Just came back from Browning to interview candidates for a postion 
here and will be going back. I thought I would share this with the 
pen-lers. This is from one of the BLackfeet Elders given to 
graduating high-school students.

"25 Things you'll Need to Know Now That You've Graduated From High-

1.  Don't sweat the small stuff, and remember, most stuff is small.
2.  The most boring word in any language is "I".
3.  Nobody is indispensible, especially you.
4.  Life is full of surprises. Just say "Never" and you'll see.
5.  People are more important than things.
6.  Persistence will get you almost anything eventually.
7.  Nobody can make you happy. Most folks are about as happy as they 
    make up their minds to be.
8.  There's so much bad in the best of us and so much good in the 
    worst of us that it doesn't behoove any of us to talk about the 
    rest of us.
9.  Live by what you trust, not by what you fear.
10. Character counts. Family matters.
11. Eating out with small children isn't worth it, even if someone 
    else is buying.        
12. If you wait to have kids until you can afford them, you probably 
    never will.
13. Baby kittens don't begin to open their eyes for six weeks after 
    birth. Men generally take about 26 years.
14. The world would run a lot smoother if more men knew how to dance.
15. Television ruins more minds than drugs.
16. Sometimes there is more to gain in being wrong than in being 
17. Life is so much simpler when you tell the truth.
18. People who do the world's real work don't usually wear neck ties.
19. A good joke beats a pill for a lot of ailments.
20. There are no substitutes for fresh air, sunshine and exercise.
21. A smile is the cheapest way to improve your looks, even if your 
    teeth are crooked or missing.
22. May you live life so there is standing room only at your funeral.
23. Mothers always know best, but sometimes fathers know, too.  
24. Forgive yourself, your friends and your enemies. You're all only 
25. If you don't do anything else in life, love someone and let 
    someone love you.      
                                       Emery Styron

*                           "Those who take the most from the table,* 
*  James Craven                teach contentment.                   *
*  Dept of Economics         Those for whom the taxes are destined, *
*  Clark College               demand sacrifice.                    * 
*  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd. Those who eat their fill,              *
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663        speak to the hungry,                 *
*  (360) 992-2283              of wonderful times to come.          * 
*  Fax: (360) 992-2863    Those who lead the country into the abyss,*
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           call ruling difficult,               *
*                              for ordinary folk." (Bertolt Brecht) * 

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