This was one of the most illuminating of the contributions
to lbo on the questions of sex and gender, "social construction"
and biology.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: General status of gender relations vs. Quibbles
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:23:19 -0500 (EST)
From: "David Jennings [MSAI]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Seth Ackerman wrote:

>Doug wrote:
>> This will no doubt exasperate the Judy-haters, following Butler's in 
>> Bodies That Matter, it's interesting to watch how & when "biological" 
>> arguments are invoked - as a last ditch effort to limit the 
>> social/discursive analysis of social/discursive phenomena and ground 
>> them instead in some unalterable Real. That's just what Rob is doing 
>> here - resisting arguments based on gender (and class) relations and 
>> shifting attention to the realm of the gene. Last time I looked, 
>> genes couldn't talk, though lots of people profess to talk for them.
>       So, Doug. Are you saying gender phenomena are *always*
>social/discursive phenomena, and never grounded in some unalterable Real? 

I smell a fallacy here, or perhaps a few.  

First off, it may be possible that social/discursive phenomena in fact

More fundamentally, it seems that much of the recent gender talk has
based on a category error.  The question seems to be whether
gender phenomena is really social/discursive or really based on nature
(genes, etc). Specifically, is gender difference in regard to sexual
preferences based on nature, or is it socialized.  Its not clear to me
that this is an appropriate (exclusive) disjunction.  It may be
to asking whether something is white or warm-blooded (versus e.g. white
black). The 'nature basedness' of a phenomenon does not necessarily
preclude it being social, and a fortiori does not make a sociological
analysis of the phenomena inappropriate.  There may very well be
_something_ natural about May/December couplings, but evoking a story of
selfish gene (or whatever) doesn't mean that the social analysis of such
couplings is irrelevant.  Actually, I'd say that the selfish gene story
probably the least interesting thing to point out about gender

Then there's the fallacy of hidden assumption.  Often, the foundation of
phenomena in nature (whatever that means) is taken to be a
to a certain behavior.  Child rearing is natural, thus it is moral to be
parent.  Homosexuality is unnatural, thus it is immoral to be gay.
Clearly we're dealing with a couple of syllogisms here in the implicit
assumption that natural = good.  Without this assumption, nature --
since the 18th century has played into so many of our best and worst
fables -- may have no prescriptive power at all.  (I hasten to add that
no one on this list has committed themselves to such a blatant
Such a fallacy is, however, nearly ubiquitous in talk about gender and


David Jennings SSS II | Agri-Services Labs CAES, UGA |   (706) 542-5350 
"It was like masters and children. You didn't want to cross the man who
provided your bread and butter." - a Kannapolis NC textile worker

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