Has this been cofirmed. Could somebody post any more details on this. I 
hadn't heard it before, Peter Bohmer

On Sat, 14 Jun 1997, Michael Eisenscher wrote:

> Subject: Fwd: Stop press! Mumia Abu Jamal sentenced to die in 2 months time!
> Mumia Abu-Jamal's death warrant has been signed! He is sentenced to die at
> 10pm on the 17th of August 1997. Mumia, who has been on Death Row for 15
> years, had his execution stayed two years ago. Now Pennsylvania Governor,
> Tom Ridge, has said that he will die on the same day as his execution would
> have taken place two years ago.
> Please comrades, let's get a campaign going quickly on this one! Let's stop
> the fascist American government from murdering this writer and freedom
> fighter!
> P.S. I realise that many of you will know this already. If anyone out there
> has an e-mail address where we can lodge our protests once more, please
> send it to me! Thanks! 

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