The Brecht Forum

The New York Marxist School
122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 242-4201
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Dwight Macdonald: American Rebel

a talk by Michael Wreszin

Thursday, February 15 at 8 pm

"Every man has a right to be stupid on occasion, but Comrade
Macdonald abuses it."

So spoke Leon Trotsky after one of Macdonald's attacks on "the
old man" for his role in Kronstadt. Writer, editor, publisher,
intellectual street fighter, and intermittent political
activist, Macdonald was a quintessential American rebel, a
native-born dissident individualist but at various times a
socialist, a Trotskyist, a pacifist, and an anarchist.

Michael Wreszin, Professor of History at Queens College and
the CUNY Graduate Center, is the author of _Dwight Macdonald:
A Rebel in Defense of Tradition_.

Admission is $6.


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