This week I have been reading Walter Wriston's feisty little 1992 book
"The Twilight of Sovereignty, etc," an exuberant paean to a galactic
world of knowledge workers the "limits to growth" people never knew.
Wriston takes a whole chapter to trash the common instruments of
economic measurement, especially the GNP.  Listen to a representative
riff from that chapter (Where We Stand):

      The standard industrial codes that once told how industry     
   is organized are now out-of-date. Of the twelve major code 
   divisions, only two reflect the service industry, although 
   about 80 percent of Americans work in a service business.
   Accurate numbers are available on the number of brakemen
   on American railroads but not on the number of computer
   programmers. This is but one example of why today's econ-
   omy cannot be fitted into yesterday's standards. If basic
   macroeconomic measurements, such as the GNP and productive
   capacity, do not mean what they once did, the question then
   becomes: Can we construct new, more reliable measures of the
   kind of economy we now have?

Well, I always thought there was something hokey and astigmatic about
the GNP, but I wasn't ready to call it out on Main Street like Wriston,
and long before computers appeared in every office Betty Friedan and
Gloria Steinem were already around to tell us that every year billions  
of woman-hours of housework and child-rearing were disappearing into 
The Great Bit-Bucket In The Sky without so much as an audible whimper.
No doubt many books have appeared since Wriston's with the same thesis.

Just how are labor and its yields figured in present company, pray?

                                                     Occupied America

      -- By viewing economic issues as subordinate phenomena 
         and securing the freedom of all to sleep 
         beneath the bridges of Washington, 
         the GOP has convinced at least itself that  
         the very best of good societies will be conjured --

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