
Below is an open letter that is being circulated
for endorsements by professional economists and
economic policy-makers.  Feel free to cross-post
and otherwise circulate.

If you would like to sign, please e-mail your
name, position, place of employment, and any
relevant titles to:


Alternatively, you may fax a signed copy to:


** Please do NOT reply to the address from which this
post was sent. **  Any questions may be directed to
the following e-mail address:


Places of employment are for identification only.
They will not be listed as endorsing institutions,
unless we are otherwise advised.

Endorsements at this point include:

Dean Baker
Paul Davidson
James K. Galbraith
Max Sawicky
Randy Wray



We, the undersigned professional economists, offer our views on certain
basic features of the Federal budget released by the Clinton Administration
for Fiscal Year 2000.

1. We support the Administration's rejection of large tax cuts targeted on
upper-income taxpayers, and their refusal to cut Social Security benefits.

2. But we do not support the commitment of budget surpluses expected over
the next 15 years to reduction of the national debt.  We believe this policy
is economically unwarranted and indeed self-defeating: it is likely to
undermine the national economic growth and high employment on which
achievement of the projected surpluses depends.

3. For the past decade, we have objected repeatedly to a proposed
constitutional amendment that would mandate balanced budgets. Like mandated
balanced budgets, mandated surpluses work to slow growth, and to lengthen,
deepen, and multiply recessions.  When unemployment is high, the right
policy is to run deficits, not surpluses.

4. The surplus mandate would prevent increased public investments that are
needed to support economic growth in the future.  Growth in public
investment can and should be significantly larger than the President's
budget allows, even at the cost of a reduced surplus.   Also, the 1996
welfare repeal will require new initiatives from the Federal government
soon. These actions will be made much more difficult if surplus mandates
remain in place. We believe that the well-being of children in poverty is a
higher priority than savings of interest on the public debt.

5.  The notion that budget surpluses -- if they indeed materialize -- will
be translated dollar for dollar by the capital markets into increased
long-term private business investments lacks foundation in either fact or

6.  A policy of national debt elimination also entails the repurchase of the
safest financial assets now available to private investors.  Such a policy
implies that private investors seeking safe assets will be pushed toward
foreign markets (such as for the euro) and poses high risks to the stability
of financial markets and of the dollar.

7.  Finally, nothing in this proposal is relevant to the financial condition
or future viability of Social Security, since future retirement incomes can
only be paid out of future production.  If benefits do exceed payroll taxes
in future years, the difference can only be resolved by raising taxes,
reducing benefits, or increasing once again the national debt -- exactly as
at present, and irrespective of any steps that may be taken now.

8.  In sum, we oppose a policy of buying down the national debt -- as
unlikely to succeed, as unlikely to do good if successful, as unneeded to
preserve Social Security, and as an inferior use of our public resources. We
urge policymakers, the press, and our professional colleagues to refrain
from embracing this simplistic approach to this important issue.


Max B. Sawicky       
Economic Policy Institute (EPI)
Suite 1200
1660 L Street, NW
Washington, DC  20036
202-775-8810 (voice)
202-775-0819 (fax)

Opinions reflected above are not necessarily shared by
anyone else associated with the Economic Policy Institute.

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