clinton has abandoned all pretense that his accelerating air strikes are aimed only at military targets. His Administration has already had to apologize 13 times for what he calls "collateral damage," including

[PEN-L:9713] RE: US gov't budget issues

1999-07-29 Thread Max Sawicky
For the life of me, I don't know why I didn't know why the projected surpluses of the US government are to some extent based on the assumption that certain civilian discretionary programs will continue to be cut... Did you mention this, Max? >> As the president would say, it all depends on what t

[PEN-L:9708] RE: Urgent assistance for striking civil servants

1999-07-29 Thread Max Sawicky
If you want I can send you the poop on the Federal sector in the U.S. It's a 500K Acrobat file. Don't have anything on other countries. Max -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Patrick Bond Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 10:52 AM To: [EMAIL

[PEN-L:9667] RE: Bill McKibben

1999-07-27 Thread Max Sawicky
For a "virtual" debate between Mr. McKibben and yours truly that begin on 12/23/97, see "The Future of Consumption" at: mbs --- Lou, I was surprised to see you uncritically post a piece by Bill McKibben. His bourg

[PEN-L:9664] FW: Glogovac

1999-07-27 Thread Max Sawicky
Date: 27 July 1999 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kosovo Atrocities Recounted In Detail (New York, July 27, 1999) -- Human Rights Watch today released a detailed report on how Serbian and Yugoslav forces besieged and terrorized the ethnic Albanian population of Glogovac town and the surrounding villag

[PEN-L:9663] RE: RE: Re: FW: reprint of Kennedy essay

1999-07-27 Thread Max Sawicky
what setbacks? mbs / One of our former Chiefs, a Siksika Chief, was invited to speak to a group in Canada. He was really taken with them as they appeared to "really listen" as opposed to the Tories, Liberals and NDP. He later found out that they were Reform Party,

[PEN-L:9658] RE: FW: reprint of Kennedy essay

1999-07-27 Thread Max Sawicky
Anyone know about the content and perspectives of this magazine? Jim C >> Looks reliably left-progressive to me. Only hinky part is they run Alex Cockburn. I wouldn't worry about it. mbs

[PEN-L:9654] Another Virus Hoax

1999-07-27 Thread Max Sawicky
Title: WOBBLER Virus Hoax Advanced SearchAntiVirus Research CenterDownload UpdatesVirus EncyclopediaVirus HoaxesReference AreaSubmit Virus Samples © 1995-1999 Symantec CorporationAll rights reserved.Legal N

[PEN-L:9637] Minnesota Nuts

1999-07-26 Thread Max Sawicky
In following Louis' link to the Bill McKibben piece, I found one by Gary Wills on Jesse the Body which I thought quite good. Here's a choice excerpt regarding Pat Buchanan's abortive attempt to curry favor w/Jesse and the Reform Party: "It is a measure of Buchanan's desperation that, after his

[PEN-L:9632] RE: RE: Re: tiresome debates

1999-07-26 Thread Max Sawicky
Jim C: " . . . Yes, these debates are indeed "tiresome" for those removed from the ugly realities of genocide that occurs every day in the US. . . . " For the record, removed as I am, the word "tiresome" in reference to this topic was employed by Brother Perelman, and by no other (except insofar

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