Rod Hay wrote:

> I don't want to go to a system of relations without causation because there
> is one causal relation that it is very important not to ignore--human
> purposeful activity, the will, human agency, etc. (what ever you want to
> call it) The political consequences are passivity, hopelessness, dispair.
> ... Again the difference is human will--
> a creative force that can not be explained by natural forces. Despite
> repeated claims that it is purely material. (Those claims are merely
> statements of faith).
> ... So I will continue to make the distinction and I will continue to look for
> causation in human society.


I'm glad you brought this up, Rod. By introducing human "will", which cannot be
explained by natural forces, as the original cause in the explanation of human
society, you have simply and neatly thrown your 'materialist thesis' out of the
window. A materialist thesis would rather not grant such autonomy to the
mysterious human "will". Who does the willing, by the way? A subject, only a
subject can will. But what is a subject? A subject is a product of a
socio-historical context--his/her subjectivity that directs his/her willing is
not at all autonomous (remember? "man is ensemble of social relations"). It can
only be understood in the socio-historical (i.e., various other relations of
production, culture and politics, etc.) context. Thus we are back to the
relational and horizontal epistemology rather than the causal and vertical
epistemology where things are arranged one on top of the other with the bottom
one being always mysterious and unexplainable. I think an epistemology based on
causation must in the end take shelter in some kind of spiritualism. Cheers,
ajit sinha

> Rod Hay
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