ASIET News Updates - September 7, 1999

* Race against genocide!
* Bishop attacked as army take over Timor
* Surge of nationalistic, anti-foreigner posturing
* Australian unions imposes sanctions on Indonesia
* Timor's political cleansing
* Army conspires with militias to force out foreigners
* Indonesia imposes marshall law in East Timor


Race against genocide!

Sydney Morning Herald - September 7, 1999

Lindsay Murdoch, Bernard Lagan and Peter Cole-Adams -- Australia 
said last night it was prepared to "play the leadership role" in 
an international peacekeeping force in East Timor as Indonesia's 
military continued to watch over worsening violence and the 
disappearance of thousands of independence supporters.

As pressure mounted on the Government to act, the Prime Minister, 
key Cabinet ministers and senior security advisers met in an 
emergency session of the national security committee.

The Foreign Minister, Mr Downer, said before the meeting: "It 
would not take long to put together a very basic force because 
Australia, for its part, is prepared to make a very major 

Meanwhile, thousands of Timorese refugees -- many rounded up from 
churches, schools and United Nations offices that have been 
havens for the past month -- were being taken from Dili by truck 
or bus to unknown destinations.

East Timorese sources fear they are being removed to military 
holding camps well away from international eyes -- possibly in 
Indonesian controlled West Timor.

RAAF aircraft evacuated 300 foreigners -- including Australians 
-- from Dili to Darwin in five flights yesterday as the militias 
stepped up their indiscriminate shootings and attacks.

In Dili, entire suburbs were deserted and bodies were reported to 
be decomposing in streets blockaded by militia. Pro-independence 
leaders have fled into the mountains. 

The car of Australia's Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr John McCarthy, 
was fired at as he was driven through the beleaguered capital. In 
Jakarta, youths burnt a home-made Australian flag outside the 

An Australian Defence Force spokesman in Darwin said that the 
evacuation would continue today. The Navy's high-speed catamaran, 
HMAS Jervis Bay, which can carry 500 people, remainedon standby 
in Darwin.

All eyes turned to Australia yesterday, with at least two urgent 
calls to the Prime Minister from the UN Secretary-General, Mr 
Kofi Annan. Indonesia's President Habibie said last night that Mr 
Annan had also called him, asking him "about how we are going to 
solve it".

Only the UN or Indonesia can clear the way for intervention by an 
armed peacekeeping force -- and only Australia has the forces and 
equipment capable of moving in at short notice.

Mr Downer said last night that the only way to fulfil his promise 
that Australia would stand by the people of East Timor was to get 
an international force into the territory as quickly as possible.

But he added that this would depend ultimately on decisions made 
in Jakarta and at UN headquarters in New York. He said the 
Government was "absolutely outraged" that Mr McCarthy's car had 
been shot at and that the Australian consulate had also come 
under fire.

Mr Downer indicated that several countries had expressed a 
readiness to join an international force, and that numbers were 
not a problem. "We are prepared to play the leadership role in 
such a force."

Malaysia and Thailand said last night they were prepared to send 
troops to East Timor as part of a peacekeeping force if asked by 
the UN. The Howard Government is under increasing pressure to 
act, with a groundswell yesterday for some form of intervention.

The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal Clancy, called on Mr 
Howard to send in armed troops, warning that a failure to do so 
would leave a scar on Australia's reputation. 

Angry and sometimes violent demonstrations were held in capital 
cities. In Darwin, the Indonesian consulate was stoned and 
windows were broken. In Sydney, outside the Garuda airlines 
office, unions told other protesters a trade boycott was planned.

In Jakarta, demonstrators -- mostly students -- gathered to 
denounce Australia's criticism of Indonesia over security before 
and after the UN supervised vote which saw Timorese opt for 
independence. The mock Australian flag was burnt and the 
Australian crest defaced on the embassy.

Armed militia, watched by Indonesian police and troops, attacked 
the home of Bishop Carlos Belo, the spiritual leader of East 
Timor, and a nearby International Committee of the Red Cross 
compound where about 4,000 East Timorese had sought refuge.

