Several years ago, one of my ultra right wing colleagues was bragging about
how much one person could affect policy and used as his example a ultra
wealthy capitalist from England who bankrolled the think tank that backed
Margaret Thatcher, and then came to the US and did the same thing.  In the
US he set up the Manhattan Institute, Hudson Institute, Rockford Institute (of the 
holocaust never happened fame), Pacific Institute, and in Canada, the 
Frazier Institute.
   My questions are:  what was this guy's name?  I remember there were 
several other institutes he also set up, but can't remember their names.
Does anyone elso know what they are called?  I want to know, because the
WSJ runs op-ed pieces from one of these places almost everyday, and claims
to be presenting a "diversity of opinion."  I want to give the complete list
to my students, so they can see how "liberal" the media really is.

Doug Orr

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