To James Craven:                           

Many thanks for your exhaustive answer to my query.  I now understand
the legal logic connecting and separating the two Simpson trials,
but I still feel a cloying sense of wrongness about it on a deeper level.

Re your later rant on commodification: Here in Milwaukee it seems that 
every week the number of rolling billboards in the city bus fleet 
is increasing.  The transit authority (or whoever it's in hock to)
has been pushing this particular envelope for about 2 years without 
arousing any organized opposition, so a full fleet of totally commercial
trompe l'oeil may be in the cards.  Since this treatment darkens the  
interiors and makes it harder to maintain one's external bearings, 
the contempt being shown toward hapless passengers could hardly be 
more blatant.

This is my "favorite" example of ever-plunging commodification; 
Chris Whittle's attempted coup with Channel One runs a close second. 

                                                       Occupied America

                -- All lies have the same pedigree --

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