Dear Penners:  An economist friend who doesn't usually subscribe to PEN-L
received the post from SID and sent this comment.

[aside to Harry Cleaver:  Bill wants you to contact him!]

Bill Moore wrote:

> From: Bill Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Why am I not surprised?  A good friend of mine (a CPA, mind you) became a 
> mid-level financial manager for Central Texas Health Plan (a local HMO in 
> Austin, now defunct) and did a good job in developing a cost allocation 
> plan which resolved some of the capitation issues between GP's and 
> specialists.  As a result, he was hired away by Traveler's HMO and 
> transferred to Sacramento to work on "the same problem in CA."  Six 
> months later, in a phone conversation, he tells me that instead of 
> looking at flexible formulas (I think that was the terminology for the 
> methodology he pioneered), he was being asked to consider *individual* 
> cases and determine whether some "specialist" charges should be disallowed 
> completely, irrespective of referrals by the PCP's.  When he protested 
> that that was a *medical* decision and that he was unqualified to make 
> any such judgments, he was told that the Medical Director "knew the costs 
> and the benefits to the HMO" and would support his decisions 100%.
> He struggled internally for several months without making any decisions, 
> putting his supervisors off with "need to study this more and develop an 
> overall policy" and finally requested (and received) a transfer to 
> Atlanta so he wouldn't have to deal with the mess.  As I understand it, 
> the folks in Sacramento then took the tack of issuing a blanket rejection 
> of *all* the claims which had been pending based on a *business* decision 
> that very few of the rejectees would appeal the decision and that the 
> ones who did could be staved off indefinitely via appeals, litigation, etc.
> Unfortunately, I've completely lost touch with Jim, so I'm reciting from 
> memory and have no way to verify all the facts; but it is a horrifying 
> prospect to contemplate that medical decisions between doctors and 
> patients (difficult enough in the HMO environment) are subject to second 
> guessing by financial and accounting folks...
> Bill

Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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