> Max Sawicky wrote,
> >shagging debutantes.  The bottom line is they 
> >can't stand to think about their own lives and 
> >the real problems of the mundane world, so 
> >they are drawn to fantasy. 

To which Tom Walker, in a rare moment of unalloyed yeehaw, replied: 

> I couldn't agree more.

Really now, gents, must the opposite of A always be Z?
It seems to me that the left has suffered some pretty bizarre  
cults of personality in its time.  Can't the admiration of
a famous person's good qualities be accepted as more than
a subconscious evasion of one's troubles?
Generations of black children have been given George Washington Carver
as a role model (no points for _de rigueur_ tirades about his name);
would you prefer they get Farrakhan or Shaque O'Neill?

Get the idea?

> >And I'd gladly pay to see a jacquerie.

Hollywood will be happy to oblige you,
provided you go home when it's over.

                                                      Occupied America

   "People don't eat in the long run, Senator.
    They eat every day."     
                             -- Harry Hopkins

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