For a text for a book on capitalism and socialism, Al Campbell and I
have had very good success with assigning the book by Paul Cockshott
and Allin Cottrell "Towards a New Socialism", Spokesman 1993,
0-85124-045-5.  It begins with some perceptive critical remarks about
capitalism, and then gives a credible outline of consumer-directed
central planning that could be implemented today.  Students said this
was the most exciting of the books assigned.  A complete list of all
assigned texts is given below in LaTeX format.  The main problem with
this list is that for many students it is too expensive to buy them
all, therefore you should have several copies on reserve.


Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel.
\newblock {\em Looking Forward: Participatory Economics for the Twenty First
\newblock South End Press, Boston, 1991.

Tom~B. Bottomore.
\newblock {\em The Socialist Economy: Theory and Practice}.
\newblock The Guilford Press, New York, London, 1990.

W.~Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell.
\newblock {\em Towards a New Socialism}.
\newblock Spokesman, 1993.

Sandor Halebsky and John~M. Kirk.
\newblock {\em Transformation and Struggle: Cuba faces the 1990s}.
\newblock Praeger, New York, Westport, London, 1990.

Alec Nove.
\newblock {\em The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited}.
\newblock Harper Collins Academic, London, second edition, 1991.


Hans G. Ehrbar                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economics Department, 308 BuC                     (801) 581 7797
University of Utah                                (801) 581 7481
Salt Lake City    UT 84112-1107                   (801) 585 5649 (FAX)
For Info about our Graduate Program Contact  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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