
But is it not true that Managua's population swelled to encompass a huge
fraction of the population precisely because of the war in the countryside?  I
don't think we should understate the attachments of peasants to the land.
Should we applaud the movement of millions of Chinese into the cities to do
slave labor or be unemployed or should we mourn the death of the communes and
the Maoist strategy of rural development?

michael yates

Doug Henwood wrote:

> Louis Proyect wrote:
> >My experience is in Central America and I can tell you that the revolutions
> >of the 1980s which led to a major political crisis in the United States
> >called "contragate" were primarily an expression of peasant resentment over
> >loss of land.
> Nicaragua's population, according to the superficial bourgeois
> statisticians at the World Bank, is 63% urban, with 26% in "urban
> agglomerations of over 1 million." Attributing the revolution "primarily"
> to "peasant resentment over the loss of land" would suggest a narrow social
> base for the Sandinistas.
> Doug

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