The former Australian consul to East Timor Mr James Dunn, who was 
evacuated by the RAAF from Dili to Darwin yesterday, said there 
was no question that in the past 24 hours the militias had 
expanded their activities because they felt impunity with the 
departure of journalists and United Nations staff.

"The militias are free to roam the country and they have taken 
over large areas," he said. "It is a carefully orchestrated 
operation and, according to my assesments, it is being 
orchestrated by two military generals, probably located in West 
Timor. It is designed partly as an act of revenge for the fact 
that the Timorese, after 24 years, do not want to stay with 

Bishop attacked as army take over Timor

Reuters - September 7, 1999 (abridged)

Jonathan Thatcher, Jakarta -- Rampaging pro-Jakarta gangs on 
eMonday broke one of the last taboos in mostly Catholic East 
Timor, firing on the home of Bishop Carlos Belo as Indonesia 
spurned international pleas to stop the violence.

United Nations and diplomatic sources said the militias, 
operating with impunity in the former Portuguese colony, had also 
attacked a UN convoy going to the airport and the Dili offices of 
the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Scores, possibly hundreds, have already been killed in recent 
days as the militia violence has intensified.

"They have attacked the bishop's residence. Last I heard the 
militia were in the compound shooting at the house," one UN 
official told Reuters by phone from the East Timor capital Dili. 
"They have crossed all the lines, and having crossed those lines 
I don't know where they are going to stop."

One diplomat said the object of the attack on Nobel laureate 
Belo's home was to force out some 6,000 refugees who had gone 
there to escape the violence engulfing East Timor and which the 
Indonesian military and police have done nothing to prevent. 
Thousands of refugees have already spilled across the border into 
West Timor.

The United Nations, which organised last week's independence 
referendum, plans to evacuate half its staff there. Most local 
and foreign journalists have also been forced to leave.

"The strategy is get the world's ears and eyes out. That is very 
disturbing," one Western diplomat said. Some observers say that 
if that were to happen, the militias, could embark on a campaign 
of mass slaughter to force pro-independence supporters to flee 
the territory.

Joao Carrascalao, Australia's senior East Timorese resistance 
officer, told Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) radio he 
had received a report of mutilated bodies along the road to Dili.

"One person who travelled from Dili to Atanbua [in West Timor] 
reported that alongside the road there were hundreds of heads on 
sticks and bodies everywhere," Carrascalao said.

"I've been told they could count at least 145 dead bodies on the 
outskirts of Dili," Alfredo Ferreira, the National Council for 
Timorese Resistance representative in Darwin, told Reuters.

The fate of jailed rebel leader, Xanana Gusmao, is also 
uncertain, with Indonesia at the weekend saying he would be 
released on Wednesday in East Timor. But diplomats said that 
would be effectively mean the murder of Gusmao, the man most 
expect to become the first president of a new East Timor.

"I do not want my client to be sent to Dili without a clear 
explanation from the government," his lawyer Hendardi said.

Indonesia has offered no clear explanation why it is allowing the 
violence to go unchecked.

Asked about the issue on Monday morning, Habibie would only 
stress the success of last week's ballot, which was held in an 
almost total absence of violence.

"Come on! What we have achieved right now is one thing. We have 
achieved the fact that we have a transparent, peaceful ballot," 
he said.

Surge of nationalistic, anti-foreigner posturing

Australian Financial Review - September 7, 1999

Greg Earl, Jakarta -- Indonesia's loss of East Timor is likely to 
spark a surge of nationalistic, anti-foreign posturing in the 
run-up to a bitterly-contested presidential election in November.

While President B.J. Habibie moved quickly to calm emotions with 
a conciliatory nationally televised address after the results 
were announced, the man who may replace him lashed out at 
Australia's role in the independence vote.

