On Mon, 8 May 1995, Paul Cockshott wrote:

> Through the
> use of terror tactics in Germany they have suceeded in shifting
> the political spectrum there decisively to the right. For instance
> it is now politically dangerous for Kohl to come out and say
> that VE day was a day of liberation for Germany.

That's surely not correct. Public opinion changed dramaticly on this
subject in Germany. *Ten, or even five years ago* it would not have been
possible for Kohl to speak of the eights of May as day of liberation, but
now this even seems to be the "official" line, with only a few right wingers
Of course this change of public opinion doesn't have anything
to do with successful left wing counter-violence. It's rather a generational
question and probably a kind of precondition for sitting at the table
of the winners.

Andreas Goesele
Mannheimer Str. 12
D-80803 Muenchen

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