The Brecht Forum

The New York Marxist School
122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 242-4201
(212) 741-4563 (fax)

Inflation and Unemployment

a talk by Anwar Shaikh

Thursday, February 22 at 8 pm

The view of inflation that dominates academic theory and
economic policy in all of the advanced capitalist countries is
that inflation arises when the unemployment rate gets "too
low" (below 6.5% these days). This talk will explore an
alternate view of inflation which is linked to bank credit,
profitablity, and the rate of accumulation.

Anwar Shaikh, who has taught for twenty years at the Graduate
Faculty of the New School for Social Research, is currently
completing a new book, _The Welfare State and the Social Wage:
An International Study_.

Admission is $6.


All Brecht Forum lectures are available on audiotape for $8.
To order, make check or money order payable to *The Brecht
Forum* and mail to The Brecht Forum, 122 West 27 Street, 10
floor, New York, New York 10001. For orders outside the U.S.
please send an international money order or bank check payable
in U.S. funds and enclose an additional US$5 to cover the cost
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