I'd like to second the views of Steven and Michael about failure to respond
to many of the postings.  I find much of what crosses the screen to be
fascinating and I often print it out for later consideration. Sometimes I
suppose we like to display our knowledge, and sometimes the conversations
get a bit too heated.  But overall I find this a good list.  I don't
participate much at all because I just don't have the time to develop a
thoughtful response.  But it's all appreciated and please don't take "no
response" for an absence of interest.

Larry Shute
>On Thu, 15 May 1997, Michael Perelman wrote:
>> I often hear people express disappointment that their postings seem to
>> fall flat.  Nobody responds.  The reason is not necessarily
>> disinterest.  It can also be that the post makes a point so well that
>> nothing more need be said.
>This is often the case for me.  Or sometimes people will have already made
>the point that I was planning to make.
>I feel that PEN-L has been enjoying a revival of sorts.  There have been a
>variety of interesting threads of conversation, and there have been a
>number of excellent recent contributions from persons with "shop-floor"
>rather than academic points of view (Laurie Dougherty's messages come to
>mind).  This latest round of criticism and response has also been
>valuable to me, although perhaps some of the participants do not view it
>as such.  I say "let's keep at it."
>Steven Zahniser

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