david dorkin wrote:

>I should probably point out why I was looking for more info today on
>inequality. In Pagina1 12, the Argentinian left daily, a report came out
>from an establishment consulting firm (FIEL)that the income share of the
>top 10% is 49.3% and not 37 as stated by Indec, the official agency in
>Argentina. Any comments on this?

Of what, income after taxes & transfers? In U.S. pretax distribution 
in 1997, the top 20% had 49.4% of income, and the top 5%, 21.7%. They 
don't publish decile info, but around 38-40% isn't an ureasonable 
guess. Sounds like Argentina is very concentrated, since the U.S. is 
always the most unequal in the LIS rankings except for Russia.


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