The country's highest profile Muslim leader, Mr Abdurrahman 
Wahid, said Australia was biased and he regretted independence 
for East Timor "because I am a person who loves integration with 

The leading opposition figure and potential presidential 
candidate, Mrs Megawati Soekarnoputri, said she was saddened by 
the results because she had hoped East Timor would remain part of 

Dr Habibie called for calm in his address and said he understood 
that many people could be embittered that East Timor had rejected 
Indonesia's offer of wide-ranging autonomy as an alternative to 

Military spokesman Brigadier General Soedarjat said the military 
accepted the result as the aspiration of the East Timor people, 
but the reported critical reaction from a group of military 
veterans who served in East Timor underlined the difficult 
domestic political implications of the vote for an already 
fragmented government.

Mrs Megawati and Mr Abdurrahman are generally seen as campaigners 
for democratic reform in Indonesia against the remainder of the 
Soeharto establishment in the Habibie government, but they may 
now use the Timor vote to attack the Government.

Mr Abdurrahman was quoted in The Jakarta Post yesterday as saying 
Indonesia should maintain only minimal diplomatic relations with 
East Timor because it [Indonesia] was not a cockroach nation.

Mr Abdurrahman attacked Australia's role in the independence 
process describing it as "mad" and calling for all Australian 
staff to be removed from the United Nations mission because they 
were biased.

Mr Abdurrahman, a notoriously contradictory but revered leader of 
Indonesia's largest Muslim social organisation, appeared last 
week to step up his campaign to become the country's next 
president by encouraging his supporters to back away from Mrs 
Megawati. Academic commentators quoted in the Indonesian media 
have predicted continuing violence in East Timor and encouraged 
the Government to immediately divert spending from the province 
to looking after refugees.

Australian unions imposes sanctions on Indonesia

Sydney Morning Herald - September 7, 1999

Mark Metherell, Phil Cornford and Joseph Kerr -- Protesters burnt 
flags at rallies across Australia and begged for armed 
intervention in East Timor yesterday as unions threatened to slap 
industrial bans on Indonesia's missions throughout Australia in 
protest over the latest bloodshed.

"Howard Howard you can't hide, you're in bed with genocide", 
about 600 protesters shouted at one of several rallies held 
yesterday in Sydney, Darwin, Victoria and Perth.

"Save East Timor NOW" was the central message from the protesters 
as they called on the Federal Government to have the "guts" to 
stand up to Indonesia and impose economic sanctions.

The union black ban by the Communications, Electrical and 
Plumbing Workers Union (CEPU), came amid rising community 

At least two Australian aid organisations, Caritas and CARE 
Australia, evacuated staff from East Timor yesterday, saying they 
were no longer prepared to put their lives at risk.

The union ban -- starting with mail and telecommunications -- is 
the first shot in a union campaign being co-ordinated by the 
ACTU. It is expected to spread to bans on Indonesian shipping and 
Garuda airline.

In Sydney yesterday, 300 union protesters gathered outside the 
Garuda offices before marching to the Prime Minister's office 

The secretary of the Labor Council, Mr Michael Costa, called for 
the international community to step in and said the labour 
movement would start imposing bans on Indonesian businesses. In 
Victoria, more than 600 demonstrators marched on a meeting of the 
Federal Cabinet. While Australia dithered with diplomacy, the 
speakers said, people were dying.

The secretary of the Australia East Timor Association, Mr John 
Sinnot, said yesterday: "Why are we so scared of Indonesia? It's 
bankrupt -- morally and economically."

The ACTU president, Ms Jennie George, said the Government's 
actions had been "seriously inadequate".

The national vice-president of CEPU, Mr Len Cooper, said bans 
imposed on mail deliveries and telecommunications repairs at 
Indonesian organisations in Victoria yesterday would be imposed 
nationally from today.

Mr Cooper said this would eventually lead to a total 
communications block on the Indonesian embassy and consulates 
throughout Australia. 

