Dear Doug:

I'm reviewing a Principles Textbook.  The author is Robert Sexton --- he
seems like a right-wing Public CHoice type.  I'm having fun bashing his
one-sidedness.  My pleasure is that he won't listen to anything I say, he
won't take any of my advice, his book won't be any better and he won't sell
any more books because of me and I'll still get paid by the publisher to
bash away!

However, I came accross this particularly ridiculous statement in one of the
chapters I'm reading:  "The median income of all individual stockholders is
not dramatically higher than the median income of all American families."

Now even if it were true it's misleading because lower income stockholders
hold VERY LITTLE stock.  But still and all, I doubt this is true --- unless
he's counting all people with private pensions and life insurance policies.

Can you set me onto some data that I can include in my report.  This
sentence ought to be exposed as phony. 

If it isn't phony, I need to know that too because I don't want to say
things in my class that can be proven wrong later.

All the best, thanks in advance for whatever you can help me with.

By the way, I haven't gotten any posts from PEN-L.  Is it down?  I sent
another  (more recent) copy of the Springfield Republican article attacking
balanced budgets.  How was the "debate" on SS privatization.  Maybe I'll
order that one.  How much again?

cheers, Mike
Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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