The NZ experience is, unfortunately, contagious.  What is interesting
is that in Canada the process seems to have been modelled on the
NZ experiment.  First, a (perceived) centre left government gets
elected on a moderate, proactive economic program, then manufactures
a phony credit crisis (deficit, debt, bankrupcy -- wail, wail),
- a 'crisis' orchestrated by the multinationals, the monetarist
central bank and the department of finance and right-wing think
tanks (sic) -- which can only be solved by cutting social programs,
lowering taxes to the rich, privatizing public enterprise, and
firing civil servants.  The economic results are disasterous (more
deficit, debt, bankrupcy, unemployment -- wail, wail, wail) so
obviously, the cure is more cutting, slashing, destroying of programs
and lives, etc.  What is most disgusting is that this is consciously
planned and orchestrated by business and the sychophantic right-wing
ideologues, usually misidentified as economists.

For a detailed account of the neo-liberalization of the Canadian
Liberal Party (comparable to the NZ Labor Party) see Maude Barlow
and Bruce Campbell, _Straight Through the Heart: How the Liberals Abandoned the
Abandoned the Just Society_ (Toronto: Harper-Collins, 1995).  Just
as a footnote, it is interesting that the book was "printed and
bound" in the United States.  (Not approved for reading by the IMF).

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

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