The Australian Red Cross said an attack yesterday on a Red Cross 
compound in Dili, where 2,000 displaced people were sheltering, 
was a tragic and serious violation of the Red Cross mandate.

The RAAF yesterday flew five Caritas and two CARE workers to 
Darwin from Dili after CARE evacuated its 71 Timorese and 
Indonesian workers, most of them by bus to West Timor.

Timor's political cleansing

South China Morning Post - September 7, 1999

Joanna Jolly, Dili and Agencies -- Indonesian troops openly 
joined pro-Jakarta militias' reign of terror in East Timor 
yesterday in what appeared to be a campaign to force thousands of 
people to flee the territory.

Forces were moving through the capital, Dili, shooting anyone who 
refused to leave and setting fire to their homes, a journalist 
said. Amid reports of hundreds of deaths and atrocities, 
witnesses said soldiers and militiamen were marching screaming 
refugees at gunpoint and herding them out of East Timor on trucks 
and ships.

Western sources in Jakarta said the army, having lost its battle 
to retain East Timor through the ballot box following last week's 
78.5 per cent vote in favour of independence, was enacting a 
"Plan B" of mass evacuation and mass murder.

Filipino doctor Lenin Pascual, who got out of Dili on Sunday, 
said his team treated 300 people, many with gunshot wounds, in 11 
days. "The militia carry only home-made guns and machetes but the 
people we were treating had been shot with [automatic assault 

That's how we knew the military was shooting them and no longer 
the militia," he said. "Some of those wearing the black shirts of 
the militia had military bearing ... at the airport, even 
soldiers were saluting one of those in black shirts." 

David Wimhurst, chief spokesman for the United Nations in Dili, 
said before his own evacuation to Darwin that East Timorese were 
being "rounded up by the armed forces and trucked to West Timor". 
In another context such action would be called ethnic cleansing, 
he said, adding it was "political cleansing".

Besieged UN officials ordered the evacuation to Australia of 200 
of the election workers who organised the referendum. UN staff 
were pulled out of two more provincial towns, but 231 remained in 
Dili and four other towns.

UN staff still in Dili met last night to consider whether to 
withdraw. UN Assistance Mission in East Timor (Unamet) chief Ian 
Martin said later: "I can't completely preclude the possibility 
that Unamet would have to pull out if the security situation made 
it completely irresponsible to stay." All day gunfire rang 
through the capital, where witnesses reported seeing piles of 

International officials and aid workers evacuated for their own 
safety described Dili as a "ghost town", while Indonesia's chief 
of police admitted security was "out of control" and "the 
Government there is no longer functioning".

Armed forces chief General Wiranto said ministers would consider 
whether to place East Timor under military rule. In the meantime, 
still more troops would be sent. "Violence is not allowed ... We 
will not tolerate any brutal acts, whatever the reason," he said.

Hours earlier, armed thugs backed by the military attacked and 
set fire to the Red Cross compound and the adjoining house of 
Nobel peace laureate Bishop Carlos Belo, driving out 8,000 
terrified refugees. A military spokesman said 20 of the refugees 
had been found shot dead on a beach. The state Antara news agency 
said 30 had been killed.

Witnesses said shots were fired into the air and into the ground 
outside the bishop's house, forcing him out into his garden. He 
tried to negotiate with the military for some time before being 
evacuated by police to Baucau. The bishop said: "Everybody is 
leaving their houses because they are being threatened and their 
houses have been burned down. The military, the militia, they are 
occupying the city." 

Baucau Bishop Basilio da Nascimento said Bishop Belo was "deeply 
hurt, especially psychologically. He's in a state of shock".

Church and pro-independence sources said they had heard the 8,000 
refugees from Bishop Belo's house and the Red Cross compound were 
loaded on to two navy vessels in Dili harbour.

Authorities said nearly 28,000 "supporters of integration within 
Indonesia" had sought refuge at police and military posts. Most 
had been sent to West Timor, they said. Refugees were streaming 
into West Timor at a rate of 1,000 per hour, the Red Cross said.

