This morning on NPR, there was a commentary by right-wing "journalist" David
Frum (wrote _Dead Right_ [!!]).  He noted that Sweeney's union (Service
Workers) had just won a dues check-off for its organized home health aides
in California who get paid by the state.  He then zinging the listeners --
first he noted that the workers are paid very little and "who would begrudge
them a raise" -- then he added, "until you realize that half of them are
caring for members of their immediate family."

He then went on to philosophize that that's what's wrong with government
today -- things that used to be "our" personal responsibilities that people
would do for their families or themselves just because they _should_ do this
-- are now being done by government.  And the union then has the gall to hit
an already strapped California budget for HIGHER PAY for only taking care of
a realtive and (in Frum;s [unspoken] opinion) should be done for NOTHING.

1)  He kept forgetting to let the listeners realize that if HALF work for
members of their immediate family the OTHER HALF don't.

2)  He left out the obvious fact that to the extent that people are cared
for at home by their immediate family they SAVE THE TAXPAYERS LOTS OF money
by reducing the use of skilled nursing care (often covered by Medicaid) or
hospital stays (covered by Medicare or Insurance -- the latter, of course
raises rates!).

3) How many people caring for their immediate family have to GIVE UP JOBS to
do this.

ANyway:  I'm writing this not just to vent off steam.  Are there folks out
there (I'm sending this to two lists, H-STATE and PEN-L) who know the deal
in California and can give some details which Frum's commentary left out?

I'm in the mood to call NPR's comment line and give some rebuttal -- though
anyone out there who knows this stuff cold is urged to do it instead of me
since I don't know anything except the "gut" responses I listed above.

Thanks in advance.  

BTW:  I'm glad Sweeney's union has organized home health workers.  If David
Frum's against that, then it must be a GOOD THING!
Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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