On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, David Laibman wrote:

> The Fall 1997 issue of SCIENCE & SOCIETY (vol. 61, no.3) is now out on
> selected newsstands and available from the publisher [...]

> Books reviewed include...Barney Dews and Carolyn Law's THIS FINE PLACE 
> SO FAR FROM HOME (on academics from the working class), reviewed by 
> David Herreshoff [...]

I happened upon the above title about a year ago.  This book, illuminating
some largely unprocessed personal experience, convinced me that a massive
increase in the number of working-class bred academics is one of the wanting 
developments that will save this horrifically skewed society.  Until this 
happens the universities will go on talking to themselves, while the like
of Buchanan and Limbaugh effortlessly make hay.


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