If I read yesterday's WSJ correctly, it seems that Clinton has agreed that
whatever the upper limit on income for qualification for this $500 per
child tax credit, so-called "very poor" families (<$19,000yr) will not be
able to receive it putatively because they already receive other offsets.
As if those who will qualify for this credit don't receive other kinds of
offsets! This is just a war on the poor, a violent eugenics of the type
sanctioned by The Bell Curve. And Clinton has agreed to it. Clinton stands
here to the right of some Democrats in the House and the Senate who have
proposed alternative plans which would extend the credit to the socalled
very poor.  For Clinton and Gingrich, it seems that the very poor has
become an euphemism for the underclass, a euphemism for the residuum, a
euphemism for the expendable.

The article was titled "Partisan Child Tax Credit Battle Has Become Fight
Over Whom Washington Wants To Subsidize", 7/23/97A20.

Of course the headline should have read "Bipartisan Support for Negative
Eugenics Prompts Less Outrage Than In Nazi Germany"


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