The Globe and Mail                                      Tuesday, June 17, 1997

Compromise ends bickering between France, Germany 

     Unemployment problem gains recognition at EU summit 

        By Madelaine Drohan  
        European Bureau 

France declared victory yesterday in its battle with Germany over joblessness, 
securing a promise that European Union leaders would pay more attention to 
the problem, starting with a special jobs summit later this year. 

The promise ended the public bickering between Lionel Jospin, the new 
Socialist Prime Minister of France, and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl over 
whether European funds should be used to finance large public-works projects. 
Their public fight had threatened to derail the summit of European leaders that 
began yesterday. 

"This is a great success for France," said Manuel Valls, spokesman for Mr. 
Jospin. "It's a good compromise. It's a good deal." 

Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok, whose country holds the six-month rotating 
presidency of the 15-member union, helped restore harmony with a package of 
measures including the jobs summit, a pledge by the European Investment 
Bank to investigate ways of funding small businesses, and the joint promise by 
the leaders written into a treaty that they will make employment a priority. 

Mr. Jospin was satisfied that France had moved employment high on the EU 
agenda. And Mr. Kohl went along because no new money would be spent. The 
European Investment Bank is funded by EU countries but only makes loans on 
a commercial basis to projects and companies that are commercially viable. 

"There are only winners in this game. There are no losers," declared Jacques 
Santer, who as president of the European Commission is the EU's top 
bureaucrat. "We're extremely relieved and very happy that we've managed to 
get this action." 

Mr. Santer was happy because the compromise saved the Amsterdam summit 
from failure and kept the drive for a single currency on track. If France had 
stuck to its guns about using public funds to create jobs, it could have delayed 
the Jan. 1, 1999, launch date for the currency. Yesterday's compromise also 
meant the leaders could turn today to what was supposed to be the real meat of 
the meeting: streamlining how Europe operates and preparing the group to 
accept new members in the 21st century. 

Mr. Jospin's demands on jobs had shaken the other European leaders, who did 
not know what to expect from the Prime Minister whose left-wing coalition 
took office only two weeks ago. His opening position was that Europe should 
revive plans shelved three years ago for massive, publicly funded projects such 
as high-speed train lines criss-crossing Europe. 

Just how effective any job-creation measures will be in reducing the number of 
unemployed in Europe from the current level of 18 million remains in doubt. 
European leaders have held so-called jobs summits before, and they have done 
little to fix the problem. 

A spokesman for British Prime Minister Tony Blair was dismissive of the 
employment package, saying there were differences between Britain and 
France on how to go about tackling unemployment. Britain, whose 
unemployment rate is among the lowest in the EU, sides with Germany and 
against France on the question of spending public money to create jobs. 

When asked how many jobs might be produced by yesterday's action, the 
British spokesman replied: "Eight." He added that job creation is a matter of 
national policy, not European policy. 

But France's attempts to reform its generous social-security system and make 
the kind of spending cuts necessary to give its economy a boost have met with 
widespread labour unrest. Truckers, fishermen, doctors and students have 
taken their turn marching through the streets of Paris to protest against even 
the most minor changes. 

The former right-wing government lost the June 1 election because its 
popularity had been so badly dented by strikes and protests. 

Mr. Jospin was elected on a platform of promising to create 700,000 jobs, half 
of them in the public sector, and reducing the working week to 35 hours from 
39. No other country in Europe has recently adopted such methods. 

The kind of changes that a country such as Britain has made, cutting public 
spending, allowing freer rein to market forces and removing layers of 
regulation, have been dismissed by French Socialists, who say they want to 
have nothing to do with what they call the Anglo-Saxon model. 

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