WHY THE SILENCE?                                                

The New York Times
        March 7, 1999

        Weeks of Bombing Leave Iraq's Power Structure


              ASHINGTON -- This week, an American diplomat named Frank
              will take on a new job. His mission is as simple as it is
difficult: unify the
        fractured Iraqi opposition, topple Saddam Hussein and build a
democratic nation
        from the ruins. 

        The Clinton administration has been pursuing the same goal on three
        bombing Iraq in a slow-motion war, succoring the opposition with
words and ideas,
        plotting to subvert the pyramid of soldiers and spies that supports
the Iraqi leader. 

        Toward that end, the United States has been striking Iraq from the
air for 10 weeks
        now, and last week American planes loosed the biggest barrage of
bombs since
        December. At last count, American and British jets have bombed Iraq
on 30 separate
        days -- roughly every other day -- since Dec. 28. 

        The jets have struck at least 104 targets, 4 more than they hit
during the major
        American and British barrage over four days last year, damaging or
        surface-to-air missile sites, anti-aircraft artillery, radar towers
and communications
        centers. In a report to Congress on Wednesday, President Clinton
said Iraq's air
        defenses had been "degraded substantially." 

        "What we are working to do is to help create the political and
military conditions that
        will permit a successful change of the regime," said Walter B.
Slocombe, under
        secretary of defense for policy. 

        But Pentagon officials are among the first to acknowledge that
bombs alone cannot
        topple Saddam. 

        The American military commander in the Persian Gulf region has said
        that the task of creating a legitimate alternative to Saddam
appears hopeless for now,
        given the disunity of the opposition. 

        For now, the hope for a coup rests on the impact of the tons of
bombs falling on Iraqi
        military sites. But allies of the United States in the region,
especially Saudi Arabia
        and Turkey, are increasingly impatient with the American program of
bombs and

        There has been no clear evidence so far that the bombings have
eroded Saddam's
        power structure, best envisioned as a pyramid of perhaps 100
trusted men, sitting
        atop half a million soldiers, spies and political operatives. 

        Despite this, Ricciardone, the State Department official named to
the newly created
        position of policy coordinator, has said he envisions a sudden
demise for the regime
        in Iraq, a country he does know. 

        In the mid-1980s, during the Iran-Iraq war, he helped try to
normalize relations
        between the United States and Iraq. He was second-in-command of the
        American Embassy after the 1991 Persian Gulf war, working out of
Amman, Jordan
        and London. 

        He is one among many in the administration who sees political
        gathering over Saddam, though no one will predict when a storm
might occur. 

        "Most likely, there will be a military coup," he said last week in
an interview with a
        newspaper in Ankara, Turkey, where he is ending a stint as deputy
chief of the
        American Embassy. "It will be very sudden and without warning." 

        The State Department, which confirmed the content of his remarks,
said Ricciardone
        could not be reached for comment. 

        The president's national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger, said
that Saddam's
        repeated efforts to shoot down American or British jets over Iraq
showed his
        weakness, not his strength. "His ineffectiveness in stopping us has
undercut him to
        some degree," Berger said in an interview. The challenges are meant
"to demonstrate
        his power," he added. "Instead he looks ineffectual." 

        One senior administration official said that Saddam is "nervous and
        Another official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity,
said: "We think we
        see Saddam flailing. We are working toward a slow whittling-down of
his power, his
        authority and his nerves. There are reports of military guys
perhaps not following

        The Clinton administration has not spent a penny of a $97 million
fund created by
        Congress to finance Iraqi opposition, one indication of its
thinking about the
        likelihood of its success. 

        There is understandably some revulsion in the Arab world about
        plotting insurrections in the region. Few in the administration
have any idea who or
        what could succeed Saddam, except perhaps chaos. 

        In part because of these sensitivities, the administration has
tried to draw as little
        attention as possible to the air strikes. On Feb. 26, in a major
foreign policy speech
        nearly 7,000 words long, Clinton devoted one sentence to Iraq and
said nothing about
        the bombing. 

        The Pentagon, too, is giving out less and less information about
the bombing,
        withholding the familiar grainy videos of attacks and refusing to
discuss the damage
        in detail. Military officials say their silence is an effort to
minimize sympathy that
        might be generated in the Arab world. 

        One U.S. military official said the bombing of Iraqi communications
sites and
        command centers appears to have reduced the central government's
ability to
        communicate effectively with military units. 

        A senior administration official said, "The morale of Iraqi air
defenses is pretty low."
        It is not so low, however, that Iraqi radar operators have
refrained from tracking
        American planes and giving pilots the justification they need to

        Despite the pounding, there are signs Iraq is able to recover. In
his report to Congress
        last week, Clinton said Iraq had repaired an oil refinery that had
been damaged in
        December's raids. The refinery has resumed generating illegal
profits for Saddam's
        government. A senior administration official said Iraq had also
"made an effort to
        reconstitute" military facilities destroyed in the raids as well. 

        The Pentagon says it is trying to balance risks against rewards.
The delicacy of that
        balance was clear last week when American jets attacked two radio
towers that the
        Pentagon said relayed messages to Iraqi air defenses but that also,
it turned out,
        controlled the flow of oil through Iraq's pipeline to Turkey. 

        On Friday, Secretary of Defense William Cohen, who arrived for a
week-long visit to
        the Persian Gulf region, indicated publicly that the strikes on the
towers were a
        mistake. "We're very sensitive to that and we want to make sure we
don't disrupt the
        flow of oil going into Turkey," he said. 

        By disrupting the U.N. program that allows Iraq to sell oil for
food and medicine, the
        United States had handed Iraq a public relations victory, officials
and diplomats said,
        creating some sympathy for the suffering of ordinary Iraqis and
building some
        momentum for an end to the attacks. "It's really one of those traps
Saddam's trying to
        draw us into," one official said. 

        The biggest trap would be losing an American pilot. The Pentagon
has increased the
        number of helicopter-borne emergency rescue teams dispatched to the
        standing by to dart into Iraq on a rescue mission should a plane go

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