I wrote: >>The issue might be restated as "why did the US wait so long to
intervene in WW2?" <<

Rob writes: >If memory serves, some Japanese planes had to pay a visit to
one of your imperial holdings before you got really cross with them.  Even
then, the big R. didn't open hostilities against the the Euro-fascists
until Hitler (who still fancied his chances in Russia at that stage - and
who'd clearly forgotten what had happened when last the Yanks came across
the water some 24 years earlier) rather daringly declared war on the US. ...<

right. But the US could have entered the war earlier. (BTW, it amazes me
that Hitler actually lived up to his agreeement with Japan. He could have
gotten propaganda points by waiting for the US to declare war.)

>Can anybody assure me that no tactical or strategic commie-bloc nuclear
weaponry persists on Yugoslav soil?  If not, can anyone assure me it
wouldn't be under Belgrade's control?  Not a rhetorical question - I just
haven't a clue.  <

Tito's Yugoslavia wasn't part of the commie bloc. It was "non-Aligned." If
he had stashed away some nukes that he had developed w/o anyone's help,
we'd know about it by now. 

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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