One UN official in Dili said after the attack on Bishop Belo: 
"The [pro-Jakarta militias] have crossed all the lines, and 
having crossed those lines I don't know where they are going to 

Joao Carrascalao, the East Timorese resistance chief in 
Australia, said: "One person who travelled from Dili to Atambua 
[in West Timor] reported that alongside the road there were 
hundreds of heads on sticks and bodies." 

Britain and the United States said Indonesia had to deal with the 
violence in East Timor or let the international community help. 
Australian combat troops were placed on heightened alert.

The UN Security Council is sending a mission to Jakarta this week 
to discuss "concrete steps to allow the peaceful implementation" 
of last week's vote.

Army conspires with militias to force out foreigners

South China Morning Post -- September 7, 1999

Joanna Jolly -- A frightening pattern has developed throughout 
East Timor, with the Indonesian army using intimidation to force 
out foreigners.

The pattern involves foreigners first being told 
they will soon be attacked and that the police are unable to 
protect them. Militias are then used to attack foreign offices 
and missions, often firing into the air and not directly at the 
foreign workers. The army then has an excuse to come in and 
evacuate foreigners.

In Suai, where the United Nations evacuated 55 local and 
international staff on Sunday, the pattern was no different.

The situation in Suai had been calm. UN staff were told there 
would be an attack on Saturday night. However, the attack began 
about midday on Sunday.

Members of the Laksau militia rampaged through the streets, 
setting fire to houses and killing two people. UN officials were 
threatened for a day before the assault, which forced the locals 
from their homes.

One UN official said this was a deliberate strategy to create the 
impression that a large proportion of East Timorese wanted to 
remain with Indonesia.

As UN staff evacuated from Suai there were reports that two 
people had been hacked to death outside the church compound, 
where as many as 3,000 people had been sheltering during the past 
few weeks.

UN staff were extremely concerned for the safety of up to 1,000 
people still in the compound. Unconfirmed reports yesterday from 
Suai said that 100 people were massacred in the church compound, 
with many more fleeing to the hills.

When the decision was made to evacuate the UN personnel, Laksau 
militiamen obstructed the UN for one hour, shouting and yelling. 
Police kept the militia metres away from the car but did nothing 
to intervene.

"The militia have been unleashed and are doing the dirty work 
with the TNI [Indonesian military] and the police in the 
background," said a UN official.

Before the attack the bupati (district head) had met UN 
officials, who thanked him for the calm situation in the 
district. But the bupati said that many people were unhappy with 
the result of the referendum. He said the population was 
distraught at the result and wanted to be evacuated. But there 
was no evidence that this was the case.

Indonesia imposes marshall law in East Timor

Agence France Presse - September 7, 1999

Jakarta -- Indonesia has imposed martial law on East Timor 
following the collapse of law and order after the troubled 
territory voted overwhelmingly for independence.

"Yes, East Timor has been put under a military emergency status 
as of 00:00 Western Indonesian Time," military spokesman 
Brigadier General Sudrajat told AFP on the telephone.

Indonesian police had said the security situation in East timor 
was "out of control," and sought additional troops reinforcement 
to beef up security.

On Monday, military chief General Wiranto said he would seek a 
review of the security status of East Timor at a cabinet meeting.

The review would be to establish whether there was a need to 
declare a status that would give "firmer legal authority to take 
action against anyone carrying arms, who shoot on people at 
will," he said. "I will propose or give consideration so that 
authority is vested in the security personnel so that they do not 
hesitate to act," he said.

An MP of the Moslem United development Party was quoted by the 
Kompas daily as saying President B J Habibie had sought 
parliament's approval on monday to declare martial law.

Witnesses have said Indonesian soldiers and pro-Jakarta 
militiamen were Monday marching screaming refugees at gunpoint 
and herding them onto trucks to drive them out of East Timor, as 
reports spoke of hundreds of deaths and gruesome atrocities.

Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET)
PO Box 458, Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
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