Please pass along the following announcements to anyone who may be interested.
Tom Schlesinger
Financial Markets Center

Call for Papers:
Reengineering the Federal Reserve System 

The Financial Markets Center sponsors an annual contest for papers on the
subject of central bank reform.  The winning entry receives a cash award of
$2,500 and is published by the Center.  The contest is open to students in
graduate and post-graduate programs in law, public policy, public
administration, government, finance, economics and other relevant areas.  

Background on the Henry B. Gonzalez Award: Today, the Federal Reserve
confronts a host of challenges to its authority and effectiveness including
the rapid growth of nonbank financial intermediaries, globally interconnected
asset markets and privately issued digital money.  The Fed faces these
challenges with an institutional structure that has long resisted change as
well as a lack of openness and accountability unique in America's system of

The Gonzalez Award seeks to promote institutional reforms that make the
central bank more open, accountable and effective.  Entries may be sweeping in
scope or focused on a specific aspect of the Fed's structure, governance,
operations, staffing, culture or statutory authority.  In all cases, papers
must demonstrate convincingly how the proposed institutional reforms would
result in a more democratic central bank better equipped to foster full
employment, price stability and financial soundness.  The Gonzalez Award
honors the service of Representative Henry B. Gonzalez, a tireless champion of
democratic change at the Federal Reserve.

Review Process: Entries will be reviewed by a distinguished panel of monetary
experts chaired by Professor James K. Galbraith (LBJ School of Public Affairs,
University of Texas).

Length and Format: Entries should be no longer than 15,000 words, not
including footnotes, endnotes and references.  Preference will be given to
clearly written entries accessible to a broad audience.

Deadline:  Entries must be postmarked by April 9, 1999.  The award will be
announced by May 15 1999.

How to Enter: Send two copies of the paper to: Gonzalez Award, Financial
Markets Center, PO Box 334, Philomont, VA 20131. Entrants must submit a
statement from their department describing their current standing.

About the Financial Markets Center: Founded in 1997, the Financial Markets
Center is a nonprofit institute that provides research, policy and education
resources to grassroots organizations, trade unions, policymakers, journalists
and others interested in financial markets and the Federal Reserve System.
The Center produces periodic reports on issues in monetary policy and
financial regulation, sponsors workshops and conferences and publishes a
newsletter, FOMC Alert, which monitors the Fed.

For More Information: Contact the Financial Markets Center, (540) 338-5286 or


The Financial Markets Center
The Financial Markets Center is a nonprofit institute that provides research,
policy development and education resources to grassroots organizations, trade
unions, policymakers, journalists and other groups interested in financial
markets and the Federal Reserve System.   The Center produces periodic reports
on financial and monetary issues, sponsors workshops and public events and
publishes a newsletter, FOMC Alert, which monitors the Federal Reserve.

The Position
Responsibilities will include:
¨ Researching and producing reports on financial sector trends and issues

¨ Researching and producing reports on developments in the Federal Reserve

¨ Writing and editing material for the Center's newsletter and web site 

Qualifications and Experience
¨ Experience with qualitative and quantitative research such as corporate
research, financial analysis and/or issue research

¨ Excellent investigative, analytical, writing, editing and computer skills

¨ Educational background in economics, law, business, public policy, history,
journalism, finance or related fields 

¨ Work experience in journalism, public interest organizations or other
relevant areas 

¨ Strong sense of initiative and commitment to democratic values

Salary and Benefits
Salary dependent on experience.  Benefits include health insurance, generous
vacation and leave policy. 
To Apply
Send a resume, three references, writing sample and a cover letter explaining
your interest in the position to: Search Committee, Financial Markets Center,
PO Box 334, Philomont, VA 20131 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The Center is an equal
opportunity employer.  Women and people of color are encouraged to apply.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

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