>    The Irish Times=20
>    HOME NEWS Thursday, June 5, 1997
>      _________________________________________________________________
>   =20
>                             UNEMPLOYED FROM EUROPE
>                                WALK TO AMSTERDAM
>                                       =20
>      _________________________________________________________________
>   =20
>    By Michael Foley=20
>   =20
>    Like medieval pilgrims, thousands of unemployed people from all over
>    Europe will make their way on foot to Amsterdam for the EU summit in
>    the city later this month.
>   =20
>    Among them will be a group of 14 Irish unemployed who will be seeking
>    a commitment to full employment in the new EU treaty which the 15
>    heads of government will be discussing.
>   =20
>    On June 14th, about 40,000 people will gather in the Dutch capital to
>    lobby and protest at the levels of unemployment and poverty within the
>    EU.
>   =20
>    The 14 Irish participants, who began their journey from Derry, met the
>    President, Mrs Robinson, yesterday before making their way south to
>    Cork, from where they will take a ferry to Roscoff in Brittany.
>   =20
>    There they will meet up with a French group and make their way to
>    Amsterdam.
>   =20
>    Mr Michael O'Mara is one of those who, by a combination of walking and
>    taking buses, will be in Amsterdam. He is unemployed and gives his
>    time to the unemployed information centre in Clondalkin, Dublin. He is
>    seeking a commitment to job creation and the eradication of poverty
>    within a time-scale, possibly five years.
>   =20
>    By the time he arrives in Amsterdam, he will have travelled 3,000
>    kilometres. He will be travelling with unemployed from eight Irish
>    counties, North and South. The general secretary of the Irish National
>    Organisation of the Unemployed, Mr Mike Allen, said the marchers would
>    lobby to ensure that political weight was put behind verbal
>    commitments to full employment.
>   =20
>    The Irish group was the most westerly, the Finns the most northerly.
>   =20
>    A group from Sarajevo was also taking part, while the Spanish marchers
>    had set out in April, he said.
>   =20
>    The marchers are expected to arrive in Amsterdam on June 12th, two
>    days before the summit. There are nearly a quarter of a million
>    unemployed in the Republic and throughout Europe, about 17.5 million
>    people are registered as unemployed.
>   =20
>    About 35 million people live below the poverty line and some five
>    million are without homes.
>   =20
>    =A9 Copyright: The Irish Times
>    Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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