On 20 Jan 99 at 19:30, Dennis R Redmond wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, James Michael Craven wrote:
> > I wonder how many working class women or women on Reservations could 
> > relate to or understand the rhetoric in the example of Butler's 
> > writings given in the Doublespeak award? I suspect few if any.
> So what? Are all those scientists who use mathematical tools
> noone else understands just wasting their time? Are people who read
> foreign languages we can't read indulging in nonsense? If Butler
> claimed to speak for the people on the Rez, then you could slam her for
> yakking away. But she's not. Writers don't just write to be understood;
> they write for the future readers who may someday understand what they
> were trying to say. Adorno said somewhere that the only thoughts worth
> thinking are those which do not fully understand themselves, i.e. do
> something new and unexpected, which hasn't yet fully emerged into its
> content, and is therefore open to history and dialectics. 
> -- Dennis

No I have no problem with people writing convoluted stuff not 
designed to be read or understood except by  a few or to narcissistically 
savor their own rhetoric. I just have a problem when they pretend to 
be progressive instead of the elitist, self-indulgent, narcissistic, 
careerist rhetorical masturbators that they obviously are. At least 
Talcot Parsons openly admitted to being an effete elitist and 
reactionary who was not writing to really change anything but rather 
carve out a small but elite market niche for himself. 

I am reminded of a saying in Kerala: In the land of the people with 
no nose, the one with half a nose is king. I suspect this woman has a 
following of groupies too pretentious or too mediocre to admit there 
is a lot of wind and not much substance there. Again, I am waiting 
for some stuff from her admirers that they think is really 
innovative, compelling, significant, useful and relevant to something 
serious and let's take a look at it and deconstruct it.

That's my opinion.

Jim Craven

 James Craven             
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
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