At 03:53 PM 5/26/97 -0700, you wrote:

>deficit hysteria, I'm saying that relying too much on the alternative budget
>as strategy assumes that deficit hysteria can be countered by rational
>argument alone. Perhaps a subtle difference, but I'll bet a lot of the
>people who've said they're "concerned about the deficit" wouldn't know a
>deficit from a left-handed sky hook.

That's certainly true this side of the border.  If you asked most folks in
the U.S. whether Clinton has reduced the deficit, they'd probably say
no--at least, that's what I recollect from polls and from talking to
ex-Perotistas.  Here, the balanced budget is obviously a symbol for a
larger disenchantment with government (and, often, for racist feelings
about welfare, as Greenberg's work demonstrated).

Anders Schneiderman
Progressive Communications

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