>      A Heart-Wrenching Story about One Man's Conscience and an HMO leads 
> to the "horrifying prospect to contemplate that medical decisions between 
> doctors and patients (difficult enough in the HMO environment) are 
> subject to second guessing by financial aid and accounting folks..."

What I found impressive is that it was ONE FAMILY'S STORY followed up by ONE
MAN'S STORY (and the man's story was about an ENTIRE HMO).  It is always
important that we not be overtaken by a "sample of one" which is what any
good case study is ... thus, I thought Bill Moore's example of his friend
the CPA would add weight of evidence to the horrendous story posted by Sid.
>      And I had never thought of penellers as having such a sly sense of 
> humor.  But not to worry -- the HillaryPlan will not be back at least 
> until after the elections.
What is remarkable is that all the criticisms of the Clinton Health Reform
Plan that came from the right were about predicting the VERY TRENDS that are
occurring in the much vaunted private sector.  The difference of course is
that the Clinton plan (Rube Goldberg contraption that it was) had political
controls --- not driven by profit entirely.  The reform that most PENNERS would
undoubtedly support was the Canadian style plan which left ALL medical
decision making to doctors and patients and had NO managed care
superstructure of accountants and bureaucrats. (I know some would go further
and support a British style plan!)  The cost controls were when
the Provinces set the prices they would pay doctors and hospitals for
different procedures.  [much of the income received by American specialists,
insurance companies and hospitals are (in jargon) 'rent' anyway --- forcing
the price down as was done for the Canadian medical profession did not
produce a reduction in service!]

I certainly hope Congressman McDermott revives the single-payer bill in
Congress --- and I hope Senator Wellstone is reelected (it'll be a tough
fight I gather!) so he can do the same in the Senate.

If Clinton is re-elected, maybe this time he and Hillary will opt for HEALTH
INSURANCE reform rather than the "[big] insurance company protection act"
which is what his "reform" bill should have been called!

Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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