Said Max S:
>              [...] over-sensitivity tends to
> backfire and legitimate truly bigoted speech
> and elevate truly conservative critics of such
> a position.  It reinforces the cultural isolation
> of the left.

Hear, hear!
> I hate to lose any friends over this, assuming I
> have any to begin with, but I'd rather have a
> few less friends and live in the world I'm trying
> to change than dissolve into identity-politics ether.

By now a whole cornucopia of identity politics jokes must have developed,
since satire is the best medicine for that particular runaway madness.
Really good ones should be posted here, paid for with our favorite URLs.

The sanctimonious flap over Chinagate (as I suppose it must inevitably be
called by some) I find painfully hilarious, considering the number of
evolving societies this country has turned into police state prisons, kept
pre-industrial and otherwise buggered beyond any response during the past
blood-soaked century or so.
Pray for at least two of the plagues of Egypt, so that our Bible-(t)humping
fellow citizens may learn at last the meaning of true violation.

                                                     Occupied America

              - All lies have the same pedigree -

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