Just three points to add to the article:

Giuliani deals unfavorably with all minority communities,  e.g.: stop and 
frisks in Washington Heights (Hispanic) are as high as Harlem (African 
American), street pedlars (immigrants across many countries) have been 
extorted and driven out of business, and it is legal for the police to write 
tickets for yellow cab drivers (Pakistanis) which have higher fines and add 
more points to a license than other drivers face.  

Giuliani is faced with a term limit voted in by Dinkins.  Giuliani has to 
leave office after this term, so most of his policies have nothing to do with 
New York, he is playing to the white upper class in upstate New York and Long 
Island, all those people who take the money paid by minority communities in 
New York and use it to improve their white suburban areas.

One mildly amusing outcome of all this tragedy (Diallo and Louima) is that 
the police are now taking pot shots at one another, and Safir has become the 
man everyone loves to hate.

maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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