michael perelman wrote:
> Peripheral countries have two choices in development.  Either they can
> try to emulate the technologies of the powerful capitalist countries or
> they can develop their own indigenous technologies.

 But doesn't this amount to the same thing? Import-substitution? By
indigenous, do you mean along the lines of "Small is Beautiful"? I
think  "small is beautiful" and Gandhi type development ideas are very
worthwhile provided that they are not imposed by dictatorship and by
fiat. India might be in a better state today if had followed some of
Gandhi's economic ideas rather than the big Stalinist style
industrialization plans. However, with cultural imperialism and the Big
Mac, it might be hard to convince a majority to go with lower
productivity indigenous technology. There's a lot of "we want everything
Americans have and we want it now" in the third world today. But rising
expectations can lead to serious political change. I don't know.

Sam Pawlett

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