Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 14:16:38 -0400
From: MER Editorial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Time To Tell The Americans To Take A Hike!

M I D - E A S T     R E A L I T I E S  -   E D I T O R I A L 
MID-EAST REALITIES on the Internet at: http://www.MiddleEast.Org
To receive MER regularly email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


            "There is no parallel between bombs 
            and bulldozers...   We cannot have an 
            environment in which people believe 
            the way to get what they want is to 
            kill innocent people..."

                        U.S. President Bill Clinton

MER - Washington - 8/11/97:

Never in history has there been such an Israeli-captured President
in the White House as Bill Clinton.  The Israeli/Jewish lobby
set out to defeat George Bush, quite literally infiltrated the Clinton
headquarters in Little Rock with its people, pushed huge amounts of 
"soft money" at both Clinton and the Democracy Party, and sure enough 
their man Bill has done everything they ever dreamed ever since.   

Bill's latest payoff to the Israelis and their American Jewish cadre 
is to make a former Israeli lobby official -- a man who was an
Australian citizen when Bill was elected President, a man who lived in 
Israel and served in the Israeli army -- Assistant Secretary of State 
(that's of the UNITED STATES mind you!) for the Middle East!

It's not inordinate Chinese money and influence in American politics 
the Congress should be investigating, it's how Israel manipulates 
American politics with the help of some key Americans (most of them 
Jewish), who are in fact, however distasteful it is to say it, 
"dually loyal".

At Camp David back nearly 20 years ago the Israelis promised to stop 
settlements in the occupied territories.  Go back and read the speech 
Jimmy Carter delivered to a joint session of the Congress in front of 
the entire world heralding this tremendous breakthrough!  Within months 
the Israelis broke their promises, defied Carter (threatening his 
reelection that still never was to be), and went about their old ways.  
Sadat's assassination, revolution in Iran, the destruction of Lebanon, 
American hostages, the "Intifada", and the rise of Hamas and Hizballah 

At Madrid and Oslo -- after the destruction of Iraq -- the Israelis 
made more promises and gave more assurances.  Even with those 
conferences always weighted tremendously in their favor, even with the 
Americans always defying near-unanimous world opinion and vetoing 
various U.N. resolutions, Israelis have gone from one deception, one 
subterfuge, and one massacre to another.  Meanwhile Washington has 
either looked the other way, or behind the scenes worked closely with 
the Israelis while publicly soothing Arab sensibilities with 
duplicitous, and meaningless, rhetoric.

Now in 1997, with the "native" Palestinians being corralled onto 
"autonomous" reservations in the name of "peace process", the Americans
are at it again; blaming the victim rather than the aggressor; crying
over scenes of Israeli carnage while looking away and covering up 
when rivers of Palestinian blood flow.  

With Palestinian "autonomous" "population centers" now surrounded by
American-supplied tanks, Israeli Army roadblocks, and electrified 
fences; and with what's left of Palestinian civil society now 
"controlled" by an imported once-PLO militia now armed and financed 
by Israel and the U.S. -- courageous Palestinians try to resist.  
But it is THEY Bill Clinton repeatedly condemns.  

No wonder Dr. Eyad Sarraj from Gaza now pleads with the world to 
understand "Why We Have Become Suicide Bombers" -- 

No wonder Professor Noam Chomsky decries the "peace process" as
very similar to Apartheid of old in South Africa --

So let it be said clearly and succinctly:  The Palestinians have been
lied to and tricked, deceived and battered by the U.S., Israel, and the 
Europeans for generations now.  The Palestinians have been dispossessed 
and tortured, ravaged and bloodied by the Israelis for nearly 50 years
now. It is the Arabs who have been bombed time and time again; from 1948 
to 1956, from 1967 to 1982 to Sabra and Shatilla to Qana -- the list 
is lengthy indeed, the numbers of innocent Palestinians and Arabs far 
far greater than that of innocent Israelis.  

And so today the Palestinians are perfectly entitled to defend their 
country and their vital interests, with stones, with guns, and if need
be with bombs.  The Palestinians are entitled to fight back against 
those who continually have used aggression against them, against those 
who have militarily occupied and brutalized them for a generation now.  
And if their tactics and choices are sometimes terrible to watch on TV, 
let us remember very well what has been done to them; and let us
as well that to protect their "vital interests" it is the Americans who
have used nuclear weapons and napalm, agent orange and 2000-pound bombs,
killing and maiming so many millions of innocents.

Let it also be said clearly and succinctly:  The American President, 
especially this Israeli American President, crying about the blood of 
"innocent civilians" has no credibility whatsoever!  And if the Arabs 
regimes had any guts and dignity at all they'd tell the Americans 
(starting with Dennis Ross, himself a former Israeli lobby personality)
to take a hike and start taking responsibility themselves for what is 
going on in their part of the world!
                                  Mark Bruzonsky*

        * Mark Bruzonsky is Chairperson of the Committee On The 
        Middle East and former Washington representative of the 
        World Jewish Congress.  His edited books about the Middle 
        East have been published by the Woodrow Wilson International 
        Center for Scholars at the Smithsonian, Congressional 
        Quarterly, and National Geographic (film).  Bruzonsky 
        produces the weekly TV program MID-EAST REALITIES 
        and has visited the Middle East region over 150 times.  
        His detailed bio information can be found at
        http://WWW.MiddleEast.Org/mab.htm; and he can be 
        contacted by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 
        (202) 362-5266, Ext 278.

   MID-EAST REALITIES is published a number of times weekly on the
Internet.  Email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details how to 
receive MER regularly.
   For detailed information about the weekly MER-TV program email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  MER-TV programs featuring Dr. Sarraj 
and Prof. Chomsky, mentioned in the above editorial, are now available.

                   M I D - E A S T    R E A L I T I E S
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Fax: 202 362-6965 / Phone: 202 362-5266, Ext
                       Internet: www.MiddleEast.Org

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