> > In Big Victory for Labor, Workers at US Airways Vote to Unionize

> >         In the biggest union organizing election in private business in
> > a decade, nearly 10,000 reservations takers, gate agents and ticket
> > sellers at US Airways have voted to join the Communications Workers
> > of America, federal labor officials announced on Monday.  [...]

> >         "The victory at US Airways is very significant," said Kate
> > Bronfenbrenner, director of labor education research at Cornell [...].

Not really, Ms B; the job categories described above can't compare for
indispensability with delivery driving at UPS.  A few more such victories
and we can expect to see totally computerized airports, presided over,
perhaps, by a few living and breathing Wackenhoods on the lookout for 
21st-century Luddites.  The structure of our civilization is altering 
itself in ways, and to an extent, more basic than we may care to admit. 
There are times when I think meditation teachers are more relevant to 
the situation than organizers.
The real fun, of course, will come when not enough people with disposable
income exist anywhere to underwrite the core assumptions of the business 
culture with dollars, francs, yen, emus, unilars or what have you.


   "Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union."

                                       -- Joseph Stalin  (1935)

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