Greg Ransom sent a note claiming that Hayek was not as anti-government
and pro laissez faire as leftists make him out to be.  He warns us
we should understand Hayek better.  He gives us cites to __ pages out
of two of Hayek's books to support his contention.  He also give us
a list of prople who have obviously misunderstood Hayek: Hirschman, Arrow, 
Galbraith, Stigler, Buchanan, Samuelson, Olson, Dionne, and Gottfried.  

Unlike us poor Marxists who have to guess what the Old Man really meant,
Hayek has been around to respond to misrepresentations of his ideas.  I know
of no case in which he disassociated himself from those attacking government
or championing laissez faire.  Greg may want to soften the reactionaryness
of Hayek for some reason, which I do not understand, but for us to "give up the
myth" that Hayek and his followers are blind believers in laissez faire, and
to give him credit fro being more reasonable would be a mistake.

Doug Orr

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