Bladerunner and Do Android's Dream of Electric Sheep? are pretty 
different kettles of fish.  Electric Sheep like a lot of Dick's stuff 
is about the psychological construction of reality whose instability 
in turn destabilizes the psychic identity of the constructor (have 
you lived your life or  are you an android with implanted memories? 
Can I tell the difference?  More importantly, can you tell the 
difference?)  It has a recurrent image of the material culture of the 
post apocalypse world crumbling into bits of trash, which Dick refers 
to as kibble (or is it kipple?)

On the contrary, Bladerunner is about the material construction of 
psychology in a world where the most oppressed of the workforce have 
been literally commodified (produced for sale).  Rather than 
crumbling into bits, the material culture has literally become 
monolithic dwarfing the humanity which moves within it.

Only P.K. Dick purists would prefer the novel.

Was Dekker an android?  I thought his leaving with Rachel was a 
transfer of allegiance from the system to the oppressed, but my wife 
usually has to explain movies to me.

Terry McDonough

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