Regarding Bowles and Edwards "Understanding Capitalism" - I 
wholeheartedly agree that it is a huge step up from standard texts  
and is well written for advanced students. But I was unable to use it for 
Principles as it was too advanced conceptually and mathematically for my 
students (mostly working class, first generation college) especially when 
I tried to cover some obligatory mainstream stuff with it. I found the 
first part excellent (and the study guide/instructors manual adds more 
great material) but the later  parts hard going and too exclusively 
focused on the labor process (I was using it for a micro course.) 
and with too many complex equations.  It seems more geared to an upper 
level political economy course than to principles at least for my 
students.  I also have some principled problems with the 
Market-socialoist view point of the authors but thats secondary to these 
problems and would like to use it if it included more mainstream stuff 
and broadened out its critique beyond just the labor process and 
"efficiency wage" stuff - the macro part I'm not so familiar with.  

This is just my two cents for what its worth - I wish I had an 
alternative and I still think Bowles and Edwards should be commended for 
trying and doing a generally greqt job.  I think Frank Thompson may be 
working on a new edition with them or with Bowles at least, to go

In Solidarity,


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