I wrote:

>>I don't know enough to cite detailed evidence, but I think your statement
>>that the Kosova nationalist movement "was inspired by the desire to have a
>>racially and religiously pure republic" is slander. What is your evidence
>>for this?

Louis posted this article: 
>The New York Times 
>>November 10, 1987, Tuesday, Late City Final Edition 
>>SECTION: Section A; Page 4, Column 3; Foreign Desk 
>>Pristina Journal;  Blood Will Have Blood; It's the Code of the Clans 
>>By DAVID BINDER, Special to the New York Times 
An anecdote about 'blood feuds' is evidence? The article doesn't even quote
anyone calling for racial (certainly not religious) purity. But if it is
correct about the extent to which Albanians used to run the show one can
certainly understand why they nearly all got pissed off about their lot in
Milosovic's Yugoslavia. 

I had written:

>There is no way the Kosovars and the other citizens
>of the old Yugoslavia will ever dump reactionary nationalist leaders and
>re-federate or cooperate in some other progressive form without
>crystal-clear assurances of national rights, which include the right to
>make the occasional 'wrong' decision.

Yoshie replied:

>What if the reactionary nationalist leaders made, in the name of
>'self-determination,' the wrong decision whose effect would be the negation
>of self-determination? Obviously, under the rule of the NATO ground troops
>(or other 'peace-keeping' forces from foreign nations), ethnic Albanians
>and other peoples in Kosovo will have no power of self-determination. What
>they can and cannot do will be determined by foreign military powers.

Yes, like the KLA is doing now. NATO/US is ultimately the greatest enemy of
of Kosavar self-determination there is. The Albanians will be be abandoned,
like the Kurds, or turned into a outright protectorate, as is being
discussed now. I'm still expecting a deal with Milosovic - the US has made
it clear the last thing they want is 'Kosovo for the Albanians'. 

But reactionary leaders and wrong decisions don't change the basic point,
that support for Yuglosavia against imperialism should not imply acceptance
of Milosovic's chauvinism and physical aggression towards Kosovars. This
stance writes off millions of potential allies against both imperialism and
the national chauvinism. Support for self-determination has to be
unconditional or it means nothing, but that doesn't mean it has to be
uncritical or imply political support for any current policy.

I responded here on the issue of self-determination, but I am also struck
at how much we all (myself included) get sucked into the line of both
chauvinists and imperialism that this is all about national or ethnic
tensions. It is ABC that social factors are the real underlying issue. 

Bill Burgess

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